May 15 2006, 02:04 AM
ok so it is set in 1972-3 and has no magic and no cyber. It is still a great SR movie. For those who don't know it is Speilburg's 2005 movie about Mossad agents doing wet work to take out the PLO planners who brought off the attack on the 1972 Munich Olympics.
It is great for planning and executing a run and how to get away. The first hit is a mess and they learn from this. Best for this is the hit in Cyprus where they have covering fields of fire for the get away. Also the hit on the 'dutchwoman' for just cold blooded killing. It is also good for how teams are set up and funded for corporate/government deniabliity. and a view of a safe house.
Eric Bana leads the team of 5 assassins. Michael Lonsdale is wonderful as a french fixer who provides info but lets Bana know when he is not happy.
Towards the end of the movie the team is properly paranoid not knowing if they have been sold out by tyheir fixer, their control or just dumb luck. You focus on Eric Bana but he is enough. He starts thinkinng how he has killed people and starts looking in his apartment for all those tricks. The bed, the phone, the TV etc
No I'm not giving details I want you guys to enjoy the movie.
May 15 2006, 02:18 AM
Sword of Gideon did it first and may have done it better from some of the reviews I've seen. Unfortunatly, I havn't seen Munich yet.
Daddy's Little Ninja
May 15 2006, 12:56 PM
Munich gets inside the heads of the agents. The idea of righteousness in killing terrorists when they are replaced by other terorrists. It also has big conflicts between the agents and the control. They do not trust their control or the fixer.
May 15 2006, 01:14 PM
I loved Munich, both as a film and as inspiration for Shadowrun (there is so much you can use).
I agree with Snow Fox that when Bana snaps at his apartment is one of the best scenes.
Oh, and "PLO! ETA! IRA!"
May 15 2006, 02:14 PM
Haven't seen it, was considering picking up the DVD. One question about the movie.
[ Spoiler ]
Do they have the two separate teams; the one that screwed up in Lillehammer killing the wrong person (completely unrelated person that was misidentified, then being a pack of boneheads that ended up getting caught and arrested) and the one that was running parallel that didn't screw up so much and was overall quite successful (though not all of them made it home). Or did they do a little movie magic on the script?
May 15 2006, 02:32 PM
Daddy's Little Ninja
May 15 2006, 03:46 PM
I sent a pm about that. You know it is really bad, when your friend starts taking notes during these sort of movies.
May 16 2006, 05:29 AM
Excellent flick. Rented it last week, think I'll buy it.
May 16 2006, 06:08 AM
Thanks for the info. I think I'll pick it up myself next time I'm in the store.
May 17 2006, 05:18 PM
Excellent movie. A warning to people who aren't that into screen violence... this is a violent movie. Not an "action" movie, a violent one (if that precise qualification makes any sense). It's a story about people ambushing and killing each other, hostages being taken and killed, and bombs going off in people's houses, and Spielberg goes at it in a similar fashion to how he did a lot of the close-in fighting in Saving Private Ryan... except that most of the people involved aren't soldiers.
The SR aspects are undeniable, and have been addressed previously. It's a very solid, very well put together movie, that digs hard and deep into a chunk of history that was particularly nasty. And it doesn't pull many punches when it tells you about it.
May 19 2006, 05:20 AM
QUOTE (Shrike30) |
... this is a violent movie. Not an "action" movie, a violent one (if that precise qualification makes any sense). |
Of course it does. Jackie Chan often uses the exact opposite qualification to describe his movies, saying he believes in action rather than violence.
I was dead to the world (come to think about it, with regards to mass media I usually am) when the movie came out, but it looks pretty good. Maybe I'll look into it sometime.
SL James
May 19 2006, 07:00 AM
QUOTE (Shrike30) |
Spielberg goes at it in a similar fashion to how he did a lot of the close-in fighting in Saving Private Ryan... except that most of the people involved aren't soldiers. |
OOoh... Even better.
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