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Just double checking, here, OOC -- you did notice that Billy's not just asking for two thousand up front, but also for the original ten thousand each, right? IE, he kicked the price up two thousand bucks a head (I was assuming there'd be some back and forth, a counter-negotiation roll or something, and we'd settle on an extra thousand each or something like that, not just you going "Okay, that sounds good").
Fresno Bob
Oh, oops. Let me revise that.
QUOTE (Critias)
...not just you going "Okay, that sounds good".

Maybe it's worth that much more. biggrin.gif

So are we in or are we out?

OOC planning here, or IC stuff to keep this moving?

Or is it time to charge the shock pads to 300 biggrin.gif
Maybe charge the shock pads?

We're still waiting on a reply from our GM.
Fresno Bob
Interesting... I could have sworn the last time I looked at the thread, the last post was by me.
Page 3... more stuff.
Oh, that explains it.
Uhoh, poor Chiller doesn't know what to do now!

Do we want to start a brief ooc discussion on the timeline and basic activities for the team?
Well, Aeryn will do the magic stuff. smile.gif

She would like to summon and especially bind two spirits of a decent Force previously (as stated in the IC), which might come in handy. When looking at double digit dice pools for the spirits to resist, it's always handy to have some bodyguards and emergency personnel around, though. Normally, that shouldn't be much of a problem, but you never know, when the dice decide to come up with outrageous results, and that's always a possibility. wink.gif

Just summon and bind while we are in Spec's car. I'm certain we won't end up with a free spirit inhabiting the car and making sarcastic comments as we shadowrun.
Binding takes a few hours and requires a few things, though. wink.gif

So what's the scoop on this map data?
Here's a roll for Aeryn on Intuition + Local Area Knowledge (Seattle), maybe she knows a few noteworthy details about the area around the route, that is shown on the map.

[ Spoiler ]

Fresno Bob
Question: Would you rather I drafted up an actual map of their route, using an aerial map of Seattle, or do you want me to just describe it?
i'm not sure if you have to use an actual seattle map. ms paint would be sufficient...
QUOTE (Voorhees)
Question: Would you rather I drafted up an actual map of their route, using an aerial map of Seattle, or do you want me to just describe it?

Would be cool, if that's not too much trouble. smile.gif

But I'm fine with just a description, too.

Either way. I'm easy.
Fresno Bob
Alright. The route goes from the docks to one of the freeways out of the city, to the north. Its mostly a straightforward route, but theres a couple points where it branches off into side streets, and goes on for a bit until moving back onto a main street.
And... does Aeryn know anything worthwhile about the regions where the route passes through (roll a few posts above)?

Fresno Bob
Worthwhile... like what?
For example, how secure those areas are, i.e. where we might have a good chance to attack the cars without rising much attention or triggering fast response.

Maybe some areas, where they have to slow down and cannot speed away, if something happens.

What's the cover like at these choke points? Where are the buildings? How high are they? What other businesses/locations of interest are in the area? How high is the level of security?
Where's a good spot for Halo to stand and flash a leg so the security truck will pull over and give her a lift?
if we really want them to stop for us why stop at just leg? biggrin.gif

I'm not home so i'll make some rolls for knowlede stuff tonight
Preemptive roll for once Halo gets to see the map/data provided

INT (4) + Local Area Knowledge (3) = 7 dice
[5] [5] [5] 1 3 [6] [5] Hits:5

INT (4) + Smuggling Routes (4) = 8 dice
3 [6] [6] 1 [6] 3 4 [5] Hits:4
Fresno Bob
Theres a few points that stand out on the route. One is at a four way intersection downtown, with high buildings around on all the streets. Another is on a small residential street in a C-Zone, and another spot as they leave the warehouse, where they have to go down a small road out of the docks. Security in each point wouldn't be too bad, assuming you could finish the job before Lonestar showed up.
Maybe we could even hit them, while they are loading the wagons...

Nah, jack the ride before they load it, have them load it for us, then just drive it away.
Fresno Bob
All excellent plans.
Pinch the transport before they go to load like DR suggested somewhere outside the docks. Show up as the team to do the transport and then divert the shipment.

Otherwise we hit after it's loaded and be assured that the security/magical juju on the shipment has gone up 10 fold. Probably easier to become the transport team... until we can get the transport vehicle to a secure location, split the shipment into smaller pieces and have everyone who can drive worth a damn (and or has a vehicle) to take their share back to Aziz for delivery.
Yeah, we should take a look into that and see if it can be done... I suppose the information we got with the route starts at the warehouse, right?

What's the warehouse like? When does the shipment leave there? What information do we have?
For the record, I'm not taking part in this particular conversation not because I don't care, but because Billy's quite simply not the planning type.
Fresno Bob
The shipment is going to leave at approximately 0800 hours. The warehouse is just like any other warehouse. Offices to one side, big open space with a big rollup door to the other side. The file also says that all the vehicles will be parked there, and that the night guards will change shifts with the actual escort guards at some unknown point during the night/morning.
Are these standard sec. company guards that monitor the warehouse or "special" guards for this particular job?

Also, Spec will roll to see if there are any good approaches for the team, where the lines-of-fire are to cover the doorway, etc. and where the guards are likely to be.

Logic 3 + Corp. Sec. Tactics 2
04 05 06 06 04 = 3 hits

(I take it the Leadership (Tactics) won't help here)
Fresno Bob
They're the 'special' kind. As for good approaches, there seems to be little to no cover approaching the door, and with the way the entrance looks to you, it seems that two well-equipped men could hold off an army from it. The walls are relatively thick concrete, and besides the front door and the rollup, theres no other doorways in.
With spirits and some 'mind control' spells, Aeryn should be able to cause some confusion there. smile.gif

If we can get the team in place at the warehouse/ or truck, before the 8 am loading, then I think that's a good spot. If we can't be in place already, and need to do a smash and grab, then i think it's easier to do on the road then at the facility, which may have it's own security forces and responses, in addition to what will be with the transportation.

How much coffeee is it and how will we carry it away?
Where are we supposed to deliver the coffee once grabbed?
Remember we have a tight timeline, we need everything by 8 am tomorrow morning.
How do we stop the truck?
How do we breach the truck?
Fresno Bob
Its 100 pounds of coffee, plus change for the container and equipment holding it in. It'll be in a 12"x12"x50" wooden crate. Your instructions are to deliver it to behind the Green Fairy, at the delivery entrance, once you have it and can safely do so.
I'm okay with a significant OOC discussion, IC Chiller is more of a follower.

Do we have or can we get the assets needed to stop the delivery truck on the road? Chiller's heaviest weapon is a shotgun. He can use almost anything, but the shotgun is as powerful as he has right now.
Spec has a MMG and a grenade launcher (and a smart mount...), but it'd be really nice to get at least a launcher and two AV rockets for the escort cars right about now.

Otherwise, we could use a roadblock and unload on them with the mmg and the grenades when they try to clear it... we'd need to make sure we box in the van, though, so they couldn't get away. chiller and billy could be part of the "grab" team.

could we arrange for a spirit with the "accident" power to make something happen for us..?

I've got all types of grenades, too, btw; smoke, gas, HE, frag....

it might be better to hit them hard from multiple elevations/directions once they get to a choke point, rather than risk blowing the whole thing
could we arrange for a spirit with the "accident" power to make something happen for us..?

Of course...

Or a controlled laying down of a bike in front of the transport? A staged and controlled accident of some type?

Keep in mind we don't want to damage the cargo, otherwise there's no point in stopping the transport.
GM, tell us about these choke points. We want an area where we can shut the whole convoy down by taking about the lead vehicle. Can this happen, somewhere along the route? Could you describe this area for us?

edit: Plans for staging an accident?
Fresno Bob
On the residential street, the road is too narrow for the cars to make a good getaway if you decide to do it there. And at the intersection downtown, cross traffic would probably prevent them from escaping after destroying the lead car.
Alright, here's a tenative plan that I want some feedback on:

Basically, I want to pull a "Mogadishu" on their asses. First, we need to stop them somewhere inconvenient for them, but good for us. Preferably right in front of the MMG on the Smart Mount (Halo is a rigger, and can control this, right?). Then Spec with his GL on a roof takes out the lead/trailing car and lays down a pattern of fire and some gas that wastes the security guys that will inevitably come spilling out to cack us (although it would be nice to have a rocket launcher for the cars, as well). Then Chiller and Billy clear out the van and grab the cargo. We will, of course, need some astral overwatch; having a spirit manifest inside one of the cars would probably take care of half their manpower before they even got a shot off.

What does everyone think?
Brutal and effective.
Except Halo's not a rigger, otherwise that could work.
Smart mount has pilot 3 + rating 3 targeting soft right? I think it's not too bad acting on it's own, it get's at least 6 dice, and a couple IP's.
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