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Divine Virus
Gore's hoity toity eatery, 7:30 11/6/70

Sebastian is just saving all his search data to his commlink when Al enters his cybereye's field of vision. He waits for it to finish then drops out of full emersion and suddenly feels all the aches in his body from not moving for some 6 hours.
"Hi Al!", Sebastian says as he streches out his body. "Good to see you again. I found some stuff on the sword, and had a bunch of great ideas. Did you get my message by the way?"
Gore's hoity toity eatery, 7:31 11/6/70
Morning lads good to see your both well, Sebastion you look a bit worse for wear have you been up all night ???

*Gore sits down waiting for a waiter to come along*

So did you find any information about the sword???

>> Refrence found: Keyword "Unfound"
>> Source: O Lost, Thomas Wolfe
>> Location: Prologue: Anabasis
>> Excerpt: "...a stone, a leaf, an unfound door; of a stone, a leaf, a door. And of all the forgotten faces. Naked and alone we came into exile. In her dark womb we did not know our mother's face: from the prision of her flesh have we come into the unspeakable and incommunicable prision of this earth."
>> Excerpt: "Remembering speachlessly we seek the great forgotten language, the lost lane-end into heaven, a stone, a leaf, an unfound door. Where? When?"
>> Refrence Found: Keyword "Unfound"
>> Source: The Stand, Stephen King
>> Location: Chapter 64
>> Excerpt: "The bricks of language. A stone, a leaf, an unfound door. Words. Worlds. Magic. Life and immortality. power."
>> Refrence Found: Keyword "Unfound"
>> Source: The Dark Tower, Stephen King
>> Location: BLue Heaven, p.173
>> Excerpt: "...creatures without breath pent behind an unfound door. And now Walter judged it was too late to set them free."
>> Entry Found: Keyword "Unfound"
>> Source: Dunkelzahn Institute for Magic Research
>> Location: Mysterious Magical Artifacts
>> Excerpt: "Commonly called the sword of power, has a strange inscription running down the blade, written in a language that is long dead, translated using a key recovered recently in 2064. The inscription runs like a mirror image down each side of the blade, but with the archaic symbols that comprise the language, it reads differnt on each side. On one side it reads 'Let the lost be found' and the other 'And the found be unfound' the current location of the artifact is unknown, if you have any information about the item, please contact DIMR at 555-542-9874-7"
>> Refining Search Parameters
>> "Sword" changed to "Sword of Power"
>> No Results
>> Broadening Search Parameters
>> 1,365,478,019 entries found
>> No encrypted results found
>> Search Function Terminated
>> Incoming Message
>> Sender: Unknown
>> --Begin Message Code--
>> You looking for unfound pleasure? Visit our matrix location, we'll introduce you to your wildest fantasy, and our sims are very hot.
>> --End Message Code--
>>Attachment Found
>>Opening Attachment
>> --begin message--
>> Keep your nose our of trouble kid, we wouldn't want anything bad to happen...
>> --End Message--
Divine Virus
Gore's hoity toity eatery, 7:31 11/6/70

"I did!" Sebastian says, beaming with pride. "I'll transfere the whole file, but I flagged the part that I think is actually relavent."
[ Spoiler ]

After the file transfere is complete Sebastian adds "I think I'm going to suggest to Avenger that the two of us do some 'investigating' and see what else this DIMR knows. I don't think he likes me very much, so it will be a good to work together, and forget whatever he has agienst me." When Sebastian said "investiagating," quotation marks flashed in Gore's AR display.
Gore's Hoity Toity Cafe AKA The Sombre 0730 11/6/70

Al spots Sebastian and joins him. They are both wearing exactly what they wore last night. Al looks more like drek - in a smoky bar he almost fits, but in the light of day there is nothing to romanticize his loose, jaundiced skin and shockingly emaciated frame, which the leather jacket only accentuates by virtue of its bagginess.

"Hi yerself, kid." Last night, Sebastian had guessed that maybe Al spoke so loudly because of the music in the bar, but he's barking his sentences just as raucously now, on the sidewalk in front of this upscale cafe. "'Course I gotcher message - din'n'tcha git my reply? And congrats on the sword info, but it's all the same ta me if ya save it fer the Gorester - and speak of the devil..."

Greetings are exchanged and food ordered. Then, as Gore immerses himself in Sebastian's upload, Al scoots in closer to the young adventurer.

"Awright, kid - I do think I know someone that kin help you with them there," he pauses and spits, narrowly missing some elf waiter's shoes, "gel rounds, but maybe you'll listen ta ol' Al before ya go rushin' off an' doin' somethin' 'at might scar yer persuhnal identity fer life.
"I'm jist gon' come right out wit' it son - gel rounds is fer pussies. There, it's said. Ya gotta understand, muh boy, guns is ta be respected, and ya go pollutin' 'em with alla these new-fangled gadgets and gim gaws an' you done lost yer manhood, jist like that. Gone.
"You gon' shoot sumbody, ya best shoot 'em so they don't get up, 'cuz they shore as hell ain't gon' be in a very fergivin' mood when they do. Like it says in the Good Book - half measures is fer fools an' worse'n fools.
"So there's yer advisin' from yer good buddy Al. You jist mull 'er over a bit now."
Outside the Lonely Hearts 01:00

Patch hangs up with Stubbs. Uhg, I'm not going to the docs at this time of the night. I probably got enough ammo at home anyway.

Patch zooms off to Colonel Bubbies. While there he picks up a number of things on his mental list. GPS, check. Flashlight, check. Light sticks, check. Magnesium torches, check. Survival Kit /w thermal blanket, check. Duct tape, check. 50m rope, check. Micro Flares w/ launcher, check. This should do.

Patch goes up to check out and ignores the odd stare he gets from the ckeckout lady. I wonder if that look was for the chrome or the fact that I'm paying in hard currency. Ah well, who cares anyhow.

The PPR 02:00
After a long day Patch flops down on his cot in back for some much needed sleep.

The PPR 06:00
The alarm wakes him out of a deep sleep. It can't be time already...It is. Patch writes the usual note for Morey, when this type of job comes up, and places in the same spot on Morey's desk as usual. Here's hoping I can make it back to tear up that note.

Gore's hoity toity eatery, 7:33 11/6/70
"Good morning gentlemen."
"Good mornin' to you!" It sounds like a bulldozer trying to yodel. "Siddown, brother. Now lissen, my social graces ain't always whut they oughtta be, so yer gon' fergive me here, but I am fairly certain I never got yer name."
Gore's hoity toity eatery, 7:33 11/6/70

Sebastion if i phone the DIMR would you be able to make sure they cant trace my call?? I want to see what they know about this sword you reckon you could do it ???

gore raises an eyebrow while still perusing the file sebastion has sent him
Gore's hoity toity eatery, 7:33 11/6/70
*Gores eyebrows boh raise in surprise

How did you miss this ???

do you still have this message??? it was on the end of the file you sent me?

[ Spoiler ]
Divine Virus
Gore's hoity toity eatery, 7:33 11/6/70
"err... I just sorta did... I'll see if I have a message...." Sebastian says, blushing. "And, um.. Al.. I was just thinking that if we were suppose to catch this lady alive we would want gell rounds, so not to kill her, or injure her to badly."
"Shore, kid, I unnerstand, an' I reckon yer heart's inna right place. I'd jist hate ta see ya suffer unner the wrong influences, if'n ya take muh meanin'.
"I think there's a coupla points ya may be overlookin' here. First, yer fergittin' one key point about our precious target - an' that's that she is a member o' the fairer sex. Now, don' git me wrong, they got their uses, but I wun'n't 'spect 'er ta be too much of a headache. We'll jist knock 'er a good'un upside her pritty head an' haul 'er home ta Jack
"Now, on ta other hand, there IS some folk that will be in a posishun ta cause us no small measure o' discomfort an' tears, and son, the list goes on an' on.
"First off, ya gotcher military on both sides. They's all gon' assume we on ta other side, an' in no case gon' take kindly ta our presence. An' we most 'specially ain't gon' be establishin' no good relations with them there elf militants, an' they are the scariest o' the two.
"After the pair o' regular militaries, ya gotcher reg'lar folks residin' locally - they all'll likely be shootin' first an' askin' questions later. Make no mistake, there's still people livin' in that war zone, an' they'll be some tough cookies.
"Then ya gotcher basic garden variety paracritters - that's some real rough terrain, most o' which never much seen by menfolk - never know what that dad-blasted comet mighta sprung up.
"An' toppin' off the list - an' most dangerous of all - 'cuz they may be actively gunnin' fer us, is all the other yahoos 'at are after them there artifacts. I mean, the li'l missy's jailbreak din'n't exackly go unnoticed, now, did it? If these doohickey's is as valuable as everyone says, we gonna have wacky cults, the Dunkelzahn Institoot, an' the blamed corp she stole the things from all after this book an' sword. Alla these interests are shore ta have their own teams in play, either in-house or, like us, outsourced. Not to mention any freelancers 'at tipped ta the whole thing an' are jist in it fer themselves.
"So listen, my young friend, that there is a mighty long listin' o' folks we is real likely ta lock horns with, none'a whom is gon' ta be followin' no rules - they gon' play fer keeps. Time ta broaden yer thinkin' 'bout whut we're up against, and prepare yerself accordinly."
Al turns his attention to a waiter several tables away. "Yo, garcon! Yeah, I'm talkin' ta you - gimme a Grolsch....Whaddaya mean ya ain't got no Grolsch, it's the king o' beers, ya pansy!"
Divine Virus
"Umm... I don't understand somthing.... why does her being a her make a difference, as far as capturing goes? I mean, I was thinking we would want to get us some Super squirts, and knock out gasses, and flash grenades, and stuff like that for the target, but I do know what you mean about the other people... and thats what I am really good with, I mean, I understand how to deal with that, and I got lots of not-gel amunition for that, cause I do know what I am doing," Sebastian seems to be getting increasingly tounge tied, and blushing some more, "But, Umm.. I don't know alot of things that most people know so I could easly be mistaken about all that... its just with 9 people killed, lonestar... and um... oh geez, I hope this place doesn't have microphones... and the sword and book I think I don't understand how its going to be easy..."
"Whoooa, slow down there, Nelly. Take a deep breath. Here, have a drink o' water. There ya go. Shore are an excitable type, ain'tcha? Well ya got my apologies - I shore warn't aimin' ta upsetcha.
"But I don' mind sayin' I feel a lot better now, since ya say ya got them other bases covered. I'll tell ya, ya worry me some - like ya say yerself, there's a few things yer a mite slow on - an' I was concerned you were overfocusin' on the ALIVE element o' this li'l shindig, when there's more'n a good chance we're gon' meet some folks 'at don't merit such cunsiderayshuns. An' frankly, I was countin' on you, along with that Avenger feller, ta do a lot o' the heavy liftin' in such matters.
"So hell - ta each his own, I always say, ta each his own. We'll get them gel rounds fer ya jist as soon as this here powwow is cuncluded, an' I daresay we got some other shoppin' ta do, too, after what I been readin' 'bout this Scott Valley place.
"As fer the missy bein' a missy, well, keep in mind those nine yokes she wasted was cops, which is one giant step down from dungbeetles in my book. Don' impress me none a'tall.
"Anyhows, why'n't we jist talk about somethin' else till Avenger gits here. It's almost eight, an' somethin' about that guy tells me he ain't the type ta be late."
Divine Virus
Sebastian looks deeply releived and smiles. "Sounds good. Why don't I check the details of that strange message I got, the one that Gore pointed out. It will only take a second while we wait for Avenger..."
Gore Looks away from his glasses for a momet

Well gentlemen looking at it from a purely magical point of view im concerned, firstly if legend of this book and sword hold true, we will need much more then Gel rounds

heres my take, theoretically she could already know about us and this particular endevour, legend has it that this book may be able to tell the future, and as i have mentioned before the sword if she is wielding it and knows how to use it makes her unstoppable.

If and when we engage her, we need to find out what kind of power she is wielding before we dive in letting off gel rounds, remember if she can get a line of sight to you she can cast doesnt matter how hurt she is. i have Certain ways, physically of blocking her vision but that will not last long. we need to blind her asap, that will negate some if not all of her magical ability.

Are there any questions? from a magical point of view you want answered???
Divine Virus
"Well, thats really why I think it would be best to get some knockout gass, find when she is sleeping, and flood her with it. I think it is best if we never ACTUALLY started fighting, but see if we can knock her out before that. Of course, if she can see the future... that'll make things tricker." Sebastian says, thinking carefully. "Oh, and yes, I can insure that your call isn't being traced. I'm good at that kind of thing..."
Ah! excellent! If you could then, make this next call untraceable it would be much appreciated

Gore readies a number on his commlink the number for the DIMR and waits for sebastion to ready himself, when he gets the nod he dials

"AH! Good morning, good morning! My name is alex higgins i work for a small magical research facility in the UK, i wish to talk to someone who deals with magical artifacts......"

"Ah yes! hello, im calling on behalf of thebastion magical research facility, we are in posistion at this moment in time of getting a hands on a artifact of significant magical power, i was researching on the matrix and came across your node stating that if we can return said artifact to you to contact you, obviously we are a magical research facility like your own and would like to make a few notes on the item before signing it over to yourselves, however, is there a finders fee for returning items to the DIMR?"
"AH! Good morning, good morning! My name is alex higgins i work for a small magical research facility in the UK, i wish to talk to someone who deals with magical artifacts......"

"Just a moment sir," the line clicks, rings and is answered by a gruff sounding man.

"Ah yes! hello, im calling on behalf of thebastion magical research facility, we are in posistion at this moment in time of getting a hands on a artifact of significant magical power, i was researching on the matrix and came across your node stating that if we can return said artifact to you to contact you, obviously we are a magical research facility like your own and would like to make a few notes on the item before signing it over to yourselves, however, is there a finders fee for returning items to the DIMR?"

"Hehe, and what would you be lookin' for," the man says seeming to humor you rather than show genuine interest.
"Well, were currently VERY close to aquiring the Sword. of. power., and as for the finders fee, what are you willing to give, old boy, Were both men of education and both know what the sword can do in legend So what do you say??"

Gore stands up from the table slowly stretching slightly.
"Oh, why didn't you say so, you're going to find the sword of power huh," he says in that belittling voice that children get when they tell thier parents about the monster under the bed.

"What research firm did you say you were with again?"
Divine Virus
Before Gore makes the call Sebastian lays down a strong spoof network of false trails, then tell Gore to plug into a nearby payphone, where he does even more spoofing. He them sets up a quick program in the commlink, a red light that will come on in the top righthand side of the display. if it comes on, it means to pull the coords immediatly!
The Sombre Cafe 0745 11/6/70

With Gore and Sebastian busy with their call, Al smiles and shrugs at Patch, then clears some space in the middle of the table, unceremoniously plunking the centerpiece of fresh-cut flowers on the ground beside his chair. His brown leather jacket is so old it seems as though it might dissolve into dust if he touched it, but of course it doesn't as he reaches into its ill-fitting folds and produces a roll of hard copy. He lays a bunch of maps out on their table, using salt shakers and ashtrays to hold the corners down. Then he concentrates on his real bacon and eggs as he waits for Avenger.
I sir, dont like your condesending mannor i work for a magical research facility in the UK. Im currently tracking a target that has the item as well as a book know as The K'tala. You DO know what the K'tala is? dont you ??

Gore returns the condesending tone of the person on the other end.

Divine Virus
Sebastian winces. he doesn't like the way this conversation is going...
Al chuckles hoarsely. He loves the way this conversation is going.
The Sombre Cafe 0801 11/6/70

Polishing off his breakfast, Al stubs out his fourth Lucky of the morning and downs the last of the watery corp-chic swill this place passes off as beer.

"Alrighty, lets get this here show on the road. As ya kin see, I done printed out some map's for y'all's viewin' pleasure.
"To start with, our li'l missy picked herself a right good place ta go ta ground. This Scott Valley place is nestled in some REAL rough terrain. The valley floor itself sits over thirty-seven-hunnerd feet, an' the surrounding mountains range from five ta six thousand an' more. The only real road access is a Highway 3, which comes in from the north an' south. That's the ONLY road in from the north, and there's only one other road from the south, but it ain't even paved fer the worst ten miles - in winter, fergit it. Now o' course the REASON there ain't hardly no roads is obviously the mountains - so it's not like we kin use ground vehicles ta go some other way - there jist ain't no other passes.

"So unless any of ya owns a chopper or a plane, AND doesn't mind flyin' into a war zone with it, we gotta choose north or south.

"Now, we already got us a ten'ative consensis on usin' this Raven cat ta git us down the coast, so where to git off? Let's take a gander at the war zone. Now that runs straight across the breadth o' NoCal all the way ta the old Nevada line or thereabouts. Naturally its an imaginary line, but we'll use it as a rough guide. On the north it's bounded by the old Oregon border, so that's about twenny-five miles from the north end o' tha valley. On the south, the hostilities extend to a line stretchin' from southeast from jist above Eureka here on the coast over to the old Nevada border at about forty dee-grees north. That puts the south end o' the valley about forty miles inta the war zone.

"So now yer first reaction might be, hey, less war crap ta deal with goin' in frum the north. But don't be fergittin' that while the CFS military is spread all over creation trying ta keep Japan, Aztlan an' Pueblo from stealin' any more o' their major cities, the Tirs is only runnin' one war. An' they got a much more heavily policed society than down in CalFree. Not to mention that we ain't elves. So from the north we're basically in a war zone fer US all the way from the coast. An' then ya gotcher same basic problem with limited roads through the mountains - the furthist south east-west road is good forty-five miles north o' the border, so that's ninety-odd miles east, then seventy south, the first part o' which has ta be on I-5.

"Other hand, once we git ashore in CalFree, we ain't likely to have much trouble all the way east. Comin' ashore in Humboldt Bay gon' be no problim - buncha danged hippies livin' 'round there. I reckon we git us a couple a veehikles in Eureka and head east on California 299 ta a little burg name o' Weaverville. It's jist south o' the contested zone at the base o' Highway 3, the one 'at runs through the valley. Then, yeah, it will be a rough forty miles north, but it'll be marginally less cold than the other way, an' we's more likely ta run inta human forces than elfies. Whatever the diplowmats tell ya, with the Tir over ninty percent elf, an' CalFree mostly human with a big ork minority, this here's a race conflict or its a garden party.

"So I vote real strongly fer tha south, an' if y'all veto me, well, it's yore - er, I mean, OUR funeral - but in any case I'll do muh best ta git us there either way.

"Now," Al suddenly lets out a huge belch. It seems as though he's going to talk right through it, but then gets a sour look on his grizzled face. "Dagnabbit, don'tcha jist hate when a bit o' puke comes up with it?" He grabs a glass of water, gargles long and loud, and spits into the flower centerpiece he set on the ground earlier.

"Alright, then, where was I? Oh, yeah, movin' into the valley itself. Ta talk 'bout that, best fill ya in on the place a little. Scott Valley is jist that, a valley, not town. It's only a few miles wide, an' the floor is all leveled out fer farmin' purposes. But from the edge o' the farms, the mountains jist continues straight on up - I toldja how high they wuz - well, they's steep, too, and covered with woods. The valley runs north-south fer fifteen miles or so, then bends up northeast fer another twenny miles toward Yreka. There's a handful o' tiny communities, lotsa farms an' ranches an' whutnot, an' two towns, if they're worth callin' that. On the south spur, we got Etna, popyuulayshun 390, and up northeast there's Fort Jones, with about 330 folks still livin' there.

"Ta move inta the valley, whut I wanna do is NOT use the road, but to run parallel it, since we still gotta use the natural pass the road was built through. Now why not the road? Well, first off, this is the ONLY road runnin' north through these mountains fer a good thirty-five miles ta the west, an' another twenny-five miles off ta the east. So it shore as hell is gon' be o' some strategic importance fer anyone wantin' control o' the region. Now, I won't pretend to know exackly how hot or cold that war is runnin' right at this moment, but you kin bet'cher last nuyen there is gon' be some kinda innerdikshun or moniterin'. Probably roadblocks an' checkpoints, but at least lissnin posts. An' it could be mined or otherwise riddled with sensors. So fer that reason alone we'd avoid the road.

"The other reason ta stay off the road is cuz it wun'n't do us no good anyhows. Lissin' up now. Average temperature this time o' year in the valley is about 34 dee-grees, so much colder in the mountains surroundin' it. An' November is fully overcast about 80 percent o' the time. The kicker is that the valley itself gits an average o' thirty inches o' snow each winter, an' it starts fallin' real heavy in - yeah, you shore 'nuff guessed it - November. Now whatever the valley gits, you can pretty much double or more fer the surroundin' mountains. Now this bein' a war zone, it ain't like the Deeparmint o' Highways is gon' be runnin' plows through there, now is it?

"So whut I propose is that we git a feel fer local conditions in Weaverville. From there we kin decide how far we kin safely keep usin' the road, an' at whut point we gotta git us some horses. There's lots o' animals raised in that area, plenny o' horses fer tourism an' fer workin' the ranches. Mounted is shore ta be the best way ta handle both the snow an the offroad travel through the woods. They kin handle it if we need to go to higher ground ta avoid trouble, an' they been bred there in the mountains,so the climate ain't no worry fer 'em. An' inside the woods, they'll be a whole lot harder fer sensors ta spot.

"There's muh general plan. We kin arrange the local transport as we go or y'all online wizards kin prearrange it. I got sev'ral ideas fer trackin' the li'l missy's exack whereabouts, but we kin think about that on the way there.

"So take the plan or else make a diff'rent one. But if ya take it, I rec'mend we finish outfittin' ourselves an' send sumbuddy ta talk ta this Raven fella as soon as possible. Sooner we git onna water, sooner we gon' be there, an' most other research we need we kin do by commlink from the boat."

"Yes, I'm very aware of the K'tala, but I have it under good athority that book was destroyed years ago, by big D himself, so if you happen to think that two keys are just lying around in the same place, I think your sadly mistaken," his tone of condecendence is gone and replaced by one of simple curiousity.

"Let me ask you this, if you're located in the U.K. and you're a reputable firm, why is your number routed eight different times across the globe," he said a bit puzzled, "sure, it say location Glasgow, but then it also says Tibet, San Fransisco, Cape Town, Houston, Tokyo, Bagladesh, Ciaro, oh and my personal favorite, Antarctic Settlement number 23. So either you've got one hell of a tech department or well you know..."

The monitoring program that sebastian had set up in case of emergencies lights in a bright red, rapidly flashing stoplight icon.
Divine Virus
Sebastian notices the trace and starts redirecting it untill Gore cuts the signal. Once he does, Sebastian gets ready to make a quick call of his own
"As i said im in seattle on business, and the k'tala and sword are very much in one piece and in the hands of a maniac, unfortunatly, this conversation dear boy is terminated"

Gore terminates the call.

Why did, he call these two artifacts keys.....

Divine Virus
Sebastian Looks over his handwork and smiles. It is a masterpeice. From full subermersion he tosses Gore a quick message.
"When I say cut the connection Immediatly, that means IMMEDIATLY, not, 'after I get in the last word.' Don't worry, I'll take care of it. don't call me back, it might ruin everything."

Sebastian wipes all trace of his resonace from the documents and then connects to the same number that Gore was forworded to, using his Corperate Court ID. He leaves the screen blank and waits for the same gruff voice to answer, then Sebastian displays his Authorization. Using Edit, he changing his voice.

"Gooday. Due to the sesitive nature of our ivestigation my voice is being altered to prevent identification. This conversion is confidential. It shall not be mentioned to anyone, under any cirumstances during the next 60 years, or untill our investigation is completed. You will be notified in the event of the later. Here is the nessicairy documentation. [Forward Gag Order, and display on screen].

It has come to our attention that you have just been contacted by indiviguals claiming to be from the bastion magical research facility. We know they asked you for information pertaining to two magical artificats. You will turn over all your imformation and files pertaining to said artifacts, as any other information care to add. Here is thet nessicairy documentation [forward supena, and display on screen]. We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation."
Avenger having been watching hours and hours of footage, attempting to study this woman, his mind wanders back to his own training. The way the woman stuck to the shadows, and the ferocity of her attacks. I would love the honor of dueling this woman. Not much productivity, done. He begins packing what he believes he will need in a large duffel. He sorts through his "treasure room" again, placing random gear in the bag.

Before going to bed at about 3 AM, he sends one last command to his agent. He wanted him to go down to where the lady was last seen and sniff for any and all datastreams and nodes in the area, hidden or not.

The Sombre Cafe 0800 11/6/70
As Avenger walks into the cafe, he spots the rest of the crew and sits down to meet them. He orders a coffee and drinks it with cream but no sugar. After the speech Al gives, Avie speaks up lightly. "Well in case you don't know who I am, I'll be your infiltrator. I can also possible run the inside man, but I don't enjoy that kind of risk. On site recon, breaking and entering, and surgical strikes are my specialties. I consider myself a decent detective or private investigator, but that was a brief career. Perhaps we should break down the barriers of completion one by one?" His facade of "business wise man" is gone, and the man speaking to you now seems almost friendly and warm as his speaking continues. "We need to figure out transportation down there, how to get into the combat zone, how to locate the woman and artifacts, and then how the hell we can get out of there in one peace no matter what happens."

"For transportation - i think boat is fine, our hacker can make up some papers to get into Tir or CAS lands. Getting into the warzone could be hard. Maybe we can go undercover or something. Now for finding the woman may be the hardest part. If we got ourselves a mage, then we can possibly have a spirit search find her, but if she's strong with magic, or these artifacts have helped hide her, then this may not work and more drastic measures may have to be employed. I'm open to suggestions here."
The Sombre Cafe 0815 11/6/70

Hey,this feller ain't such a hard case after all. Musta jist been 'is game face fer negotializin'. Guess I gots me a few things ta learn 'bout this shadowrunnin' biz.

Al lets out a low whistle at Avenger's summation of the various questions and concerns that lie before them. "Well soak me in pig guts if it don't feel great ta be workin' wit' folks whut obviously knows whut they's doin'. Them all is certainly details needs hammerin' out, and no two ways about it.
"So let's considur this - while we chat, the missy could be doin' anything at all ta make our jobs harder, not ta mention the competition is shore ta be gittin' a head start on us. Now, unless we got people need talkin' to in person here in Seattle, I reckon there ain't too much we can't buy in NoCal, an' there ain't too much research we can't do from the boat.
"Whut say we sends one or two of us ta make the arrangements with this here Raven cat, and they lets us all know by whut time he kin be ready ta cast off. The rest of us use whatever time there is 'till then ta do whut we can here, but we make his earliest window our deadline, an' take care o' the rest, includin' all the jawin' we want, en route?"
The Sombre Cafe 0816 11/6/70

"Well gentlemen, for those of you who don't know me, my name is Patch. I can pilot anything that goes on land, air, or sea. If you need fixing up, I do that well also. Now, I can see a lot of thought has gone into this already which is good. Also it seems there is a lot still to talk about. I for one don't need to stay in Seattle for much longer. Nothing I need can't be researched on the boat.

I like Al's insertion plan. I do not like dealing with Tir, and have always found it difficult. I like Avenger addition to the insertion plan of have a cover for going into the war zone. I personally like the "we're here for humanitarian medical relief." Now one thing we should have are three plans for getting out. Off the top of my head: One to go back out through the war zone to the coast, One to go over land northerly back to Seattle, and One to go east first to get out of a possibly "hot zone" then secure transportation back to Seattle.

If no one has any objections, I will go see this Raven. When do you all think you will be ready to depart? And would anyone like to come along?"
The Sombre Cafe 0817 11/6/70

"Well, Patch muh friend, I do like the way you think. I agree with you one hunnerd percent on preparin' multiple outbound routes. But like you an' I 'ave both jist pointed out, that's somethin' kin jist as well be done onna boat. Believe you me, we gon' be all over that an' Mr. Avenger's ideas once we onna water.
"That medical aid thing sounds like a great idear as well. If you got some o' the necessary props fer that kinda thing, bring 'em along. Info on the war zone itself is spotty fer obvious reasons, so now I reckon we got my plan fer slippin' in on horseback an' yers o' headin' on up the road with a big red cross on our cars - reckon we can decide which one seems most appropriate once we git closer in, and take 'er from there."
Suddenly a small pouch is dangling from Al's tobacco-stained fingers, suspended by its drawstrings. A few seconds a go you could have sworn a lit cigarette was there.
"Don' fergit this li'l ol' token a' trust we got frum Crawford - an' the password about best regards from Ark Grueli or whatever crazy name that was. Wish I could go with ya, but got jist a few items ta pick up," at which point Al turns to Sebastian, "an' if ya wants them gel rounds, yer welcome to tag along." Back to Patch - "But you already worked with these other two, so they's yer best back-up fer that meet anyhows. In any case, ya got muh number, an' I will be ready to pull out jist as soon as you give the green light. No point in wastin' another damn minit!
"Well, li'l brother, ya ready ta mount up?"

"Well nevermind that it doesn't matter anyway, we don't acknowledge that court, since we're not a corp of have anything to do with them, but you should know that," he says very smugly.

"Thats a very high level injuncture though and I thought there was something fishy about that guy, I checked, actually I'm looking at it right now, and the company he gave me has never existed."

"Now even though I'm not cleared to look at the files for those artifacts, I can give you a digital transcription, and recording for the conversation. Also I can give you the trace we ran, and all the data collected on the calls. But I have strict orders from Mrs. Daviar herself to not disclose any information on the keys, even if she askes me for it. Thats all I can do, good luck with your investigation."
Avenger nods at Patch when he mentions going in as an undercover medical unit. "That could work." He listens in on the other comments as well. "Well, you know I'm always handy to back you up Patch, just as our new mate here mentioned. One thing though about your gel rounds. You do realize we're about to walk into a WARZONE. I can almost gaurantee that the enemies are not going to be packing gel rounds. But you guys do what you guys want."
Divine Virus
"Thank you for your time, and that would be much appreaciated. Even though you do not recognize the authority of the Corperate Court, please do refrain from discussing this call, as secrecy is of the utmost importance, as I have said. Thank you kindly."And Sebastian disconetcs as soon as the files are through and starts cursing, dropping out of full submersion.
"I learned 3 things.
1) They are somthing called keys
2) the man takes orders from a 'Mrs. Daviar,' and that the Keys are of such great secrecy that not even Mr. Daviar is allowed to know about them. Or be showed the files about them. I'll send you a record of the call...."
Sebastian quickly moves the files over to each commlink. So umm... I see a map now, but what were we disscussing?
Confused, Avenger looks up at sabastian, "Who is taking orders from nadja? and why is that a concern for us? and what was number 3!? I think I got lost somewhere."
Divine Virus
"opps, three was that Mrs. Daviar ain't allowed to be shown the information on the sword and the book. Sorry about that. And it was the man I was talking to at the institute, the one Gore talked to ealier."
The Sombre Cafe 0820 11/6/70

Al's eyebrows jump up his forehead. "Nadja Daviar compartmentuhlizin' 'erself frum 'er own outfit's secrits?! Them must be some fearsome pow'rful toys the li'l missy's put 'er hand to. Almost enuff ta make me reconsidur my own involvement in this here fracas...Almost." Turning to Gore, "Well, I reckon it's a mighty fine thing we got our own resident expert on matters o' this sort. Looks like ya got'cher work cut out fer ya sussin' this'un out, big fella.
"As fer whut we been discussin' my young friend, we done jist decided on a route ta our jump-off point, come up with two insertion options, an' decided ta table other impor'ant topics till we's onna water. These fellas wuz jist headin' over ta meet this Raven character, an' I'm off ta round up a few sundries might come in handy. You wanna tag along, I'll hook ya up with a guy might kin help ya with them gel rounds ya got'cher young heart set on.
"Good luck gents - ya got muh number - send me a list an' some cred if'n ya think of any last minute gear yer lookin' for. Like I said, I'll be ready ta go soon as this Raven cat is."
Al drops some cash on his plate and heads off to find a cab.
The Sombre Cafe 0820 11/6/70

Gore smiles, Al dont worry about the items the "lil lady" is carrying i will sort them out, i have some more research to do would it be possible to get a retractable riot shield from your contacts, i believe there only 400 nuyen. Gore looks over at Avenger, Avenger could you contact raven and get us passage to the "warzone" Time is of the essence here gentlemen, so i think we should be leaving tonight if raven allows. are we agreed?
The Sombre Cafe 0820 11/6/70

"No prob Gore, Patch and I are already on our way." With that said, Avenger turns on his in-head commlink and calls Raven asking for a meeting.
The Sombre Cafe 0820 11/6/70

As Al is about to duck his tiny frame into a cab, he grins and holds up one burn-scarred hand to give Gore a thumbs up, then holds up his commlink and jabs a finger at it, as if to say - Just send me the funds. The taxi pulls away trailing smoke from the rear passenger window.
The Sombre Cafe 0820 11/6/70

Patch takes the pouch from Al. "Thank you Al. Avenger, let's take my wheels?"
The Sombre Cafe 0825 11/6/70

Gore Activates his commlink, sending the funds over to Al, after completing this he sends a message to the other runners.

"Chap's im going to be summoning some back up for us, so if i dont reply then dont worry"

Gore Stomps off towards his home
Divine Virus
The Sombre Cafe 0820 11/6/70
"I'll come with you, Al, to help find the stuff we will need," Sebastian says, then follows Al to find a cab.

Raven aswers with a gruff swarthy, sounding voice, and tells you that you can meet up at the Fisherman's Warf (a seedy bar on pier 7), he's there and will stay that way until about noon. He adds in a smirking but still semiprofessonal way, "And the drinks are on you, Mr. Johnson."
"Thanks a lot chum" Avenger's Persona says into the message. In the real world, the human gets up and gives Patch a little grin. "Works for me if you don't mind giving me a ride back either here or to my place. I can send my bike home now. Oh and stop by a liquor store if you don't mind."
"Not at all. Good idea that liquor store one. Going to have to keep warm on that boat ride somehow." Patch get's up and says to the rest of the group, "Gentlemen, we will call you with the results of our sit down with this Raven character." With that Patch heads out to his car. To Avenger Patch says, "Let's do the store after the meet. Somehow I think it will set my mood for what I want."
Dock 27 1133 11/6/70

After strolling through the International District down to the docks under a typically overcast Seattle sky, Al and Sebastian approach Dock 27. "Met this cat last night, an' we hit 'er off real good. He'll be real happy ta see me, an' any friend o' mine is a friend o' his."

Al strides directly up to the area where Flash does business and extends a scarred paw - "Hey pal, I'm back, an' I still got money!" he barks, as though it is important the whole dockyard be apprised of his arrival.
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