Jul 10 2006, 10:04 PM
The bar was dimly lit in reality, filled with the smoky remains of a dozen hookahs that dotted the tables in the room. In AR, the room was awash with the bright neon glow of advertisements, floating menus, myriad decorations, and the constant buzz of information being passed back and forth.
The table set aside for the meeting was near the back of the bar, next to a rickety looking stage that hosted a trio of females dancers, one orc, one troll, and a dwarf. They moved in bored syncopation, every abrupt thrust or sideways hop causing the stage to creak and shift slightly. The table itself was already ringed by a cloud of smoke from the hookah on it, and the trio of people seated behind the smoke seemed intent on maintaining their smoke screen. A female elf, though slighter in build, dominated the group. Obviously in charge, she sat poised with an obvious grace and confidence, her eyes occasionally flicking off to one side as she followed something in AR. Seated next to her was an orc in a very well cut suit, probably silk, and and a human with a series of nano-tattoos designed like circuitry under his scalp and down along his neck. Framing the trio was a pair of troll females, different from the seated three, apparently from local stock. They had caramel colored skin and long black hair flowed down between their horns, and both wore a solid red dot, a bindi, in the center of their foreheads.
This meeting was the result of a contact through a friend of a friend of a friend. The worn credstick containing 10,000 nueyen from the Atlantean Foundations Research and Development department had been even harder to acquire then the elf’s name, but the promise of an artifact that would could lead to a brand new metamagic technique had greased the wheels considerably. DIMR’s recent discovery of a cache of previous Awakened-era relics in the Himalaya’s had pushed the board to be a little quicker to follow up possible leads then they might have been otherwise.
Stepping into the bar was an odd assortment. A small group that seemed very comfortable with each other, all standing a little closer then strangers would. Several humans, an orc, and a troll filled the doorway.
Jul 11 2006, 07:20 AM
As his eyes adjust to the dim lighting of the room from the outside,
Mikael, Mickey to his teammates, nodded and moved towards the rear of the bar. With his commlink in passive, he hoped that most of the ads would soar past him.
I certainly don't want another one of those damn AR spamwares which make me start trailing glittery sparks...Across a tight band communication to the PANs associated to his own,
"Everyone getting their usuals? Or should I pick up something local to drink?"Sidling up to the bar with more than a casual glance at the dancers on stage,
Mickey asks the bartender, "Is that thing actually rated for their mass?"
Jul 12 2006, 12:30 AM
The bartender, an elderly old native, face wizened with wrinkles, chortles and offers in broken English, "That stage collapsed already several times, but entertainment options here few...What drinks you and friends?"
The sidebars along the small screen begin to fill with scrolling information, streams of data about the group of people pouring in through the collection of sensors hidden in the beautiful mask.
Jul 12 2006, 12:43 AM
Jeff wasn't far behind Mickey and Yi. He blinked several times as his eyes adjusted to the sudden change of lighting, and coughed as a stray whisp of smoke drifted his way. Yet another run down bar on the other side of the world. Wasn't it great? "I'm up for some local color." he sent back to Mickey's question. He waited a bit for the others to get in before approaching their contacts.
Jul 12 2006, 01:49 AM
"Keep it sharp everyone, these people are wired and packing like they intend to hurt someone." Yi quickly feeds the information from her sensors out to the rest of the team. She moves to follow Mickey to the bar, taking a moment to draw her long leather coat around her tighter.
Jul 12 2006, 04:39 AM
:: Dakota cracks her neck by lifting her head quickly up and to the left. Taking a deep breath, she breathes in the smoke with a small smile at nostalgia for the good ol' days. Her dark unnatural eyes scan the room from behind a set of tricked out AR Shades, both AR and Reality is studied for potential threats and convenient cover should things get messy. ::
:: Her PAN in Passive Mode, she pulls up a side window for team communication, posting a simple reply to the drink request.
<< Scotch, No ice. >>
:: After scanning the info provided by the ever-resourceful Yi, Dakota nods once to Charlotte to let her know she's clear to make first contact. She then moves along the wall to a spot out of all foot traffic, yet which still gives her a good view of all obvious exits. The trolls will be hard to drop, but thankfully she can feel the weight of her twin Manhunters ready and waiting with a load of ex bullets. Even Trolls tend to get winded taking rounds like that. ::
:: Not that it would come to that. Dakota wasn't a pessimist, but she was a realist living in a dangerous world. She liked it that way. ::
Jul 12 2006, 04:00 PM
Charlotte watches her team fan out. She smiles at Mikael, <<Brem, with a shot of arak.>> Yi's initial feeds were rolling in and confirmed what Charlotte had expected, Deray's double shadow was here. << Those two are the ones I told you about, Twist and Spark. >>
Dakota cracks her neck which means she's about to start her run on the room. She'd signal when she was done. Charlotte paused in the doorway, letting the light from outside frame and backlight her. She did love making an entrance. Her eyes twinge and her gut twists as she opens herself to the astral sight that was her stock in trade. Deray... I wonder how many times she's sold this tidbit. This week.
Dakota gives Charlotte the high sign and, that bit of business concluded, Charlotte picks her way across the room, careful not to step over any of the stray limbs and plates scattered around the place. As an after thought she re-publishes the list of 'Do's and Don't While in Bali' that she compiled for her team. Mostly 'Don't's.
* DON'T do much of anything with your left hand in any social transactions. It is unclean.
* DON'T worry about drinking alcohol in public... while much of Indonesia is Muslim, Bali is Hindu and drinking in public is A-Okay.
* DON'T step over people or food. This is very rude.
* DO point with your thumb. Not your index finger.
* DO greet people with raised eyebrows. Not a wave. And doubly not a wave with your left hand. Left hand == BAD.
* DO say "Ma'af tangan kiri," if you do use your left hand.
It certainly wasn't everything. But the Balinese were pretty tolerant of strange foreigners. Especially strange foreigners with money. And certainly Deray fell into that category. Both ways. Ingiri had duly warned her. With no small amount of admiration. Ingiri was a strange cat.
She gives Deray a broad welcoming smile that shows off her tusks handsomely. "Apa kabar?"
Jul 12 2006, 05:01 PM
Jeff decided that it was time to park it where he could watch Charlotte and Dakota at work. He went over the list of Dos and Donts again. The joys of a different culture. He was more comfortable around Central and South America. He was picking up quickly on Asian culture, though. The cooking definetly agreed with him. But he'd leave the talking to the experienced speakers.
Jul 12 2006, 05:34 PM
With a look to the bartender, Mikael begins to place his drink order.
"Can I get Brem with a shot of Arak, a bottle of water, and a local brew-something dark."
Use your thumb Mickey...keep the left hand on the counter... He could almost here Charlotte telling him the words over and over again. He'd been practicing using his right hand in public, but instinct carried him when he wasn't careful.
"Also can you send a glass of warm scotch over to the big girl in the corner?" He raises his right hand and pointed with his thumb to Dakota
Once the drinks are ready, he reaches into his pocket to pull out the small amount of hard currency that the wayward archaeologist team had pulled out for this trip. As he begins to hand the money to the bartender, he realizes that it's his left hand.
"Maaf tangen kyri." And he switches the money to his right "cleaner" hand including a tip.
"Scotch in bound to you Dakota"
The hermetic set the glasses down at the table Jeff had chosen, sliding the dark pint across to him. Continuing with Charlotte's order, he touched her right shoulder and leaned past her to put the drink down on the table.
"Service with a smile, ma'am."
Drinks in play, Mikael returns to the table with his Dragonslayer.
Jul 12 2006, 05:41 PM
:: Dakota's eyes were always moving, scanning each face looking for any tells that they were more of a danger than a first glance would reveal. Re-scanning the handy popup etiquette primer Charlotte sent out, Dakota finds herself once again impressed with her team. She never though such a band of misfits would ever work as solidly as the squads she had lead during certain classified military assignments. There, rank and training forced a compatibility that resulted in reliable support and confidence that all jobs were being done according to their hardwired training. They did everything exactly the same, everytime. ::
:: Yet here there was much more freedom and much less structure. While few had any military experience and there was no "rank" to determine priority of command orders, they had learned to respect the unusual talents each other possessed and fully trusted in one another enough that orders were unnecessary. Sometimes, their lack of strict training worked to their advantage, allowing for a greater degree of flexibility and creativity when dealing with obstacles. Wasn't that a kicker...something she'd never expected to really work, let alone be a part of. ::
:: Watching the unlikely face conduct the meeting with the professionalism of an elf, only with a more trustworthy smile, she shifts her weight slightly to avoid any hint of stiffness. Taking the drink offered to her, in her right hand as instructed, she offers a nod of thanks to the server but never allows her line of sight to her team be blocked. ::
Jul 13 2006, 04:56 PM
Deray arches one brow, offering a cold smile as she speaks.
"Usstan tlun greatly nauqu'allath ulu thalra dos. Xal dosst dosute arunai vesuta ulu nacta vel'bol hessudori unough dos xal inbal. Qualla s'tharl." as she gestures towards an empty seat. Twist, nano-tats sparkling for a moment, coughs, and seems to be trying to stifle a laugh.
"I assume those that accompanied you in the door are your associates?" she says in oddly accented English.
A waiter breezes by the table, the drink appearing in front of Dakota almost without motion.
Jul 15 2006, 12:51 AM
Charlotte murmurs her thanks to Mikael as he hands her the drink, she smiles at his deliberate right-hand useage. Three identical icons appear in AR above the heads of Deray, Spark and Twist. Twist's icon is pulsing slowly, a threat indicator. And the icon itself indicates a spirit's Guardianship.
At Deray's greeting Charlotte's raised brows turn from traditional local greeting to genuine surprise. She replies to Deray with a polite tilting of her head, "Ussta dosute... lu' dosst jesshc. Ji. Usstan kyorl l' rumohrs ph' seke. Tet LU' eld'chalok."
Her eyes flicker to Spark and for a fraction of a second she allows him to see into the depths of her eyes. Allows him to see how deeply she... sees. And that there will be no hiding. No deceit. No secrets. No shelter.
"Yes," she begins, still looking at Spark. Amusement flickers in her eyes for the briefest of moments before she blinks, breaking the spell, and looks back to Deray, amiability ruling her features once more, "They are. What do you have for me?"
Jul 17 2006, 04:09 PM
Deray preceptibly leaned back in her chair, arching an eyebrow at the Sprethiel coming from the troll. Spark abruptly quiets and looks somewhat discomforted until Charlotte removes her gaze.
She nods at Charlotte's compliment, a bit more respect in the gesture, briskly turning to business, placing both hands on the table in a general sign of good faith.
"You have the creds?" she says quietly in her oddly accented English.
Jul 18 2006, 08:04 AM
"So how is it?"
Mickey looks to Jeff and the dark beer that he brought over. Sipping his bottled water, the sometimes hacker scans the AR and ponders loading in Miracle Shooter. The game would be an easy way to pass the time, but he doubted that anyone in the bar played.
Instead he keeps his eyes and ears open, scanning across the bar. So different from the bars across Europe and America that he had toured during his youth, Mickey could feel the combination of tourism and tradition clashing along the periphery of the island.
Charlotte had prepped the team well for the locals, the next test would be to see how they handled themselves given that advice. Yi hiding behind her mask, and Dakota's gruff exterior an emotional mask to foil the physical one. The group worked, no one questioned that, though at moments like this Mikael found himself asking why it worked as well as it did.
Jul 21 2006, 10:34 PM
Moving around the bar, Yi placed herself in a line with the table where the meet was taking place. She quickly looked over the space in between her and the hired muscle. It would be an easy matter to jump from the floor then table to table to close distance if it became necessary.
"Dakota, if this goes wrong who are you shooting first? I don't want to compromise your line of fire."
Jul 22 2006, 12:33 AM
<< "Stand by for PARP" >>
:: Dakota scrolled through the information both Charlotte and Yi had provided giving her a complete breakdown on the potential hostiles. While Twist and Spark seemed to be the alpha team as far as combat went, the magical nature of the local muscle combined with the cyber/bioware scanned marks them as potential adepts. This alone notches them up several levels. ::
<< "If things get ugly then Mickey will assist Yi with the hired muscle, Charlotte and myself will engage the twins and Jeffery I want you to try and get rid of that spirit. Once the spirit pops, someone drop the elf with a stun and we'll try again." >>
:: As she lays out a Prelimenary Aggressive Response Plan, a small window in her AR vision pops up to show a listing of all team members and their current assignments. Dakota then distributes the list to the team members. ::
Primary Target: Spark
Secondary Target: Twist
Primary Objective: Conclude Negotions Peacefully and Obtain Info
Primary Target: Assist against Spark/Twist
Primary Target: Closest Local Muscle
Secondary Target: Farthest Local Muscle
Primary Target: Assist Yi with Local Muscle
Secondary Target: Deray
Primary Target: Spirit
Secondary Target: Deray
Jul 24 2006, 12:40 AM
Charlotte places her hands on the table, politely echoing Deray's posture, glad that Deray's irritation appeared to be blunted. For the moment.
Her stomach tightens with a flutter of excitement.
She is sweating freely. Swaths of darkened fabric grow where her inobtrusive body armor prevents good ventilation. Fine beads glistenkon her forehead and forearms and made dark, clinging curls of her very short hair. Mostly sweating well was a trick of being comfortable with it, rather than fighting the natural response as an unwelcome intrusion. Charlotte had always considered herself an an attractive sweater. Some people definitely sweated better than others. Charlotte was a pro.
She holds up her right hand in a forestalling gesture before reaching slowly into a pocket of her jacket. She fishes out a small electronic device and places it on the table. She looks askance at Spark as she activates it. Abruptly anyone eavesdropping electronically will find their job much more difficult. Charlotte leans forward and murmurs, "Yes," her eyes regard Deray intently, "I have."
She adjusts her AR display to reflect Dakota's assignments.
Jul 24 2006, 03:54 PM
Spark winces briefly as the device is activated, but says nothing.
Deray smiles, the expression again devoid of any real warmth, and slides an optical chip across the table top towards you. She keeps one finger on the chip, reaching for the credstick.
Before any actual exchange can be made, there is a shout from the entrance of the bar. A group of men have just attacked the bouncer. Two of them continue beating on him, the rest turn, shouting and pointing at Charlotte and Deray.
Jul 25 2006, 12:42 AM
"Not bad." Jeff said, wincing a bit as he took another sip. "Has quite a kick to it. Kind of like the local cooking. Could get used to it."
He continued watching the negotiator at work. Hopefully the info would be good. He hated wild goose chases. However, the status of the goods was given a boost towards the credibility when men busted in, apparently intrested in the negotiations as well. *I'm taking it these aren't friends of ours....and doubting friends of theirs.* he messaged to the group. He shifted his vision to the astral, taking a good look at their new 'friends'.
[ Spoiler ]
Hoping I'm right that it's skill + linked attribute.... still need to get these rules in the long term memory.
Assensing: 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 3, 1
Jul 25 2006, 03:44 AM
<< Code Blue Charlie. Repeat, Code Blue Charlie. >> Charlotte's pre-recorded voice speaks firmly in the team's comms...
The room was a breezy billowy affair. It was appealing. Seductive. Not an optimal environment for getting their heads together. At least it was inexpensive. After she'd gotten an extra 5k out of the Finance department, they'd appreciate any savings that she could make. Not that room and board were the team's biggest expenses. Still, every bit helped. They were in the middle of a planning session. Dakota was running down what seemed like every possible contingency.
"I'm really glad you're working for us," Charlotte grinned at the former soldier. Puffs of smoke escaped her lips as she spoke. She toyed with the savor of the smoke's residue on her tongue. The hookah was complimentary with every room. And while it was easier than blinking to procure harder stuff, all that was in the little brick at the top of the ornate brass, glass and cloth hookah was tobacco. Or a reasonable facsimile thereof. She attempted to blow smoke rings, no mean feat with prominent tusks, and then gave up with a smoky sigh and passed the pipe to Mikael with her right hand, the hole of the mouthpiece facing her as she handed it across.
The innocuous smoking was, in fact, an exercise she had contrived to help her teammates wean themselves off of western ambidexterity. Jeff seemed to be managing well enough. Mikael would take some work, though. He'd get it. The troll schooled her face to stillness as she glimpsed distress in Yi's aura. Not unexpected given who she was seated next to. It could be the smoke though. Charlotte, pursed her lips in contemplation of the slim woman coiled across from her. Her face was covered by its beautiful mask, though Charlotte sensed the deeper struggle that the young woman hid admirably well.
Dakota cleared her throat and Charlotte straightened with renewed attention, "Pardon my interruption, do go on. Code Blue...?"
...a summons goes out, with a promise of bonus pay for swiftness and discretion, to their hired transport. Charlotte's eyes snap to Deray's hot with accusation and then, as Deray's own displeasure registers, in a conspiratorial expression of shared nuissance. She releases the credstick into the woman's hands, an avalanche of sensations coursing through her with the touch. She manages not to flinch in response as she grabs the chip from the woman's slim hand. She snatches up the noise generator and prepares to get to her feet. "Shall we?" She smiles the question at Deray, her expression one of cordial invitation. The sanguine look flatlines when she sees the eagerness in Twist's eyes, a reflection of the sick soul that barely clung to its meat. Still, if we ALL move quickly, maybe we can get out of here with a minimum of violence. Her eyes snapped up to the corners of the room, looking for exits.
<< Cover Deray, Twist, Spark in Code Blue. >>
She subvocalizes the 'small' modification to Code Blue's escape proceedings, and flags it as urgent, but not a command. Charlotte was not the leader when situations went hot. That was Dakota's turf. But they were right on the cusp now, and in her opinion, a temporary alliance would be useful... perhaps necessary. Not all contingencies could be accounted for, it seemed. And the more cynical part of her mind appreicated the fact that having someone like Deray kindly disposed to the team could only be a good thing. If not now, then in the future.
Jul 25 2006, 09:00 PM
Yi moves slightly, her hand drawing two concealed shurikens from small pockets in her body armor. She turns slightly, sweeping her arm out to move a bar fly out of her way as she releases the weapon at the nearest brawler with any sort of larger firearm.
"Which exit are we using?
She does a quick head count as she speaks.
"We have eight party crashers at the door.
Jul 26 2006, 03:09 PM
One of the men among the group cries out, jerking his hand from his rifle and staring at the shuriken embedded in the flesh.
Jul 27 2006, 04:16 PM
:: Dakota's practiced casual stance was gone in an instant as a fluid motion instantly produces a sizable handgun. Without hesitation or effort, Dakota pulls the trigger and a large ugly wound opens the forehead of the second of the two lead goons, Yi having already hit the first. ::
:: Seeing her first shot hit the mark lethally, she witholds the second in favor of gaining some cover. Kicking out sharply with her heavily booted foot, she knocks the table nearest her up on it's end and crouches down behind it while updating the AR assignment listing. ::
Primary Target: Intruders, first available. Ignore stunned.
Primary Objective: Secure Info
Secondary Objective: Cover Deray's Escape
Primary Target: Intruders, first available. Ignore stunned.
Primary Target: Intruders, Stun if possible
Primary Target: Cover Deray's Escape
Jul 27 2006, 05:58 PM
The room erupts into even more chaos as one of the unidentified gunmen goes down, and two others step up and begin spraying the area with fully automatic rifles.
They carefully avoid the section along the left wall where Deray is sitting, the reason for which becomes obvious as two more gunmen wielding submachine guns go rushing past their companions and towards Deray and Charlotte, shouting for them to drop their weapons and hand over the information.
Jul 27 2006, 06:14 PM
Satisfied that there weren't any magical targets that needed elimination, Jeffery made a quick check of the objective list as he stood up. Drawing on the forces of magic, he sent a bolt of energy arching out at one of the men threatening Charlotte and Deray. No one was taking out his allies on his watch. Now to hope that one of the others managed to get that other one....he didn't much relish being a bullet magnet....
Jul 27 2006, 07:10 PM
One of the men abruptly crumples, his cries cut off as he goes unconcious and falls to the floor in a limp heap.
The other man glares at you as he runs by, shouting in Indonesian.
Jul 27 2006, 09:12 PM
"Do I even want to know what he just said?" Jeff asked as the remaining man continued on towards his objective.
Jul 27 2006, 09:45 PM
"Something about your mother I think..."
Mickey weighs his options in the split second before acting. If he was in a bad trid flick, he could draw his pistol shoot the gun out of his attackers hands and watch as the bullets spray into the other goons at the door as the assault rifle bounces and continues its automatic firing of doom.
Sadly, he is living in the real world and the various physics which exist there. With an effort of will, the occultist draws a large cartoon hammer in his mind's eye and drops it on top of the left hand shooter.
The left side is unclean to these people, let their superstitions work against them...
Jul 27 2006, 11:05 PM
In an almost comical fashion, the man is abruptly slammed downwards, the sight of the large cartoon hammer visible only in Mickey's mind. The man shakes his head, the stammer of automatic gunfire stuttering as he struggles to keep his feet and keep the gun aimed.
Jul 28 2006, 11:09 PM
Ugly sensations flooded astral space as men embraced the will to cause harm - even death - to others. That moment always set Charlotte back on her heels, no matter how she vowed to be prepared for it next time. Next time always shook her up. Swamped her with the raw avalanche of anger and fear and hate. She steeled herself, finally, and, mental defenses in place, could act.
It was fortunate for Charlotte that she was surrounded high-functioning adrenaline junkies. It was unfortunate perhaps that some of them casually used deadly force. The tang of violence always clung to their auras afterward and made it difficult for Charlotte to willingly assense them.
She had been getting to her feet when the two men charged she and Deray. One of them dropped and she tasted the flicker of surprise in his aura as his psyche winced as one of the mages - Jeff probably - dropped her assailant.
One man was still coming and she imagined herself stiff-arming him and sending him backflipping as she violently checked his momentum. The truth was, for all her height and strength, she was about as effective in personal combat as a wet kitten. Certainly when compared to her companions.
Still, there was something she could do. She couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, but she could hit something with the broad side of a barn. Sometimes being a troll was handy. Even a scrawny, wuss troll.
She looked at Deray and hissed, "Sevir! Udos orn kri'sha dos!"
She swiveled as she rose and grabbed the low table with both hands and tilted it so that the credstick - if, in fact, Deray hadn't snatched it up already - would slide into the woman's hands. From there she spun and lifted the table clear off the floor, holding it in front of her like a riot shield. A heavy, unwieldy, completely un-transparent, riot shield. Table in hand she gritted her teeth and barreled forward, hoping to impact the advancing man. Hoping the table would survive bullets if he opened fire.
Jul 29 2006, 03:38 PM
Deray nodded, scooping up the credstick as she turns, barking out orders to those accompanying her. A moment later, all 5 are firing pistols that they weren't holding a moment before at the wall behind them, the bullets tearing out chunks of plas-crete and other various building materials.
Jul 31 2006, 06:04 PM
As the troll comes charging down towards the man, he gives a shout, abandoning his run to dive to the side, out of the way of the troll and the table she's carrying.
At the entrance, 4 more men force their way into the already cramped building through the throngs of people running for their lives, guns already firing as they run foward.
Jul 31 2006, 06:50 PM
Yi stands still as the bullets begin to fly. She senses more than anything the will behind the shots and twists slightly to avoid their paths through the air around her. She adjusts her body several more times allowing the hail of lead to move past her unimpeded. Feeling the right moment come to her, she throws another shuriken. This time aiming for one of men laying down suppressive fire across their exit route. In the same motion, she draws two more from around her body with her other free hand.
Jul 31 2006, 08:06 PM
One of the gunmen shouts, the constant chattering of his automatic weapon stuttering as he struggles to dig the sharpened sliver of metal out of his shoulder.
Aug 3 2006, 04:31 PM
Once again the bullets rain around her as she shifts from side to side. Her eyes roaming over the gunmen and picking her next targets from among the unwounded. With two more flicks of her wrist, small metal shuriken whistle through the air towards exposed flesh.
Aug 3 2006, 04:57 PM
Near the door
The hail of gunfire filling the room lessens as one by one, the four men struck by the small slivers of metal feel their bodies stiffen, muscles clenching as the toxins take hold. 3 men continue firing, however, turning murderous glares on the masked woman as their compatriots fall.
In the back
The automatic fire and cloud of dust a debris kicked up from Deray's associates weaponfire halts, and the two bodyguards hit the section of wall like a pair of semi's. With a crack, a large section of the less then up-to-code building's wall gives way, showing a dingy alleyway behind the bar, the opening almost two meters tall and a meter across.
Aug 5 2006, 05:19 AM
Jeff's satisfaction at knocking out the first goon threatening his friend and her contact was shortlived as he found gunfire strafing his way. Reflex kicked in as he flipped the table and dropped down behind the makeshift shelter. The bullets rattled as they hit the wood, but fortune was with the shaman and no blood was shed on his part.
Aug 16 2006, 12:21 AM
Yi calmly retrieves two more shurikens from thier hiding places before launching one at a gunman laying down fire at the exit point. She visualizes the bullets as thy fly her way, continuing to make the minute adjustments needed to avoid being hit.
"I have five more shuriken left before I'm going to need to close to melee range."
Aug 16 2006, 03:56 PM
The man snarls something in Balinese about outdated weapons as the shuriken sinks into the armored vest in his mid-section. He jerks it free of his clothing, and swings the SMG in his hand towards Yi.
Aug 21 2006, 07:14 PM
A dusty Roadmaster screeches to a halt in the alley behind the bar, drifting white sand swirling about the wheels. Cirio glances into the side mirrors at the impromptu exit, and wordlessly triggers the sliding side doors to actuate. Fingers drumming on the wheel, he extends his senses, seeking the delicate pulses in the Resonance of his foe's electronic traffic.
Aug 21 2006, 07:23 PM
:: As Dakota concentrates her fire on those posing the biggest threats, she isn't necessarily going for kill shots, just distractions to keep everyone unfocused and provide enough cover for her team to begin their exit. ::
"Time to go people. OUT!"
Aug 21 2006, 08:17 PM
Both of the men cry out as Dakota's bullets find their mark, winging gun arms and distracting the men enough to break the constant flow of gunfire rattling around the room.
The wireless network around you screams with the constant chatter and flow of information moving back and forth. Hundreds of wireless networks light up as your perceptions stretch out, glowing dots overlaying the landscape of the small coastal town.
Aug 23 2006, 05:09 AM
Keeping his head low and darting out between tables for the van that just rolled into the alleyway, Mickey does his best to keep sturdy objects between any gunfire and his body.
Now of course would be the perfect time for a beautiful death scene...nicely tragic and keep the rest of the team running along with flashbacks to before...stop that Mickey that only works at the beginning of the trid...for all you know this is act three and you'd be expected to monologue...and none of us want that...
The mental dialogue with himself chews through the panic as the Russian clears the bar.
Aug 25 2006, 01:16 AM
Charlotte nearly trips over the table and, seeing the wall fall away into dust, grimaces. Well, it's expedient at the very least. She hefts the table and begins backing toward the new exit, turning it so as to cover their exit. She waits until everyone is out, except Dakota. Dakota is always first in and last out. Mother of frag, this driver deserves a tip.
Aug 25 2006, 06:22 PM
One of the men hit by Dakota swings the assault rifle to bear, shouting another almost intelligible phrase in Balinese as he pulls the trigger to send a stream of fire towards her.
Two of the other men, noticing the groups bid for escape, shout and run forward, firing the weapons at the escaping foreigners.
Aug 25 2006, 06:50 PM
Mickey had successfully made it on towards the new back door. Jeff was a bit less sure of his chances. But nothing ventured, nothing gained. Ducking out from behind the safety of his table, he shot a stunbolt at the man at the door before making his bid for freedom.
Aug 25 2006, 08:01 PM
The man Jeff motions towards rocks back on his feet, the deep red flush of what was sure to become a serious bruise spreading along one side of his face and neck.
Deray and her associates dart out into the narrow alleyway behind the bar. At one end of the metre wide strip, Cirio's van waited. Screeching to a halt at the other end is an open backed truck, several more upset looking men with large guns filling the space, shouting and motioning towards the group in the alley, pointing for the driver to go around the building.
Deray's bodyguards scoop one of the group in one arm, and split the thin elf between them as they leap lightly straight up, alighting on the edge of the roof 4 metres above.
In the bar, one of the latecomers sees the group running for the makeshift exit and jerks the rifle up to his shoulder, sending a series of shots towards the smaller figure in the mask.
Aug 27 2006, 07:03 PM
Yi watches as the rifleman brings his weapon to bear on her, hearing the click of the trigger she bursts into movement avoiding the hail of gunfire intended for her alone. As she sprints towards the exit she flings another poisoned shuriken at the thugs spilling in by the doorway. Drawing two more from her body she opens a dialogue with Cirio.
"How's our exit looking?"
Aug 27 2006, 07:41 PM
:: Dakota sees the weapons turn to bear on her position and at the last second pulls her head down and out of the line of fire. Watching over her shoulder as her team works their retreat, her fingers close on a small canister at her hip. ::