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1) München Noir, the first German SR4 sourcebook (more precisely, the world's first SR4 sourcebook) is finished. It's the first release in the new "Hot Spots" line of city sourcebooks, consisting of a detailed description of Bavaria's capital Munich from a shadowrunner's POV and a short campaign.

2) The next Hot Spots release will be SOX, detailing the nuclear wasteland created by the Cattenom reactor meltdown.
SOX is written by German and French authors!
It is scheduled for the second half of 2006.

3) "Arclight", a Japanese gaming company, will release a Japanese translation of SR4 in summer 2007!
Currently, Arclight produces a number of original fantasy and scifi RPGs and translations of World of Darkness.

4) Wizkids has given permission to release a fan-made Czech translation of the SR3 core book for free!
Download link (8MB ZIP archive containing 20 PDF files)

5) Schattenstädte, the German translation of Runner Havens, is scheduled for release in mid-July. The book features Seattle, Hong Kong and Hamburg* in detail plus Cape Town, Caracas and Istanbul in shorter articles (*the English version contains a less detailed chapter).
3) "Arclight", a Japanese gaming company, will release a Japanese translation of SR4 in summer 2007!
Currently, Arclight produces a number of original fantasy and scifi RPGs and translations of World of Darkness.

how many reverse "someone sent us up the bomb" translations do you think will be in there?

I wonder if we translate the czech version back to english if I can get that one for free as well? nyahnyah.gif
Kremlin KOA

When I first read that I misread it as Munchkin Noir

and my first thought was "Well they did say they were marketing to 12 year olds."
QUOTE (Kremlin KOA)

When I first read that I misread it as Munchkin Noir

and my first thought was "Well they did say they were marketing to 12 year olds."

I knew I wasn't the only one who read it that way!

And awesome regarding the Hot Spots city books... in my opinion, we need detail on more cities other than Seattle.
Yeah, detailed city books sounds cool.

Wondering, whether there will be a new germany sourcebook along with all the changes introduced by SR4...

QUOTE (BrianL03 @ May 5 2006, 10:08 PM)
And awesome regarding the Hot Spots city books... in my opinion, we need detail on more cities other than Seattle.

The Hot Spots books will be a German only release (in the case of the SOX book a German-French release) and will feature several local sprawls and flashpoints. Each will feature a single sprawl and local campaign material.

FanPro US will be sticking with multisprawl location books. Runner Havens (upcoming), Corp Enclaves (working title), Feral Cities (tentative title), Awakened Haunts (tentative title) are currently on the drawing board with a couple of others waiting in the wings (I believe a couple more were mentioned at GenCon last year). Each will cover 2 core settingswhich fit the theme (in detail) and then briefly visit a handful of other sprawls that fit the profile but have distinct atmospheres and run opportunities.
QUOTE (Synner)
Feral Cities (tentative title), Awakened Haunts (tentative title)

Am I the only one who saw these and thought 'I might actually buy a location book!' How very cool! I am very excited, and good job on the aggressive book creating.

As an aside, is there a reason why location books are taking precedence over books like M&M, MitS, etc?
Kanada Ten
He's not saying they are, other than Runner Havens; he's just saying there will be a group of location books for 4. The rule expansions are in playtesting already, while the location books are "on the drawing board."
QUOTE (nezumi)
As an aside, is there a reason why location books are taking precedence over books like M&M, MitS, etc?

I direct you to the FanPro Catalog for the expected release order. The only location book currently slated for release is Runner Havens which provides players with the core setting background for 2070 just like Seattle and New Seattle did in their day.
SL James
QUOTE (Synner)
Corp Enclaves (working title)

Ooo. Manhattan.

1) München Noir, the first German SR4 sourcebook (more precisely, the world's first SR4 sourcebook) is finished. It's the first release in the new "Hot Spots" line of city sourcebooks, consisting of a detailed description of Bavaria's capital Munich from a shadowrunner's POV and a short campaign.

So, basically it's like the campaign books Findley wrote (NAN 1, NAN 2, Paradise Lost, etc.)?
Kanada Ten
Sounds similar with the setting more like a Target:X book.
SL James
Yeah, except for, "and a short campaign."
Kanada Ten
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like NAN as in Setting + Adventure, but a more Target:X style setting than NAN style setting.
QUOTE (Thanee)
Wondering, whether there will be a new germany sourcebook along with all the changes introduced by SR4...


Hopefully. Not.
QUOTE (Thanee)
Wondering, whether there will be a new germany sourcebook along with all the changes introduced by SR4...

Time will tell.
For now it seems the AGS will be explored piece by piece in the "Hot Spots" books. Plus the Hamburg chapter of Runner Havens (and I somehow expect Frankfurt to show up in Corp Enclaves).

The German version of System Failure contains an in-game report by S-K intelligence detailing some changes in the AGS due to Crash 2.0 (some already happened in 2064/65, some expected for the future, i.e. SR4's present): political changes in Saxony (coup d'etat, military council replacing the pseudo-aristocracy, population in support of the new government), negotiations of the Troll Kingdom to become full Alliance member (so far only an Associated Territory), possible merger of Westrhine-Luxembourg and Nordrhine-Ruhr due to near bankruptcy of the former...
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (SL James)
QUOTE (Synner)
Corp Enclaves (working title)

Ooo. Manhattan.

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