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Full Version: DarkNets - a small-scale cyberpunk project
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
We've all seen massively ambitious cyberpunk projects come and go, but
the fact is that the list of cyberpunkesque games is very small.

DarkNets is an effort to create a small single-player game that will give the
player some of the feel of being in a futuristic, high-tech fantasy world.

What DarkNets is:
- the player has two interfaces to the world. His terminal and his vidphone.
- through the terminal, he can access the 'Net, learning, improving, carrying
out missions and gaining wealth
- through the vidphone he can talk with his contacts, carrying out tasks for them,
and (eventually) co-operating with them on major runs.

What DarkNets is not:
- Multiplayer
- A single-strand adventure (a la Neuromancer)
- A pure hacking game (a la Decker)

What is needed:
- Collaborators on plots, storylines and game concepts
- Cyberpunk artwork - particularly splash screens, the main interfaces, portraits for the vidphone, and corporate logos
- Music
I recommend looking for logos and template interfaces on

They have a tonne of brilliant artwork that you can modify and tweak without falling into copyright territory. Mainly use it as something to give you ideas.
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