emo samurai
Jun 1 2006, 06:36 AM
How popular is it? What kind of magic does he use? Is half the shit he does even possible? What does he look like? Have any images ever been published?
Jun 1 2006, 06:48 AM
I haven't run across any descriptions, so it's there for the GM to flesh out as desired. If I did it, the answers would be:
How popular is it?
Very popular. People are fascinated by magic (even if many of them also fear it), and the action elements don't hurt it either.
What kind of magic does he use?
Flashy combat spells for the most part. Stuff that people find creepier, such as mind reading, is done by the "bad guys".
Is half the shit he does even possible?
Naw. They have things like skyscrapers blowing up. They actually have a magical consultant for the show, but they pretty much ignore him. At least they get the terminology (mostly) right.
Have any images ever been published?
In SR? None that I have run across. In the SR world? Absolutely. Karl is a full-blown multimedia experience, rivalling Neil the Ork Barbarian.
Kanada Ten
Jun 1 2006, 07:01 AM
Karl Kombatmage "On Sim This Fall!" - Page 26 Sprawl Survival Guide.
Jun 1 2006, 07:02 AM
I could of sworn there was a drawing in one of the SR books...
It was either a Karl Combat Mage - Behind the Scenes type scene or some sort of Karl Combat Mage promo poster, maybe even both?
Anyway that's what I remember but I could just be smoking crack.
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
Karl Kombatmage "On Sim This Fall!" - Page 26 Sprawl Survival Guide. |
Heh. Missed it by one minute, i need to learn to type faster.
Jun 1 2006, 07:16 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Jun 1 2006, 08:36 AM) |
Have any images ever been published? |
There has been at least one image. But I am not sure anymore where that was. Possibly in a German only sourcebook.
There was a larger article about KK in the German RPG Mag "Mephisto".
Jun 1 2006, 07:31 AM
QUOTE (Oracle) |
There has been at least one image. But I am not sure anymore where that was. Possibly in a German only sourcebook.
There's a full-page promo poster for the Karl Kombatmage motion picture (release: autumn 2063) on p. 277 of Deutschland in den Schatten II.
Jun 1 2006, 09:59 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
How popular is it? What kind of magic does he use? Is half the shit he does even possible? What does he look like? Have any images ever been published? |
You can find some pictures in various german-sbs. He's an Action Trid star, who is said to play in a TV series. Seems to be a joke by the german writers who portray his series as very crappy and in no sense displaying a "real" version of shadowrunning.
I don't like the whole idea.
DuckEggBlue Omega
Jun 1 2006, 12:30 PM
There is also a movie poster on pg 110 of SOTA 2063.
Jun 1 2006, 12:32 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
I don't like the whole idea. |
You don't like any of the German Shadowrun products.
Jun 1 2006, 12:48 PM
I like the translated M&M and CC, but yes, that's it.
Jun 1 2006, 12:50 PM
Karl Combat Mage
A TRID version of shadowrunning?
Yah, it's kinda like that.
emo samurai
Jun 1 2006, 02:54 PM
Jun 1 2006, 03:36 PM
Not to mention "Karl" is probably one of the highest earners outside of a AAA boardroom.
emo samurai
Jun 1 2006, 03:47 PM
Dude, he's an actual person? Is he a real mage, too?
Jun 1 2006, 03:54 PM
Dude, he's an actor.
It's never stated if the actor is a real mage, but Karl Kombatmage is a fictional figure in a Trid-series.
Jun 1 2006, 04:09 PM
That's a point, they never mention the Actor who plays him.
Do they?
emo samurai
Jun 1 2006, 04:11 PM
Are there any people who take Karl as a mentor spirit?
+2 to combat spells
+2 to intimidation
Must make a will+charisma roll(3) to avoid fighting a dragon or blowing up a building more than 35 stories tall whenever he encounters one.
Jun 1 2006, 04:25 PM
The part with the buildings makes him unplayable
Nearly as cool as the Elvis shaman/ mentor spirit.
Jun 1 2006, 05:34 PM
Karl has been around for at least twenty years now, neh? I'm pretty sure that they've gone through a couple iterations of actors (since there's no way Karl is a keeb or a halfer. He's too cool to be one of them.)
I'd be curious how many stunt doubles they've gone through, one way or another.
Jun 1 2006, 05:54 PM
Is it a 'TV' (trid/sim produced every few weeks on a lower budget, at about an hour each max) series or a 'movie' (trid/sim produced every few years on a higher budget, at about four hours each max) series?
Or both? Which primarily?
Jun 1 2006, 05:57 PM
QUOTE (NightHaunter) |
That's a point, they never mention the Actor who plays him. Do they? |
Chuck Norris.
It has to be, even if he is like 135 in 2070.
emo samurai
Jun 1 2006, 06:00 PM

Jun 1 2006, 06:02 PM
Welcome to the Dumpshock Forums where fully 2/3 of all punchlines are either:
A: Swordfish Mustardball
B: Sex with a Dikoted AVS Ally Spirit
C: Bubba The Love Troll
D: Chuck Norris
emo samurai
Jun 1 2006, 06:12 PM
The other third are drop bears.
Jun 1 2006, 06:55 PM
emo samurai
Jun 1 2006, 07:02 PM
With mechashiva.
Jun 1 2006, 07:23 PM
Ninja drop bears.
I believe it at least started out as a tv series, something on the level of Knight Rider but more eye candy and less David Hasselhoff. Then they made a movie, continued the series, and began making knock offs of both.
Jun 1 2006, 09:38 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
Karl has been around for at least twenty years now, neh? I'm pretty sure that they've gone through a couple iterations of actors (since there's no way Karl is a keeb or a halfer. He's too cool to be one of them.) |
At least in 2062 "Karl" was played by an actor named Joe Venski (DidS2, p. 276).
Jun 1 2006, 09:41 PM
QUOTE (Toptomcat) |
Is it a 'TV' (trid/sim produced every few weeks on a lower budget, at about an hour each max) series or a 'movie' (trid/sim produced every few years on a higher budget, at about four hours each max) series? |
"Karl Kombatmage" is a series that was in season 8 in 2062.
The first movie adaptation was scheduled for an autum 2063 release. (DidS2, p. 276)
Jun 1 2006, 09:59 PM
Get it right matey
Jun 1 2006, 11:03 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
The other third are drop bears. |
At least.
Jun 2 2006, 01:48 PM
QUOTE (nezumi @ Jun 1 2006, 11:34 AM) |
Karl has been around for at least twenty years now, neh? I'm pretty sure that they've gone through a couple iterations of actors (since there's no way Karl is a keeb or a halfer. He's too cool to be one of them.)
I'd be curious how many stunt doubles they've gone through, one way or another. |
Terminator - 1984
Terminator 3 - 2003
19 year spread, same Terminator. It wasn't even his first 'acting' gig as the stock muscular hero, and he'd likely still be kicking out one every few years (and just might start again come next California election) if he wasn't govenor. That's all without 2060's level biotech, and Arnold isn't a healthy man (in spite of his public image otherwise).
Jun 3 2006, 02:40 PM
QUOTE (bclements) |
QUOTE (Shrike30 @ Jun 1 2006, 01:55 PM) | Ninja. |
Get it right matey
For the Babylon 5 fans:
Jun 3 2006, 11:17 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
QUOTE (nezumi @ Jun 1 2006, 11:34 AM) | Karl has been around for at least twenty years now, neh? I'm pretty sure that they've gone through a couple iterations of actors (since there's no way Karl is a keeb or a halfer. He's too cool to be one of them.)
I'd be curious how many stunt doubles they've gone through, one way or another. |
Terminator - 1984 Terminator 3 - 2003
19 year spread, same Terminator. It wasn't even his first 'acting' gig as the stock muscular hero, and he'd likely still be kicking out one every few years (and just might start again come next California election) if he wasn't govenor. That's all without 2060's level biotech, and Arnold isn't a healthy man (in spite of his public image otherwise).
The difference is this is cyberpunk, where th epoint is that everyone is disposable, a knock-off, temporary. So unlike Arnold, Karl SHOULD be canned and replaced regularly.
Kanada Ten
Jun 3 2006, 11:22 PM
Part of cyberpunk is corruption of power, which means that Karl could be maintaining his status through extortion, blackmail, mind control, and so on. Maybe he owns/stole the rights to the show and must fight the studios in a sinuous shadow war.
Eyeless Blond
Jun 4 2006, 12:18 AM
Ah, but it's also about the crushing of an individual spirit under the monolithic nature of a corporate bottom line. Maybe Karl is some strung-out actor, wholly owned by the syndicate who publishes him, dreaming of the freedom that his character has.
Kanada Ten
Jun 4 2006, 12:20 AM
But it's also about the excesses of the rich, so he may have so much money that freedom is unattractively dangerous...
[e] Maybe he had to marry the daughter of a powerful executive or a politician able to benefit the studio, and can keep his job and Leonization treatments up to date so long as she is happy.
[e2] Maybe the studio is grooming him to be a politician. As long as he stays popular, he's got a job. "The media proclaimed Kombat Kid is winning support in many parts of the AGS with his 'Kombat Krime' initiative."
John Campbell
Jun 4 2006, 02:09 AM
Eh. This is Shadowrun. He's probably a disguised immortal elf, Great Dragon, or Horror.
The ubbergeek
Jun 4 2006, 04:22 AM
Since it,s cyberpunk, high-tech and emptyness, showinga nd all - you forgot a possibility; it is maybe NOT a living actor, but an CG thing? Who know, maybe a semi-AI?
Herald of Verjigorm
Jun 4 2006, 11:24 AM
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