Jul 14 2006, 11:05 PM
How often do you get into car chases in sr4?? Im thinking of making a dwarf a rigger kinda. I think im gonna have him focus almost entirely on being able to build and fix things mostly vehichles and most likely try to make him a killer driver.
So do you think he should take a weapon skill or go for whatever skills it takes to operate drones?
Hmmm if a team of runners gets hired to jack an airplane or something could the team break into the airportand find the plane and then the team rigger could try to hack the plane through his fellow runners comm??
Jul 15 2006, 12:10 AM
how often you get into car chases is dependent on your GM. If you make a rigger he'll likely put in more. Bear in mind that you won't have a lot to do most of the time if that is your only skill, which could get boring.
I believe you can rig a plane remotely, but it would need to be pre-adapted for rigger control (which most vehicles aren't) and you would need to hack any protection it happened to have.
Jul 15 2006, 01:32 AM
As a driving only rigger, you can also end up out of your element, if the badguys take a boat out into the sound and your a driver, you may not be as well equipped to chase them.
Jul 15 2006, 02:50 AM
well i meant piloting vehichles as opposed to drones, if he wasnt driving he would be with the group.
Im thinking of making him have some special outfit that will let him get dragged around. Around the shoulders and legs area's would be handles. When they need to leave an area he can jump into his vehichle and drive it to whatever extraction point they need, while they are dragging him along.
Jul 15 2006, 07:20 AM
QUOTE (Abbandon) |
well i meant piloting vehichles as opposed to drones, if he wasnt driving he would be with the group.
Im thinking of making him have some special outfit that will let him get dragged around. Around the shoulders and legs area's would be handles. When they need to leave an area he can jump into his vehichle and drive it to whatever extraction point they need, while they are dragging him along. |
Heh. Back-mounted dwarves. Providing you with rear-mounted guns
and +3 ballistic armour.
Jul 15 2006, 04:08 PM
Master Blaster... Troll and Dwarf rigger combo
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