May 9 2006, 05:58 PM
I was interested in other peoples custom spells they have created.
It's weird I am a naturally creative person but I can't seem to think of a spell that isn't a small change to an existing spell or just strictly worse than an existing spell.
My friend came up with a pretty good one:
Hot Potato - All metal touching or touched by afflicted caracter becomes unbearably hot.
I don't know what stats they agreed on for the spell but it was pretty cool....people stripped off their full body armor and dropped their guns...crazyness.
emo samurai
May 9 2006, 06:01 PM
Maybe have it be an elemental manipulation spell with a permanent effect. They'll have to make a will vs. spellcasting+Magic test; they'll have a -1 modifier for each net success on the part of the caster.
May 9 2006, 08:34 PM
QUOTE (chewy01234) |
My friend came up with a pretty good one:
Hot Potato - All metal touching or touched by afflicted caracter becomes unbearably hot. |
Your friend read SR3
May 9 2006, 09:36 PM
HE IS A THIEF??? oh that makes me happy.
SR3 stats only, extrapolate from there:
Draw Weapon
TN 6, Drain: L, Range: Touch
This spells draws the targeted weapon and places it in the character's hand, ready for use. If the caster has a held action and is attacked in melee, this spell can ready his weapon in time for use in a counterattack. Only 0.25kg of material per point of Force may be affected with this spell; if the targeted weapon is too heavy, the spell fails.
Ancient History
May 9 2006, 10:03 PM
May 9 2006, 11:32 PM
holy jeez us. Thats a long read. I will be perusing several sections. Thank you sir.
James McMurray
May 10 2006, 12:05 AM
Isn't drawing a weapon a simple action? Why would you take a complex action and risk drain (ok, not really a big risk, but you could roll bad)?
May 11 2006, 08:24 AM
It's hard to think of new spell ideas since MiTS sorta filled in everything under the sun. If you're interested in new grimoire, your time may be best spent converting the MiTS spells into SR4 rules for use in your tabletop campaign... Or the lazier option would be to twiddle your thumbs until they release the street magic SR4 supplement which will probably do it for you and much better than you could.
May 11 2006, 08:57 AM
the spell is not incredibly useful on its own. it's mainly intended for use with anchoring. you could also use it with a held action, if for some reason you wanted to fool your opponent into believing you're unarmed.
May 11 2006, 09:15 AM
'couple of ideas for spells (wihtout acutally writing them out stat wise):
Convert critter/spirit powers, such as "accident"
Convert over old Earthdawn spells. Rust and Earth Q'wirl would certianly have uses.
In one of our games, most of the team are all members of the same magical group. One of the strictures is that they msut add something to the groups magical stock pile every two months. Couple of interesting spell formula:
Banana peel : basically like ice sheet but funnier
Orgy: Same effect as chaotic world, but, once again, more interesting effect. Instant orgasm. Obviously, has multiple uses.
Spell Reaver: Basically a spell to damage/weaken other spells in the area of effect. Like an area effect dispel, but limited in ability by the force it's cast at. This one os more of a grey area to some folks, although technically it should be legal. The book says that the only thing sorcery can't do is conjure, teleport, or time travel.
May 11 2006, 11:46 AM
These are all utility-type SR3 spells that I've posted previously. Are there spell creation rules for SR4 yet?
May 11 2006, 12:07 PM
Distress Flare, Illusion, base drain L.
This spell causes a bright illusory flare to fire directly upward from the caster to a height of (force)x100 meters. During the day it is visible to a distance of (force + caster's Magic attribute) kilometers. At night multiply that distance by two. The flare will persist for a number of combat rounds equal to it's force without having to be sustained.
It serves no purpose other than to attract attention. Colour of the flare can be decided at the time of casting.
Trid Distress Flare, Illusion, base drain +1L.
As above, but this one will register on mechanical sensors and cameras etc.
Neither flare has any physical substance and if fired indoors will simply continue upwards to its usual height unless stopped by a suitable barrier, such as living matter, a ward or a Barrier spell.
May 11 2006, 02:58 PM
There was some talk about a spell to target other spells earlier, with the intention of dispelling them. I wondered if this could happen, so I did some reading, and this is what I believe after reeading up on the subject:
I don't have the page number, since I don't have the book at work, but it turns out that while spells have auras, they don't have an astral presence, so you can't actually target them. You can assense them, and you can pass through them (much like a mundane's aura), but you can't target them, and you can't attack them.
May 12 2006, 06:45 AM
Instant Allergies
Effect: The target suffers from the equivalent of an allergy / asthma attack with watery eyes, running nose, congestion, etc.
Magic + Spellcasting vs. Body + Counter-spelling (if available)
For a number of Combat Turns equal to Force/2 (round up), the target suffers a dice pool penalty equal to the Net Hits on the Opposed Test.
May 12 2006, 07:51 AM
(health spell)
Type M Range T Duration P DV (damage value)-2
Treat restores it's target mentally removing one box of stun damage per hit on the spell casting test. Hits can be used to reduce the base time as per the Heal spell.
Ankle Biter
May 12 2006, 11:55 AM
QUOTE (Aaron) |
There was some talk about a spell to target other spells earlier, with the intention of dispelling them. I wondered if this could happen, so I did some reading, and this is what I believe after reeading up on the subject:
I don't have the page number, since I don't have the book at work, but it turns out that while spells have auras, they don't have an astral presence, so you can't actually target them. You can assense them, and you can pass through them (much like a mundane's aura), but you can't target them, and you can't attack them. |
What you can do (If you haven't read Earthdawn) is create a spell that ramps up the local background count, more or less shafting all the spellcasters in your area. If you GM allows you to generate an aligned background count, then try asking for that holdout sized panther assaunlt cannon with zero recoil you always wanted, they may give you that too...
Ancient History
May 12 2006, 02:06 PM
In 3rd edition, that spell was called mana static.
May 12 2006, 02:20 PM
Just like MiTS did for SR3 I think the new Magic book (when it eventually comes out) will have rules for making spells as well. My favorite custom spells were the illusion spells. Spells designed to cause agony when no harm was done (ah pain I miss you)
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