Jul 3 2006, 11:29 PM
Imagine: A genetically altered humanoid created with all it's muscles (barring heart) replaced with tongue muscle for additional strength and dexterity.
What kind of stats are we looking at? Say, human or ork-sized, depending on how you want to go with it. Nevermind how it was done, it's the product of a crazed Hermetic mad scientist. It's best not to ask questions.
Kyrn the Second
Jul 3 2006, 11:48 PM
Every woman's dream?
Jul 4 2006, 12:15 AM
Yes, you're very funny. Let's have some actual actual answers. omgkthx
Cynic project
Jul 4 2006, 12:41 AM
SOmething weaker than putting an insect,Loa or any other spirit that posses a body....
Jul 4 2006, 01:26 AM
IIRC, the tongue is primarily composed of SO fibers and lacks much of the FG and FOG fibers that are found within the larger skeletal muscles. IOW, it's all dark meat and wouldn't be all that well suited for fast-twitch reactions (I sense another cunnilingus joke coming up...).
Kyrn the Second
Jul 4 2006, 01:31 AM
Yeah, essentially it would be a really sucky metahuman. There's a reason our whole bodies aren't made of tongue muscles. We're actually fairly efficient creatures musculature wise. With training we can surpass a great number of other species, and our bipedal makeup enables a much more efficient use of that musculature through leverage.
Jul 4 2006, 02:44 AM
QUOTE (Kyrn the Second) |
Every woman's dream? |
'Cause I'm a girl, and that sounds icky to me.
Jul 4 2006, 04:28 AM
It was a question, FanGirl, not a statement. One does not have to prove a question. The answer would be no.
How do you Feel about Gene Simmons?
Edit: For genetic horror you can't beat hindgut fermentation. It wouldn't be useful in combat but it would reduce lifestyle costs. It might be a great option to accompany sSmbiotes or Superthyroid Gland bioware.
Jul 4 2006, 06:20 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Jul 3 2006, 11:28 PM) |
It was a question, FanGirl, not a statement. One does not have to prove a question. The answer is would be no.
How do you Feel about Gene Simmons? |
Well excuse me, Mr. An....Given the current focus of this thread, I'd better not finish that word.
As for Mr. Simmons, I respect him as a musician, but he loses points in my book for rejecting his Jewish heritage. And also for wearing more makeup than me.
EDIT: I'd like to mention that I will no longer be participating in this silliness, as we have enough off-topic stuff on Dumpshock already.
Genetically altering a body to have more strength should be close to the effect of bioware. Just assume that it can be done with genetics, too. (And charge the same cost in price and essence).
Jul 4 2006, 08:34 AM
the main problem is in you statement :
QUOTE (Geekkake) |
replaced with tongue muscle for additional strength and dexterity. |
As it had been said, the tongue muscles are weak for quick works (yes they are !).
In the same time there is a LOT of different muscles in the tongue.
So your statement is flawed. Where you thinking of a human with a muscular structure build with 10 times the normal number of muscles ?
Jul 4 2006, 04:08 PM
Hrm. Well, the general idea was mostly that he'd have no skin, and salivate all over the place. And maybe grab people and undulate against them, "tasting" them.
These are the types of NPC ideas that keep me out of convention games.
Really, I'd be just as happy with him being an incredibly undextrous, floppy bastard.
Jul 4 2006, 04:12 PM
I don't think it'd really be viable as a biological organism. Sure, with magic you can accomplish great things... why not give your tongue monster bat wings? It can swoop out of the sky and dribble on things.
Jul 4 2006, 04:15 PM
So you want to play a character from The Tick?
Jul 4 2006, 04:16 PM
Play? No. My fiancee is GMing, and thought it would be funny to throw in Tongue-Tongue after watching that very episode, actually.
Jul 5 2006, 01:39 PM
QUOTE (Gustave) |
So you want to play a character from The Tick? |
Darn, beat me to it.
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