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Johnny the Bull
QUOTE (BGMFH @ Apr 13 2008, 12:10 AM) *
I am probably going to be spending a few days in Australia in May... On liberty as I finish out this deployment with the US Marines... all you old timers need to track me down and send me contact info to see if we can have a forum meet while I am in country. is the best contact for me these days.

I'm back in Brisbane til the 5th of May if you'd like to do a meet. Then we could have some serious Dumpshock necromancy - myself, Rip Van Mason, Catcom and possibly Jestyr.

I also still live in Sydney however I am now in the illustrious Redfern Barrens biggrin.gif

I like Redfern. nyahnyah.gif biggrin.gif

I lived there for a few years, but moved a little over 4 years ago.
Still down here in Melbourne, though way out in the outer suburbs.
Long time, no see. How's the ever-expanding family? smile.gif
Well, bub # 10 is about 18 months old, and miss 19 is going to move to Sydney(ish) with her boyfriend in a couple of months. biggrin.gif
And I thought I was bad! You need a new hobby! wink.gif biggrin.gif
How bad have you been then?
Lately? Or in general? biggrin.gif
Yo, i am a sydneysider. I live on the northern beaches but will be moving this year or next due to the rent being too high. I play a shadowrun mud on the net, message me if any of you want to join and play alongside me. I mainly like decker characters. twirl.gif
Hey I'm from Australia too, I've been lurking around for awhile but this is my first post I think.
I live in Echuca, yeah I already know Tiralee.
Hi All,
well I am from Werribee (Midpoint between Melbourne and Geelong).
Just play in a small group for the moment as the group are getting older and some drift off.
(always looking for new players nyahnyah.gif )

I keep finding myself drifting back to SR since I started with 1st Ed, but I always find it a hard game to run with the type of players I game with (all but 1 or 2 find it too much like hard work).

I long for the day where I can actually play in a campaign of SR, since I have never actually been a player in a game since the early 90s (for one session).
Well I'm from Sydney. Never played much SR as groups are harder to find than water these days.

Are there any groups out there atm (in my age group)? I would be willing to GM a game (or alternate GMship) when my knowledge of the rules is better rounded.
Phylos Fett
Geez - I had completely forgotten about this thread (so much so, I was almost going to start one wink.gif ).

I am still alive (in one form or another) and still in BrizVegas (which is actually sunny today, which means I should be in the yard playing with poisons, but I might pass on that...).
QUOTE (Darth Phylos @ Feb 26 2009, 06:11 PM) *
I am still alive (in one form or another) and still in BrizVegas (which is actually sunny today, which means I should be in the yard playing with poisons, but I might pass on that...).

I can't afford to travel to Australia, so interloping here is the best I can do. -My- yard is under half a meter of snow, and it's going down to 30 below tonight. There's a herd of deer in the woods behind my house. That must mean the bear isn't in there tonight. Or the moose. They must timeshare.

I'm lifting a pint to you, boys. (And girls?)
Melbourne here, been playing Shadowrun since 1st ed.
Melbourne, south eastern suburbs here. SR4 GM and player.

Sorry for reviving the thread... But we Aussies get lonely.. smile.gif
Here be Melbourne, more specifically in the outer North Eastern burbs
Johnny the Bull
*Thread necromancy*

I'm in Sydney permanently now. I've got a group of 3 players (mainly D&D) that I am trying to convert over to Shadowrun. We'll probably want a fourth player to round it out if there are any interested Sydneysiders.
i am in townsville, but i was from the south-eastern suburbs of melbourne
Johnny the Bull
Based on your quick reply I was hoping you were in Sydney.
sorry mate, i am townsvillian, but i am going to be in melbourne in a few weeks for a week or so, and i am looking for a game, or i might just GM one
Tir, Aidley and to a lesser extent Sparky & Kronk (<-Actually in WA) all still bashing about Echuca.

We tend to go for Skype now (soooo easy!) and like to play on Friday/Sat/Sunday nights, SR3 exclusively. (well, that and Pathfinder/homebrew)

Character setup is via NSRCG, 125 build points (do NOT speak to me of BeCKS) and the books and things are cannon SR3 (With Shadowbeat). Availability 8, nothing cultured and 20 questions completed - you know the drill. smile.gif


In play( ATM)
-Red Seven Security Concepts (6 years and counting, Current net worth getting close to a "C" rating)
-Big Iron All-Troll Gang campaign (Strap it on and get riding)
-The ORDER of the TRIAD! (all magic campaign)
-"Not from Around Here" Band (So far, just a few firefights and not a single performance. God damned booking rolls)
-Chaz Meatlugger and the Babettes of DOOM (Porno Campaign)
-'Zappin' in Seattle. (low-rent facemashers)

That and about 27 other "runs" with pathfinder, Dnd, etc. (I have an odd mind, keep notes and can go back to things after years have passed)
Have just slipped down to chilled Brisvegas and looking a group ...
I might be moving soon so is anyone in yeppoon?

Dear fuck man, there's nothing at Yeppoon!

Good luck on the search,

Johnny the Bull
Still looking for Sydney based players - Currently have a GM (me) plus two consistent players and one or two that turn up on occasion. Looking to grab a third consistent player, PM me if interested. Group is made up of a bunch of late 20's professionals and play once to twice a month on the weekends, with an average session length of 8 to 10 hours.

Will be resuming gaming next year around February with games hosted in the Lower North Shore.
Damn. You're like 6000 miles from an awesome game!
Johnny the Bull
QUOTE (Paul @ Dec 15 2011, 11:11 AM) *
Damn. You're like 6000 miles from an awesome game!

More like 9,500! Would love to play in your game Paul. Can you send me a link to your game journals? I can't find the entry for your first session.
Wow, memories.

Still in Melbourne, SE suburbs. Started looking at SR again.
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