Jun 10 2006, 11:13 PM
I was wondering if sensor package capacities are equal to cyber capacities. Could you put a sensor package with a 1 capacity and a 2 signal on a one for one with a cyber eye? How about a cyberlimb?
James McMurray
Jun 10 2006, 11:43 PM
I'd say that their capabilities are the same. Capacity is different though. Sensor packages don't worry about capacity.
Jun 10 2006, 11:48 PM
Actually they do. According to the book, Sensor packages have a limited capacity and signal based on the size. And you can put one sensor into a package with the 1 capacity and 2 signal. So, basically, I was wondering if you can put that sensor package into a cybereye if you have 1 capacity left, or would it need to be a cyberlimb, or would it not correspond in any way?
James McMurray
Jun 11 2006, 12:09 AM
Ah, I misunderstood. IIRC no, you can't put sensor packages into eyes. The rules for what you can put into eyes are covered by the cyberware section and capacity limits.
Jun 11 2006, 12:16 AM
How about a cyberlimb? Would you be able to put a cyberware scanner, geiger counter, radio signal scanner, MAD scanner or camera in a cyberarm, or hand on the 1 for 1 capacity basis.
Sensor packages included in Micro (size of a coin or smaller) leads me to believe it can perhaps be put into an eye as a camera is a 1 and an eye recording unit in cyber eyes leave room for capacity as well. And it also leads me to think that it can be put in a cyberlimb.
I was just needing some verification if so, or opinion if no one knows.
Jun 11 2006, 01:32 AM
I would allow such things in a limb, probably at 1 to 1 but I would have to do some comparisons. They may even come out better than 1 to 1.
Jun 11 2006, 02:33 AM
I would allow any small item with capacity listing to be placed in eyes, like a cyber-scanner. The description puts it in about the same size range. Definately no probs with putting it in the arm.
It does bother me how capacity isn't standard across the book, it would have made things more understandable, but its nothing you can't work with.
Jun 12 2006, 05:44 PM
Use the size comparison to determine the size of the object. Then, get a cyberlimb compartment and place the sensor device inside of it. Voila, installed device in your cyberarm...
Jun 12 2006, 05:56 PM
My understanding was that each cyberlimb had it's own capacity rating that was not compatible with ratings from other tables.
The problem is that if you can put a sensor package into a cyber eye, you're getting WAY better vision enhancement for less space. Not only do you get standard vision mods, but then you also get Radar, proximity sensors which are standard in drones and cars, but should not be available to install in humans.
Jun 12 2006, 06:16 PM
The way I'd rule it, is that the upgrades for eyes are the only available ones to put in your eyes. Seeing as how any upgrades have to not interfere with other ones (blocking light and such) theres a limit to it, and you don't get to circumvent that but stuffing a sensor in the back.
Putting stuff in your limb, I'm with Shrike. Use the size comparison, stick it in a compartment, and DNI link it if you don't want to open the arm up every time you want to scan someone.
Jun 12 2006, 06:38 PM
DNI link? This is SR4....
Jun 12 2006, 07:37 PM
Skinlink, then. Pretty much the same thing if you've also got a datajack or a commlink.
Jun 12 2006, 07:39 PM
Fine, DNI link it if you don't want to open your arm all the time, or let their hacker feed you false readings from it saying he doesn't have 5 shotguns stuffed up his arse.
Mr. Unpronounceable
Jun 12 2006, 09:08 PM
For reference - the table noting size requirements for sensor capacity is on pg. 325 of the book.
I wouldn't think you'd be capable of getting something larger than
maybe a minidrone (capacity 3) into your cyberarm (capacity 15) or microdrone (capacity 1) into a cybereye (capacity up to 16). Obviously there are at least 3 different scales (with the same notation?
Grr! Bad writers, bad!
) in play here.
Jun 12 2006, 09:23 PM
Sensor Capacities
P 325.
Sensor packages combine several types of sensor into one
unit. RFID Sensor tags are described on p. 318; microsensors
are the size of a coin or smaller and are used on micro-drones
or oft en disguised as other items; handheld sensors are easily
carried in the palm; Mounted sensors are lunchbox-sized;
drone and vehicle sensors are self-explanatory. Each package
has a sensor range that indicates the limits of the sensor’s
reach (see the Signal Rating Table, p. 212), though some specifi
c sensors have their own maximum ranges.
Micro 1
Handheld/Minidrone 3
Mounted/Small Drone 5
Cyber Capacities
Full Arm 8/15
Lower Arm 5/10
Hand/Foot 2/4
Holdout Pistol 2
Heavy Pistol 6
For the case of including sensors in cyberlimbs, I think I would just Cyberlimb capacity = Sensor capacity.
Note this not the same as the capacity other cyber implant options may take. e.g. Cyber eye and cyber ear options are seperate issue.
Jun 12 2006, 10:26 PM
QUOTE (Tarantula) |
Fine, DNI link it if you don't want to open your arm all the time, or let their hacker feed you false readings from it saying he doesn't have 5 shotguns stuffed up his arse. |
SR3 had those wacky rules about DNI, SR4 dosen't have them yet. It's all up to how you percieve things, I know, but I figure if it fits in the limb then it just hooks up to the Neural interface of the arm, requiring no more. Thats part of the whole using capacity thing to me.
So (IMO) a commlink in a cyberarm would just communicate with the brain the path the arm does pretty much, no skinlink or extras required.
Jun 12 2006, 10:29 PM
Not exactly rules, but its in the definitions of matrix jargon on page 215... I'd still rule without it you can't mentally do it without having trodes/a jack. Otherwise, have fun sticking your arm in your hand to hit buttons.
Jun 12 2006, 10:34 PM
Well, if you get cyber-spurs in a cyberlimb, do you need to push buttons? Not normally I would say. Same goes for Gyros, Cyber-guns, Cyber-holsters and slides...I think that makes a good case for my point of view, that DNI is alloted to any item that uses capacity in a cyber-limb.
Jun 12 2006, 10:38 PM
QUOTE (Squinky) |
Well, if you get cyber-spurs in a cyberlimb, do you need to push buttons? Not normally I would say. Same goes for Gyros, Cyber-guns, Cyber-holsters and slides...I think that makes a good case for my point of view, that DNI is alloted to any item that uses capacity in a cyber-limb. |
Agreed. Despite the fact that DNI isn't explicitly dealt with in the RAW, it only stands to reason. Without DNI, the arm would just be a lump of metal and carbon fiber and shit attached to a stump. DNI is what allows you to actually use the arm.
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