Apr 23 2006, 06:39 AM
Hey folks, I was just checking out youtube again and found this old Derren Brown video. Distance strike using suggestion, and the one inch punch guy is cool too.
Apr 24 2006, 01:25 AM
Hm. On the one inch punch thing, anyone found a link where they have the punch master whack something that measures PSI or something? Only stuff I found on google seemed more links to 'gee wouldn't it be nice if someone measured it with PSI' kinda stuff. Wikipedia wasn't much help either.
James McMurray
Apr 24 2006, 02:23 AM
Who needs to measure it? I saw a lady punch her way out of a filled grave using it. And we all know Tarentino wouldn't lie to us.
Apr 24 2006, 05:19 AM
edit: ok, just watched the film... oh gawd, I'll only believe that crud is if I personally have it done to me. Only then. Oh geez, that was a good laugh.
I remember going to some martial arts competition/exhibition a few years ago. There was a machine there for measuring your punch strength. Gawd, it kinda reminded of the carnival booth with the hammer and bell at the top of the post. Step right up, test your strength here, if you beat the limit you can get a prize. hyuk hyuk .
The part that made me lose it at that place was seeing the stupid qigong 'master' that's showing how he has 'mastered' his chi. Oh look, rubbing his hands together made that newspaper turn on fire. Oh please.
Apr 24 2006, 05:43 AM
The part that made me lose it at that place was seeing the stupid qigong 'master' that's showing how he has 'mastered' his chi. Oh look, rubbing his hands together made that newspaper turn on fire. Oh please. |
Haha! The guy seems to be on a world tour. Or at least someone like him. Saw exactly the same thing here in Germany.
James McMurray
Apr 24 2006, 06:37 AM
Or is it the Awakening?
Dum dum dummmmmmm
Apr 24 2006, 06:52 AM
I don't think so. It would be 5 years and 8 month early.
James McMurray
Apr 24 2006, 02:50 PM
It's just the early ripples. Give it time.
Apr 25 2006, 03:49 PM
Hell, me and my buddies have mastered the one-inch punch, too. 'Cept around here, we have a different name for it: "push."
And apparently, the magician at my 8th birthday party has mastered his Chi, too.
Good laugh, thanks.
Straight Razor
Apr 26 2006, 04:24 AM
the one inch punch is a simple trick of physice and mostly biology. it is not hard to get relitivaly good at it. it is much harder to get to where you dont hurt your self doing it.
you see it dose not take any energy to contract a mussel(other that the VERY tiney amoung in the nerve trigger pulse). your body burns chemical energy in the form of ATP in the act of relaxing your mussels. this is where the calsium pumps load the mechanical potentional for you mussels.
a single mussel fiber can contract with around 15 lbs of force(i think correct me on that if i'm wrong) there are hundreds of fibers in a mussel, and dozens of mussels involved in most actions.
Now. it is also noted that you have the abilty to choose how fast or gental you wish to move. Mussel fibers only have contrace and relax. pressure / speed controll happens by counter acting the action of the dominate mussel. (pull this sida a little pull this side alot)
if you have ever watched someone go into fright or flight and preform an act of super-human strength. you may have also noticed that they were very gittery, and had poor controll of there movement. this is because there body is not trying to counter pull the dominate mussels. all power no controll.
So if one learns to trigger relaxed mussels and not counter act the domonate pull. one can get a lot of power in a very short burst. that is the 1 in punch.
Apr 26 2006, 12:40 PM
uh huh
Wounded Ronin
Apr 26 2006, 11:10 PM
Heh heh, every time "t3h distance strike" comes up I think of this funny video of a fat Dillman disciple having his no touch knockout disproved by an investigative news reporter.
It's the the video section of
Apr 27 2006, 03:42 AM
QUOTE (Straight Razor) |
the one inch punch is a simple trick of physice and mostly biology. it is not hard to get relitivaly good at it. it is much harder to get to where you dont hurt your self doing it.
you see it dose not take any energy to contract a mussel(other that the VERY tiney amoung in the nerve trigger pulse). your body burns chemical energy in the form of ATP in the act of relaxing your mussels. this is where the calsium pumps load the mechanical potentional for you mussels. a single mussel fiber can contract with around 15 lbs of force(i think correct me on that if i'm wrong) there are hundreds of fibers in a mussel, and dozens of mussels involved in most actions. Now. it is also noted that you have the abilty to choose how fast or gental you wish to move. Mussel fibers only have contrace and relax. pressure / speed controll happens by counter acting the action of the dominate mussel. (pull this sida a little pull this side alot) if you have ever watched someone go into fright or flight and preform an act of super-human strength. you may have also noticed that they were very gittery, and had poor controll of there movement. this is because there body is not trying to counter pull the dominate mussels. all power no controll. So if one learns to trigger relaxed mussels and not counter act the domonate pull. one can get a lot of power in a very short burst. that is the 1 in punch. |
It doesn't take much energy to contract a muscle if there is no resistance.... when you start adding resistance you burn a heck of a lot of energy. Also the faster you need to accelerate the limb the more energy it is going to take. Work = force x distance. the amount of force required is the mass x acceleration. A muscle does have strength points, where you can load the muscle and have it fire at an incredible rate, but that is not near the end of the range of motion, but rather around the 70% mark.
A simple arm punch will not move a person, the "master" would have to synchronize all of the muscles in his body, hips, calf, thigh, arm, back, shoulder, tricep, pecs, in such an incredible contraction to generate the incredible force required. Did you notice with the candle, it was a "moving" 1 in punch that spanned a foot? What you witnessed is good old television trickery, and acting.
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