May 17 2006, 12:27 AM
Could someone tell me what happened with the events brought up in year of the comet? I have that book, but not the stuff that came after "Wake of the comet". Search function didn't seem to help me in this case.
Probe Race: So what? Who won? what did they/if anyone find? Lesbian Vulcan slavegirls? Galactic snotball? Did getting to the comet have any real in-game effects?
Shedim: What happened? I know they were introduced in Year of the Comet, but so what?

Did it turn out to be a extraplanar plot? Fallout just from GW breaking through the rift? Did it have any real resolution?
Japanese Kid emperor. He a god? An adept? A shedim that inhabited the body of the kid that was actually killed in the volcano eruption?
Oricalchum race. Did it go poof after comet passed? Or remains viable? Any word on the other super-race minerals that were found? Any effects?
Kanada Ten
May 17 2006, 12:34 AM
Officially, Ares won the Probe Race. Wake of the Comet is a series of three adventures dealing with the race at various points. [e] SotA:64 mentions the winner of the race.
Shedim became even more sinister after the appearance of Master Shedim, but have largely been "dealt" with (aka, left to GMs to decide where best to put them).
Japanese Emperor has an ancestor spirit guiding him, but seems human otherwise. His wife is a hot otaku, as well. [e] And Japan is entering a new Era, as is tradition - the new palace is in Tokyo. He's got some pull with fingers in Shaiwase and Yamatetsu, but it's a fight everyday.
Oricalchum went poof.
May 17 2006, 02:28 AM
His wife is a hot ex-vampire ex-shadowrunner dissonant otaku megacorp heiress, to be more specific.
HMHVV Hunter
May 17 2006, 02:29 AM
Ex-vampire? AND she's a Deus pawn?
Kanada Ten
May 17 2006, 02:29 AM
ex-vampire ex-shadowrunner dissonant otaku megacorp heiress |
Like I said: hot.
Ancient History
May 17 2006, 02:49 AM
She was a ganger chick too. An MIT ganger chick.
Wounded Ronin
May 17 2006, 02:57 AM
Oh dear god. This is precisely why I started to ignore the metaplot after SR2. Really.
May 17 2006, 02:59 AM
QUOTE (HMHVV Hunter) |
Ex-vampire? AND she's a Deus pawn? |
Daddy Shiawase was working on a cure for HMHVV and let a vampire infect her as part of the experiment. Apparently, it worked.
And no, she isn't a Deus pawn. She was friendly with Mirage and I believe that Deus threatned her, among others, to force Mirage to back off his efforts to free the Network.
May 17 2006, 03:01 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
His wife is a hot ex-vampire ex-shadowrunner dissonant otaku megacorp heiress, to be more specific. |
Sounds like some of the character descriptions I've read on this forum.
HMHVV Hunter
May 17 2006, 03:02 AM
So no more vampires?
Kanada Ten
May 17 2006, 03:04 AM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ May 16 2006, 09:57 PM) |
Oh dear god. This is precisely why I started to ignore the metaplot after SR2. Really. |
I'm pretty sure this /was/ SR2 metaplot.
So no more vampires? |
The drug hasn't appeared on the market, if that's what you're asking.
May 17 2006, 03:05 AM
Nope. There are still plenty of vampires. The treatment was never made public for some reason. I don't know why. I never read that book. I just know what I've heard from others.
Wounded Ronin
May 17 2006, 03:19 AM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ May 16 2006, 09:57 PM) | Oh dear god. This is precisely why I started to ignore the metaplot after SR2. Really. |
I'm pretty sure this /was/ SR2 metaplot.
QUOTE | So no more vampires? |
The drug hasn't appeared on the market, if that's what you're asking.
Dude, the Year of the Comet events did not take place during 2nd edition.
Kanada Ten
May 17 2006, 03:24 AM
OK then, but it wasn't ever so obvious that you meant YotC.
The treatment was never made public for some reason. |
I'm thinking something from SoA just clicked into place.
Ancient History
May 17 2006, 03:30 AM
The, ah, mortality test hasn't been taken yet.
May 17 2006, 03:40 AM
*blink blink* where was all this about the Emperers new girl? How did I miss all that crazy?
HMHVV Hunter
May 17 2006, 03:47 AM
QUOTE (Lindt) |
*blink blink* where was all this about the Emperers new girl? How did I miss all that crazy? |
But yeah, the Shiawase CEO betrothed his daughter to the Emperor in an attempt to make nice with the royal family following the blunder that led to them NOT DETECTING THE WHOLE FRAGGING RING OF FIRE GOING UP (and the Emperor's family dying as a result)
May 17 2006, 04:01 AM
May 17 2006, 07:31 AM
Hitomi Storyline:
Psychotrope - novel
Shadows of Asia
System Failure
Emperor Storyline:
Loose Alliances
Probe Race Storyline:
Wake of the Comet
Threats 2
Ibn Eisn (Shedim storyline)
Loose Alliances
System Failure
Orichalcum Rush
May 17 2006, 08:18 AM
wow Synner, I'm guessing you're either feeling very generous, or very bored right now.
May 17 2006, 10:21 AM
QUOTE (Dog) |
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ May 17 2006, 02:28 AM) | His wife is a hot ex-vampire ex-shadowrunner dissonant otaku megacorp heiress, to be more specific. |
Sounds like some of the character descriptions I've read on this forum. |
I'm missing albino ninja lesbian shapeshifter...
May 17 2006, 10:27 AM
QUOTE (Synner) |
Probe Race Storyline: YotC Wake of the Comet SotA64 |
I've only got the first of these, but in the others are there any hints at all about what Ares actually found on the comet? (Or indeed, what they might have been so desperately looking for?)
May 17 2006, 10:30 AM
If you're the DM, you can say what they found on the comment. But IIRC canoniacally, they found Orichilum.
May 17 2006, 11:12 AM
so cliche'. couldn't they have found something more interesting. like a reply from the first satellite that was launched way back in the 70's with a CD with our arts and history on it (forget it's name, but it was in Star Trek and X-files). Something along the lines of "wow, you're 'music' sucks. That Napolean guy wasn't so bad though."
May 17 2006, 11:18 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
That Napolean guy wasn't so bad though." |
May 17 2006, 11:54 AM
Wassa matta Grinder? You're not a little guy with a small-man complex too are ya'?
May 17 2006, 11:57 AM
No way. I'm a tall guy who dislikes Napoleons conquering of Germany.
May 17 2006, 12:20 PM
sore loser.

That;s ok, I'm the tall blond guy that always seems to have short bosses that like to take out their frustations on me. Stopped since I grew a beard though. hmmm..... maybe if more Germans had beards.
Now how can we bring this back on topic to YoTC? .....
In one game, we had some dwarf twins. Except one was a troll. he'd SURGED in to a troll when the comet came. Hi-lar-i-ous.
May 17 2006, 01:25 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
the first satellite that was launched way back in the 70's with a CD with our arts and history on it (forget it's name, but it was in Star Trek and X-files). |
May 17 2006, 04:04 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
Shadows of Asia. Do a search for Hitomi Shiawase on the forums. |
Ah ha! Its because I never got my sweaty palms on a copy of SoA. I ended up with SoE insted. Ill go hit the FLGS, see if I can pick it up.
May 17 2006, 04:06 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
QUOTE (Dog @ May 17 2006, 04:01 AM) | QUOTE (hyzmarca @ May 17 2006, 02:28 AM) | His wife is a hot ex-vampire ex-shadowrunner dissonant otaku megacorp heiress, to be more specific. |
Sounds like some of the character descriptions I've read on this forum. |
I'm missing albino ninja lesbian shapeshifter...
Im not sure Hyzmarca can talk too much about that... Albino night one with a tail? Need I go on?
Kyoto Kid
May 17 2006, 04:37 PM
When YOTC entered our campaigns, I was still playing Leela. Thank heaven's she had several essence worth of implants which significantly reduced the chance for her becoming a changling. Any of the negative changes and her career would have ended for good since she was basically built around the "Rocker" (albeit Euro Classical) concept from Shadowbeat.
Actually, none of my characters experienced mutation which was fine by me, although the Troll Mage in our groip sported red eyes, purple fur, and extended claws. Man, talk about messing with your stealth tests.
Daddy's Little Ninja
May 17 2006, 04:38 PM
Something just occured to me about the whole Emperor line. It was an ancient tradition in Japan that each Emperor got a new Palace. The idea was the old palace was unclean, and would be torn down.
You could be looking at a symbolic recreatino of that with the current SR Emperor. He is tearing down a lot of what went into 21st century Japan in SR to make it into what he wants.
May 17 2006, 05:51 PM
QUOTE (Lindt) |
QUOTE (Grinder @ May 17 2006, 06:21 AM) | QUOTE (Dog @ May 17 2006, 04:01 AM) | QUOTE (hyzmarca @ May 17 2006, 02:28 AM) | His wife is a hot ex-vampire ex-shadowrunner dissonant otaku megacorp heiress, to be more specific. |
Sounds like some of the character descriptions I've read on this forum. |
I'm missing albino ninja lesbian shapeshifter...
Im not sure Hyzmarca can talk too much about that... Albino night one with a tail? Need I go on? |
Oh yes, please!
Demonseed Elite
May 17 2006, 10:11 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
Oh dear god. This is precisely why I started to ignore the metaplot after SR2. Really. |
Most of the Hitomi insanity was your typical "novel author went batshit crazy" metaplot.
SL James
May 17 2006, 10:20 PM
The Comet Race of 2061 was definitely more interesting than the one in 1986. OTOH, probes from 1986 actually reached the comet and made it back.
May 18 2006, 12:54 AM
QUOTE (Lindt) |
QUOTE (Grinder @ May 17 2006, 06:21 AM) | QUOTE (Dog @ May 17 2006, 04:01 AM) | QUOTE (hyzmarca @ May 17 2006, 02:28 AM) | His wife is a hot ex-vampire ex-shadowrunner dissonant otaku megacorp heiress, to be more specific. |
Sounds like some of the character descriptions I've read on this forum. |
I'm missing albino ninja lesbian shapeshifter...
Im not sure Hyzmarca can talk too much about that... Albino night one with a tail? Need I go on? |
Sam's also a scaled incestuous lesbian with gills but she isn't isn't a ninja, she isn't a shapeshifter and she isn't Empress of Japan.
It isn't my fault that canon supports and encourages over-the-top characters. Embrace the insanity. Make a down-on-his luck Drake megacorp VIP running from Lowfyr as next PC.
May 18 2006, 03:23 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
so cliche'. couldn't they have found something more interesting. like a reply from the first satellite that was launched way back in the 70's with a CD with our arts and history on it (forget it's name, but it was in Star Trek and X-files). Something along the lines of "wow, you're 'music' sucks. That Napolean guy wasn't so bad though." |
that breaks one of the major rules of shadowrun, however. NO ALIENS IN CANNON.
May 18 2006, 04:34 AM
M¥$T1C: thanks, I was thinking Voyager, but that damned Startrek thing was throwing me off.
May 18 2006, 05:17 AM
V'Ger must evolve....
May 19 2006, 02:40 AM
QUOTE (Daddy's Little Ninja) |
Something just occured to me about the whole Emperor line. It was an ancient tradition in Japan that each Emperor got a new Palace. The idea was the old palace was unclean, and would be torn down.
You could be looking at a symbolic recreatino of that with the current SR Emperor. He is tearing down a lot of what went into 21st century Japan in SR to make it into what he wants. |
I suspect almost no one here,including the writers of SoA, has your point of view dear.
Kanada Ten
May 19 2006, 02:44 AM
I think that's almost explicit in the SoA chapter where they discuss the new palace and the new Era.
May 19 2006, 07:37 AM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox) |
I suspect almost no one here,including the writers of SoA, has your point of view dear. |
Actually, Fox, that's an erroneous assumption. It was not only in SoA but it was seeded before...
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