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Full Version: The U.K. and London
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Soon, I'm going to be starting up a new game, with the U.K. (primarily London) as the setting. As one who hasn't really payed all that much attention to releases, has there been any updates to this region in anything since Shadows of Europe?

I'm especially curious to know if that Pendragon thing has worked itself out yet.

*Bites tongue* Nuuffinnngg yet.
Some people are able to tell a lot without saying anything. I am really looking forward to "Nuuffinnngg". biggrin.gif
Mmm, Shadows of Nuuffinnng!
Damn you synner, just release it all now, the pain from the lawsuits from fanpro will be reduced by the adulation you get here.

Only Joking. wink.gif I both love and loath the fact we have freelancers on here.
SL James
Yeah, they're fun to play with. Kind of like puppies.
James McMurray
QUOTE (SL James)
Yeah, they're fun to play with. Kind of like puppies.

What!?!?! That's sick! What kind of gamer would shoot a freelancer???
QUOTE (James McMurray)
QUOTE (SL James @ Apr 18 2006, 08:05 PM)
Yeah, they're fun to play with. Kind of like puppies.

What!?!?! That's sick! What kind of gamer would shoot a freelancer???

One that was fresh out of bricks?
I will say that London is on the short list for one of the upcoming location books, whether as a primary setting (each location book will have 2) or one of the backup alternative settings remains to be seen. Meanwhile I expect teasers will be cropping up in other sourcebooks...
Kremlin KOA
QUOTE (James McMurray)
QUOTE (SL James @ Apr 18 2006, 08:05 PM)
Yeah, they're fun to play with. Kind of like puppies.

What!?!?! That's sick! What kind of gamer would shoot a freelancer???

*Scene zooms in on me, Crouched behind some bushes.My phone vibrates, on silent ring*


"Dumpshock says this gig is sick? Okay, return Mr Johnson's upfront payment and book me a flight back to australia."

*Taking one last look at Synner through my scope, I retreat back to my car and fly home.*
I hope "London" with have a bit of info on the rest of the UK.
As I would like to like my South West (England) Mega Sprawl (Land's End to Bristol) into the Cannon Background.
Kyoto Kid
..I'm going to continue extrapolating from SoE and even the old London Sourcebook (which I used in my last campaign) since it has a number of good locations and an excellent overview of British society in general.

Not much has changed culturally in the UK the 50 or so years from present RL and the LSB, so I would think another 15 wouldn't make much of a diff save for some political figures. Heck in 2063 they were still using the traditional currency when the rest of the NEEC fully adopted the Euro and electronic cred.
SL James
I wonder if V... er, Pendragon succeeded.
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