May 17 2006, 03:46 AM
Just finished reading SONA on New Orleans and the CAS to work up some more info for a forum game that I am getting ready to run. Anyone aware of updates beyond those in SONA (set in 2062) or is the history of the Big Easy free game? I don't have any sourcebooks past SONA and don't really want to go against cannon too much.
Thanks in advance for the help!
May 17 2006, 04:42 AM
It's probably gonna be awhile. My advice: Just run with what you got and make up the rest.
May 17 2006, 05:06 AM
I'm currently running one in N.O. 2070 myself. All I've really changed form that point is that thers' a lot more tension between the Kozlawski and Massino mafia families, mostly over Miriam's tactics ,and her "daughter's " status as a changeling. Miriam is being more actively trying to recruit magical muscle away from the Krewe's/Zobop and/or actively recruiting out side of the city to bring in more magical help. She's also positioning things to wipe out the Massino's, which is a very risky proposition. But she's never been the type to blink at danger, and always been completely ruthless. She's setting things up for a short and very bloody family war.
In the meantime, the Yaks are slipping in through the cracks and the Zobop is taking in more areas for them to control ,especially power sites, as they can utilize them for many rituals and summonings. While the cat's away and all that. Basically setting up for a nice and messy syndicate war.
Hope that helps some. Just what I decided to do with it.
May 17 2006, 05:26 AM
I was thinking along the same lines with one major exception: the family war has already happened with La Madame du Morte still in control of a reduced Mafia with the Zobob, Yaks and a krewe of my own invention filling in the gaps.
May 17 2006, 05:51 AM
The type of game I'm running is basically involving the players in the coming war and giving them a chance to take up positions once the dust settles. Sounds like where you're at is where I'm looking to take it. I was planning on making it a Red Sect being the next highest ranking in town, much like you're krewe, so sounds like we're definitely thinking along the same lines.
May 17 2006, 05:50 PM
I think Target:Smuggler Havens had more detailed info on New Orleans, but that's a pretty old book.
May 18 2006, 04:51 AM
yup, it had the most. I think that's where Alex is going off of most of his stuff.
SL James
May 18 2006, 06:25 AM
Um, the first published adventure for SR4 was a run set in New Orleans as part of a compilation of RPG adventures benefiting Katrina relief efforts.
May 18 2006, 01:07 PM
If anyone wants some RL info on New Orleans, just PM me. I've lived less than an hour away from there for a big chunk of my life, and only ever missed a Mardi Gras for my wedding or Uncle Sam.
May 18 2006, 03:40 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
Um, the first published adventure for SR4 was a run set in New Orleans as part of a compilation of RPG adventures benefiting Katrina relief efforts. |
Really? I've never heard of that. Where can you get it?
May 18 2006, 04:08 PM
That was in the
Beyond the Storm charity compilation. (Proceeds went to Hurricane Katrina victims.) It's $10 for the PDF linked above, also available as a print edition for $20, search at the above link.
The SR4 adventure in the book was a 14 page adventure, entitled "That Voodoo That They Do." The book itself has a lot of neat little projects, which are only tied together by the New Orleans theme. (That adventure is the only portion that's actually SR related.)
When it came out, it was definitely worth picking up in the interests of charity.
May 18 2006, 04:44 PM
Proceeds from continued sales of the product are actually still being funneled to the Red Cross (as they trickle in). I'm not certain if they're being specifically put towards Katrina rebuilding efforts (I doubt it), but the money is still going towards a good cause.
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