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Full Version: Implanted Simrig vs. standard simrig/sim module
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun

By the letter of the book, the cyberware simrig is described as being the same as a sim module (pg. 318). However, at .5 essence (which is nothing to sneer at) as well as the name being the same, shouldn't the cyber simrig be the same as the external simrig?


Sim Module = commlink add-on that allows you to "see/feel" simsense and thus use VR

Simrig (implanted or worn) = allows you to record simsense.
Make your own VR snuff or whatever floats your boat.
That's what I figured. What was throwing me off was the description of the cyber simrig being "an implanted version of the external sim module (see p. 318)"

I figured that the cyber simrig should be the same as the external simrig. the big black book seems to state otherwise. My question was if it was an error in the book or not.

yea its a known error. You might want to check out the eratta thread in the stickies above. Lots of smart people with good eyes there.

I don't know what use recording simsense would be for player characters, but I imagine the porn industry loves this bit of cyberware.
Thanks. I didn't check the stickies (but I did search the forums and check the official FAQ prior to posting).

I wonder why the search I did for "simrig" didn't find the stickied faq entry...

As for what my character wants it for, he's an info-junkie. I know it's cliche for a hacker, but the goal is the whole "sensory overload" angle. Starting he will have cyber-eyes and a simrig. Soon thereafter will come the cyberears (if I don't just find the extra cash and do it at creation), taste booster, olfactory booster, and touch link. I'd also like to throw in the ultrasound sensor, but that's for metagaming reasons.

The end goal is to record his entire existence. It could be dangerous if he's ever busted. Nothing like having a lifetime's worth criminal activity organized and indexed. biggrin.gif

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