A somewhat secure setup.
1. Commlink 1: Wireless:Off, password required for access.
This is the hackers "hacking" commlink and he's using 9 rating 4 programs on his response 5 commlink. This way he can use all the programs he need and still have a reasonable strong defense.
2. Commlink 2: Wireless:On, Linked Password required.
This is the hackers second commlink and gateway to the matrix, his first node you could say. In order to access it you need a password and then an answer from commlink 1 that accepts that code.
3. Wire teams communications through commlink 2. Each team member runs with Linked Password to Hackers commlink in BOTH directions. In order to access either a team members commlink or the hackers they need a confirmation from one of the other team members commlinks.
4: Load up Commlink 2 with ECCM, Encryption on Device, Databomb on Device and Encryption on Signal. Then you fill the rest of the remaining 5 response slots with agents/IC for spoofing and analyzing for security of the commlink.
Anyone trying to comprimise the commlink router would have to find, decrypt and then hack THROUGH commlink 2 in order to gain any kind of access to the teams commlinks.
Ok, they CAN tap the signal but no system is foolproof, ask any hacker.
Commlink 2 has another fun thing as well, no subscription list so it cannot be used to gain access to any items or gear.
Yea, i'm not running the maximum strength on programs but I find that diversity is the key in this case. Running 9 programs with only a -1 to response is quite good, and that means I can theoretically run 9 rating 4 agents on a commlink.