Aug 4 2006, 12:29 AM
does the increase to logic effect how many free knowledge skill points a character gets at char gen?
Aug 4 2006, 12:49 AM
I think our games have always been ruled no. I don't think you'd get bonus points for the augmented attribute, only for the base one, but, I honestly don't think an extra 6 knowledge skill points are going to hurt anything either.
Aug 4 2006, 02:13 AM
QUOTE (fool) |
does the increase to logic effect how many free knowledge skill points a character gets at char gen? |
It's not explicit in SR4, as far as I can tell, but in SR3, the rule was "no cultured bioware at chargen." If you go by that, the question becomes moot since the Cerebral Booster is an item that isn't available.
Aug 4 2006, 04:49 AM
I'm surprised at this, but I'd actually say yes. In the description for the cerebral booster, it says: "The cerebral booster adds its rating to the user’s Logic attribute." (Boyle et al. 339) That means it's not a bonus, and is limited by the racial maximum for Logic (7 for trogs, 9 for the rest). So yeah, I'd allow it.
Mr. Unpronounceable
Aug 4 2006, 04:29 PM
Actually, I'm pretty sure cybermods explicitly don't add at chargen...let me see if I can find a pg. #...
ah, here it is
QUOTE (pg. 84) |
Note that any attribute boosts gained from implants do not affect other aspects of character creation—a boost to Logic, for example, does not increase the Knowledge skills you start with.
Aug 4 2006, 04:36 PM
It explicitly states in the rules that it doesn't count towards the bonus. I don't have the quote handy though. If I come across it later, and noone has yet posted it, I'll post up the reference.

Thanks Mr. Unpronounceable.
Aug 4 2006, 05:18 PM
well logic is the ability to reason and essentiall piece things together. The cerebral booster only affects logic, because Knowledge is just that its what you Know. If you apply the bonus of the cerebral booster to knowledge skills that is in essence saying that you've gained knowledge by implanting cyberware. This is not the case.
Aug 4 2006, 06:30 PM
QUOTE (Mr. Unpronounceable) |
Actually, I'm pretty sure cybermods explicitly don't add at chargen...let me see if I can find a pg. #...
ah, here it is |
Well, there you go. Wow, and open-and-shut case on DS.
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