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Ok, so during last night's game, my group had tracked down a hacker who was trying to trick us into switching sides on our Mr. Johnson, saying he would backstab us and such. We found him in a cheap hotel, and a clairvoyance spell revealed he was in the company of 5 street sams. Well, our group consists of only myself (a pyromaniac mage) and a troll street sam who favors a monokatana and his new bow-lista (16P damage!), so we were'nt real keen on taking on 5 street sams and a talented hacker, along wth who knows what kind of securit devices they have, in such confined spaces. So instead, we took a trick from The Italian Job and covered the ceiling of the room beneath them with 2 kilos of explosive foam. One detonation later, and the stunned and bewildered group was staring down our pair of shadowrunners, an arrow that shot off one sam's torso and a nasty manaball turning the survivors into corpses.

So I got to thinking: I bet there are a bunch of people who have taken ideas from movies and implemented them into Shadowrun, or had movie-esque ideas of their own. So come on guys, let us all know of your Hollywood hijinks! smile.gif
Wiz In Red
Not really a movie moment (atleast not that I've seen), but during a run once, we had Renraku Red Samurais fast rope (air assault style) into our combat with a cyberzombie. We were seriously overmatched (would have been worse without the NPC Rigger with the two drones providing backup). After the Red Sams slid in, a human from our group (no cyber, no magic type) climbed up the rope and tossed a grenade (flash-bang or neuro stun, I don't remember) into the helicopter and rappelled back down Aussie style. The helicopter crashed soon after and our drones started to have a bigger effect.

Like I said, I've never seen it in a movie, but I really would like to.
QUOTE (Wiz In Red)
Not really a movie moment (atleast not that I've seen), but during a run once, we had Renraku Red Samurais fast rope (air assault style) into our combat with a cyberzombie. We were seriously overmatched (would have been worse without the NPC Rigger with the two drones providing backup). After the Red Sams slid in, a human from our group (no cyber, no magic type) climbed up the rope and tossed a grenade (flash-bang or neuro stun, I don't remember) into the helicopter and rappelled back down Aussie style. The helicopter crashed soon after and our drones started to have a bigger effect.

Like I said, I've never seen it in a movie, but I really would like to.

Sorta in a way reminiscient of Empires Strikes Back when Luke is hanging off the ATAT and tosses his grenade into it before doing his release back down to the snow.
I don't know if this qualifies as a movie moment but a few years ago I was running an SR3 game set in the Philippines for a holy week marathon session (5 days from Wednesday to Easter). A bunch of rich kids decided to go to the boondocks to show their "distaste" for the Japanese occupation by helping to build Catholic churches. The Imperial Japanese sent in a regiment to wipe out the churches, but the kids families found out about it and hired a bunch of runners (off-country talents) to rescue them.

They did rescue, not only the teens, but also a whole bunch of other people ... gratis (amazed the heck out of me considering how mercenary this group was). Three weeks later the movie Tears of the Sun came out ... it looked so much like our game.
We had one that started during character creation.
'The Fast and the Furious' was on and I got to watch one of their semi stealing bits. After whisch I annouced that we were never doing that... 3 weeks later I'm forced to eat my words as I am sent across a rope from our car to the target's Suburban with a gernade. We couldn't pierce the armor but they left the dumb moon roof open.

Chunky Salsa grinbig.gif
Currently, we have a job to kill everyone inside a club full of heavy-cyber mob guys and burn it down. Borrowing an idea from the current season of "24", our stealth expert will be sneaking in a canister of cyanide/DMSO (unfortunately unable to get our hands on military-grade VX) and planting it in the building's HVAC systems. Remains to be seen if the plan will work (will be roleplayed in a week).
Fire Hawk
"Curse these (or this) high heels/moon roof/laserless sharks/locked door/faulty keycard slot/Muad'Dib/meddling kids/dumb gas-operated chainsaw!"
QUOTE (Fire Hawk @ May 1 2006, 05:33 PM)
"Curse these (or this) high heels/moon roof/laserless sharks/locked door/faulty keycard slot/Muad'Dib/meddling kids/dumb gas-operated chainsaw!"

Muad'Diib! Muad'Diib!

While first playing Shadowrun in the mini-module Supermarket Shuffle, I poked my SMG through a chips display and downed the guy in front of it, while screaming "Dodge this!"
Good times. (Yes, I was the Street Samurai.)
While I haven't seen this in a movie, it was something that seemed very "cinematic-esque" to me.

A PC of mine was a detective agency, and ran it out of his apartment. Two amazingly bad-ass guys came to speak with him, trying to track down a man who was one of the party's fixers who had an incredibly shady past. He was a former shadowrunner who had stolen proto-type cyberware and had it installed in him. They wanted to get said cybernetics back, and finding that the detective had connections to him, they came to have a nice little "chat." These guys were top-notch assassins (both delta-ware'd street sams) that I had intended to keep around for awhile. I expected the detective to either talk his way out of it, or run, perhaps by jumping out of the near-by window.

PC's do things you don't expect them to do.

The detective has a large desk which he sits behind when talking to his customers, and so far he's been rather cordial with the assassins, and they've even taken seats in front of the desk. The detective knows that he's in deep shit, but in case of emergencies, he has a small rack underneath the desk that stores a shotgun. Right in the middle of the conversation - very smoothly - he grabs it, and do to some nice rolling on his part and some very poor rolling on mine, he manages to surprise them both and go first.

Shotgun shells get unloaded and one of them gets their head blown off immediately. The other goes into attack (he's a martial artist), and again, rolls terribly on his HUGE die-pool while the detective uses what little is left of his combat pool that he didn't use with the shotgun. So he misses, while the detective maneuvers around and pumps him full of a few more slugs, killing him.

The whole scene was just so bad-ass that I completely forgot to use the bad-guy's karma pool ( dead.gif ). It was just that awesome.
reminds me of the scene from the movie, The Firm, the investigator was also being visited by two men while his secretary was under his desk. He also did the shooting the guy trick though his gun was set under the table so he didn't have to pull it out. Needless to say he didn't survive, though his secretary did.
Protagonist, PBTHHHHT:

It also sounds like something from the movie Tombstone (1993).

There's a scene in that film (it takes place in a saloon) in which Johnny Ringo (Michael Biehn) is simultaneously showing off his gun-handling skills and trying to intimidate a potential adversary--John H. "Doc" Holliday (Val Kilmer, in a scene-stealing role).

As Ringo is alternately twirling his revolver and pointing it at Doc's nose, Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell), who's dealing faro at the table behind the two, slips his left hand under the table and grasps the grip of a sawed-off double-barrelled shotgun, which is fastened to the underside of the table on a pivoting mount, and surreptitiously cocks both hammers, swiveling the gun to cover Ringo.

If you want to know more, you'll have to see the movie; I've spoiled it enough already.

Or, if you prefer, "That would be *TELLING*."


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