Apr 15 2006, 02:27 PM
Goblin Rock?, Powernoize?, Rockabilly?, Sinthcore? & WizPunk ?
Could someone tell me more about these genres, they are all mentioned in rulebook, but I cannot find more info ?
References to currently existing bands/artist would be great..I know the music isn't quite the same with mojo and synthlink and all, but just to get the idea...
Apr 16 2006, 11:10 AM
Idont think it ever actually describes them, just namesthem.
My best gueses.
Goblin Rock?, very loud rock done buy orks and trolls for orks and troles. There the only ones that can listen to it for log without going deaf, covers issues related to being a porr downtrodden trog that intends to prove everybody right buy hitting them
Powernoize?, the logical extension of modern distorted rock music. Usually played extremly loud, listened to buy people that don’t care if they go deaf
Rockabilly?, I’m really guessing hear but it sounds like a mix of moderat rock and country and western. That probably wont stop them playing it far to loud
Sinthcore? The logical extension of electronica, don’t expect to be able to recognize the sound of an instrument, or anything else of that matter (ether in the music or immediately after this unduly loud noise is turned off)
WizPunk ? something mages like, possibly designed to generate strong emotions, and best listened to live wile astral (perception or projection) to get the emotional impact of the artists. Probably played just softly enough that you can understand the emotion, in some cases that is so your ears bleed.
Apr 16 2006, 12:08 PM
Goblin Rock?, very loud rock done buy orks and trolls for orks and troles. There the only ones that can listen to it for log without going deaf, covers issues related to being a porr downtrodden trog that intends to prove everybody right buy hitting them
Maybe cyber ears w/ dampers may help as well. Goblin Rock is probably played by Orks and Troll, very aggressive style and deals with the problem (like racism) they face every day. Much like the beginnings of Punk or HipHop.
Rockabilly?, I’m really guessing hear but it sounds like a mix of moderat rock and country and western. That probably wont stop them playing it far to loud
That's bands like Mad Sin, Social Distortion or Horrorpops. Good old Rock'n'Roll, sometimes mixed with Punk, Country or whatever the band enjoys. Has its own clothing and haircut style.
The ubbergeek
Apr 16 2006, 02:45 PM
Dual thread, but as they said there, Rockabily is in fact the name for the most ancient form of Rock, as played by the great predecessors.
Apr 20 2006, 01:50 PM
just thought something neaded clearing up, as rockabilly/psychobilly are two of my favourtie genres of music.
Rockabilly is music from the 50's and is pretty much the forefather of rock 'n' roll... think early Elvis.
Psychobilly, on the other hand, is basically a mixture of this and punk rock / a little bit of country, and bands like the horrorpops, nekromantix and tiger army fit into this genre. I would suggest you look into this genre, its hella cool.
Kremlin KOA
Apr 20 2006, 03:44 PM
just remember Angst Rock is still big
(goth rock styles done by angsty human and elven corporate descendants)
Apr 25 2006, 12:54 AM
For Synthcore I would consider bands such as; VNV Nation, Apoptygma Berzerk, Imperative Reaction, etc.
For Goblinrock I think of something similar to Hatebreed, or other hardcore/metal bands that have deep vocals. Blood for Blood would be perfect as well.
Powernoize: I think of Front Line Assemblysome Ministry and/or KMFDM could fit as well.
Its rock/metal with a nice industrial/noise mix.
Rockabilly: pretty much covered, its "classic rock n' roll" similar to bands mentioned before.
WizPunk: umm...haven't thought about it much.
Apr 25 2006, 07:52 AM
QUOTE (kenshin138) |
Powernoize: I think of Front Line Assemblysome Ministry and/or KMFDM could fit as well. Its rock/metal with a nice industrial/noise mix. |
Powernoize (or "Power Noise") would most probably be stuff like 5F_55/5F-X, Tarmvred, Antigen Shift, Iszoloscope, and Synapscape. FLA is just standard EBM, where Ministry and KMFDM are industrial rock bands. Power noise is usually pretty harsh, rhythmic noise with an abrasive soundscape. It's headache-inducing to most people, but I love it so much as a (sub-)genre that it contributed to my permanent tinnitus.

More bands can be found here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_noise Check out the two samples linked on that page while you're at it.
Apr 25 2006, 09:11 AM
i tend to just make up new genres and sub-genres of music for SR, mainly because i don't pay enough attention to popular music to know what the hell to call things. the main ones i've come up with are synthemo, which i imagine being something like Juno Reactor or the Chemical Brothers, but using only 'natural' sound samples (whale songs, etcetera); and fibercore, which i basically imagine as Linkin Park, but different.
Apr 25 2006, 10:17 AM
Abschalten :
Powernoize (or "Power Noise") would most probably be stuff like 5F_55/5F-X, Tarmvred, Antigen Shift, Iszoloscope, and Synapscape. FLA is just standard EBM, where Ministry and KMFDM are industrial rock bands. Power noise is usually pretty harsh, rhythmic noise with an abrasive soundscape. It's headache-inducing to most people, but I love it so much as a (sub-)genre that it contributed to my permanent tinnitus. 
More bands can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_noise Check out the two samples linked on that page while you're at it. |
Abschalten I'm glad you got that right. For a more popular reference although not exactly power noise, the Event Horizon soundtrack does have a power noise feel to it (similar to Tarmvred).
Sinthcore: Would this possibly be the continuation of EBM/Futurepop (Funker Vogt + VNV Nation)?
The ubbergeek
Apr 25 2006, 02:19 PM
QUOTE (mfb @ Apr 25 2006, 04:11 AM) |
i tend to just make up new genres and sub-genres of music for SR, mainly because i don't pay enough attention to popular music to know what the hell to call things. the main ones i've come up with are synthemo, which i imagine being something like Juno Reactor or the Chemical Brothers, but using only 'natural' sound samples (whale songs, etcetera); and fibercore, which i basically imagine as Linkin Park, but different. |
In the same way, I have a descendant of the New Wave

Neo Wave, and Dwarven and Elven metal - the first using a lot of electronic/techno beats mixed in like Industrial and cie, the second a descendant of the heavy-medieval, epic/melodic styles with folk, traditional, new age and cie influences mixed in.
Apr 25 2006, 06:47 PM
QUOTE (Abschalten) |
QUOTE (kenshin138) | Powernoize: I think of Front Line Assemblysome Ministry and/or KMFDM could fit as well. Its rock/metal with a nice industrial/noise mix. |
Powernoize (or "Power Noise") would most probably be stuff like 5F_55/5F-X, Tarmvred, Antigen Shift, Iszoloscope, and Synapscape. FLA is just standard EBM, where Ministry and KMFDM are industrial rock bands. Power noise is usually pretty harsh, rhythmic noise with an abrasive soundscape. It's headache-inducing to most people, but I love it so much as a (sub-)genre that it contributed to my permanent tinnitus.  More bands can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_noise Check out the two samples linked on that page while you're at it. |
Hats off to you friend....makes more sense.
Apr 25 2006, 07:46 PM
QUOTE (kenshin138) |
Hats off to you friend....makes more sense.  |
Glad I could help. I was an industrial geek before I was a Shadowrun geek.
Apr 25 2006, 08:13 PM
QUOTE (Abschalten) |
QUOTE (kenshin138) | Hats off to you friend....makes more sense.  |
Glad I could help. I was an industrial geek before I was a Shadowrun geek. |
Please. You don't know a damned thing about music.
Apr 25 2006, 09:09 PM
Look out, here comes the knowledge penis!
Apr 25 2006, 11:08 PM
QUOTE (Shrike30) |
Look out, here comes the knowledge penis! |
Nah, I know even less. I just like to continually hassle Abs about his musical preferences.
Apr 25 2006, 11:10 PM
Apr 26 2006, 05:30 PM
QUOTE (Geekkake @ Apr 25 2006, 03:13 PM) |
Please. You don't know a damned thing about music. |
It could be argued that the bands you listen to don't know a damned thing about music, either.
Apr 26 2006, 06:50 PM
oooo, tssssch Burn!
I'll just sit back here in the sidelines and enjoy the bantering about music tastes.
Still, all this info is great, now I can at least imagine what some of the genres are like.
Apr 26 2006, 07:24 PM
QUOTE (Shrike30) |
Look out, here comes the knowledge penis! |
Oh, man...it's not really my style, but that would make somebody a
fantastic signature quote!
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