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This is our OOC thread to ask questions, show die rolls, and in the beginning work out any 'kinks' in character creation.

Player Bonus Award

Answer one of these four questions: (You may only answer one, and it must not be already answered)

what are the 3 names for the Malleus Maleficarum?

What is the name of the author(s)?

When was it written/published?

Who actually used the Malleus Maleficarum?
Just nasty...

I'll do an easy one..

When was it written/published?
1487, generally accepted as publication date. But there may be editions from 1486 and 1485 as it was written around 1485.
Correct answer
Cedric Rolfsson
authors Henrick Kramer Jacob Sprenger
correct answer
I have no idea what any of that means.
Cedric Rolfsson
The joy of Wikipedia! Mwuahahahahaha! devil.gif
Occassionaly I will be using actual books for reference/game prop type things. Info will be mostly right except possibly location. Some of the books are so rich in history(and the just plain cool factor) that I'd have been hard pressed to think up my own (so I didnt). For some of us it'll be a crashcourse in the occult (hey you did sign up for this).
krayola red
QUOTE (JackRipper)
what are the 3 names for the Malleus Maleficarum?

Hammer of Witches / Witch Hammer / Hexenhammer
QUOTE (JackRipper @ Aug 31 2006, 07:57 PM)
Occassionaly I will be using actual books for reference/game prop type things. Info will be mostly right except possibly location. Some of the books are so rich in history(and the just plain cool factor) that I'd have been hard pressed to think up my own (so I didnt). For some of us it'll be a crashcourse in the occult (hey you did sign up for this).

As long as we don't have that bit where the character wakes up and finds out their penis has wandered off...

Though this is giving me some very disturbing ideas for my character.
krayola red
That reminds me of this movie I saw once about a guy who gets his hand lopped off in an auto accident, and the hand later comes back to murder him.

It would be a lot worse if it were a penis instead of a hand.
Who actually used the Malleus Maleficarum?
It served as a guidebook for Inquisitors during the Inquisition.
QUOTE (Mekalus)
Who actually used the Malleus Maleficarum?
It served as a guidebook for Inquisitors during the Inquisition.

Are you sure? Is that your Final Answer?
"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"
Krayola: Correct answer

Mekalus: Incorrect answer
Mekalus you may still attempt to answer, but it is first right answer that gets the prize.
QUOTE (JackRipper)
This is our OOC thread to ask questions, show die rolls, and in the beginning work out any 'kinks' in character creation.

Speaking of which I did a final number crunch, and in reviewing notice I had .5 in adept powers I hadn't used yet. Yippee!

Now to think about what to do about that.
QUOTE (krayola red)
That reminds me of this movie I saw once about a guy who gets his hand lopped off in an auto accident, and the hand later comes back to murder him.

It would be a lot worse if it were a penis instead of a hand.

It would suck to be choked to death by your own hand, but....that'd be much worse.

come on we were all thinking it
The following is a list of goodies I'm handing out. I'm still thinking about some for the rest of you.


G.nome: you own pieces to a set of Japanese armor. Very lightwieght, allows you to be very mobile. [pieces include: silk under coat, breastplate, neck guard, thigh piece, shin guards, and guantlets. You recovered this in your war against the bugs from a museum. Ballistic 4/ Impact 10]

DireRadiant: You own a cross of silver, reputed to be made from the silver platter John the Baptist's head was placed on. It is a Banishing Focus 2

Cedric: You have in your possession the (and I dont speak Arabic, so it's nonsence words)" Jai'lihs Fa'teheim" or the black book of blasphemies. It gives you a bonus to spirit names research, it also acts as a mentor spirit.[that's the good] It whispers to you constantly...even when you are most vulnerable, like sleeping. Every night you must fend off it's influence, the threshold is equal to the number of days you have used the book. (this includes research, and the bonus dice from the mentor spirit) [Dark King]
Cedric Rolfsson
Black is Aswad but I can't find Book or Transgression/Sin/Blaspheme.
G.nome: you own pieces to a set of Japanese armor. Very lightwieght, allows you to be very mobile. [pieces include: silk under coat, breastplate, neck guard, thigh piece, shin guards, and guantlets. You recovered this in your war against the bugs from a museum. Ballistic 4/ Impact 10]

Wow, thanks.

This means we're in for some really nasty fights, aren't we?
This means we're in for some really nasty fights, aren't we?

Black books that whisper in the night, ancient armor, and silver crosses, oh yeah... we never going to need them are we?
krayola red
In a strange time and a faraway land, a wise man once uttered: it's clobberin' time!
What should I picture?

Like these, maybe?

Or more like this?

Or something more form-fitting, probably.

Should I know anything special about this armor?
Note the "inquisition" happened over a period of 250 years and the Spanish Inquisition was something else entirely. The Spanish Inquisition was the way Ferdinand and Isabella maintained Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms which they had recently wrested control of from the Moors who were Islamic primarily. The "inquisition" to which I reffer was a period of time which also included the time of the Salem witch trials. I got my answers from the following site

However if you prefer the wikipedia definition my answer still fits as the people who prosecuted/persecuted/hunted witches were commonly called "inquisitors" and the common naming of the courts in which the witch trials were held were called Inquisitors Courts. Setting that aside here is the direct quote from wikipedia
[ Spoiler ]

Or you can read the above link. That's where my first answer came from. If I am still incorrect could you please point me to a site that I can read so I can be in the right frame of mind in character.
Summation Witch Hunters used it as did the prosecutors in witch trials(not to be compared with current judicial system prosecutors) as did anyone invlolved in the whole witch hunt hysteria mentioned.

editted several times for grammer and spelling...sheesh proofreading is your friend biggrin.gif
Wiki is where I got my answer, but to be fair you did research and find an answer so lacking any real site i'll consider canon you get it.
twirl.gif YAY1 The GM is wise and generous and all knowing and kind and .... biggrin.gif
Mekalus: You have a copper bracelet/wrist band it is 2 inches wide. It is a gift from a tribal shaman in Atzlan you befriended there. Counterspelling focus +2

Krayola: You have a witch hunters compass. Detection spell focus +2.

Arkary:you have Astral sight. You have learned to view the awakened world. Mostly the horrors of it unfortunately.
...hooray? At least I can see what's going to eat me. cool.gif
Oh cool! Many thnaks this will come in handy. Leo Begins planning his wardrobe around the shiney. biggrin.gif
Cedric Rolfsson
Jack, just to help me role play the internal conversations I'll be having with my little black book, (my wife would sooooo kick my ass if she heard me say that out loud), is the spirit of the book something determined to win me over to a certain Way or Path? If its got a definite agenda, other than convert me back to a life of evil, then I'll be cautious in my internal conversations. Otherwise I'll just post away whatever nasty unpleasant thoughts that seem scene appropriate.
Cedric Rolfsson
CS tweaking:

Jack, instead of my allergy as listed why don't I change that to a Moderate/Uncommon Addiction - Black Book. It won't change the points any but it would reflect a type of psycological addiction between the book and my character, which would explain why my character hasn't dumped it. He's trying to get away from the darker paths but he just can't walk away, he feels he NEEDS to work out the secrets presented by this book. The seduction of the power and knowledge it offers, its insidious nature, (perhaps a two-way bonding rather than me making it a part of my aura it also attempts to make my aura a reflection of its own) vs the soul deep belief that something about it is WRONG even if I won't admit it on a conscious level. That kind of thing.

I'll be changing the Artisan skill, since my character is no longer going to be finding Truth through human expression. I think this is thread is going to be much darker, so I'll modify that skill slightly, Interrogation or Arcana or something. I'm still working on it.

I'm also going to probably change the last spell on my list, Shape Metal, because of the nasty drain level and because I think that spell my require more narrow element than shape metal or shape air. I'll look at those and get that off to you.
That modification to the addiction seems very appropriate. Yes to that, and good thinking.

The book will try to subvert you towards evil actions (not evil persay but, presented two options the book urges the greater of the two evils). The test you must take regarding using it, if you fail you aquire the Dream Pact [street magic, pg. 108] until you pass it.
I plan on an official opening on Thursday with a big first post from me. That being said any questions/concerns should be voiced.
krayola red
We are all going to die!

But I guess the objection will simply be noted and we will carry on.
Speak for yourself, I plan to stay alive through the use of excessive firepower.
krayola red
I plan to stay alive through the use of excessive running away screaming in terror. biggrin.gif
I've got armor. Pfft.
I've got a bracelet and thats all Wonder Woman ever needed.... erm hmmm
QUOTE (JackRipper @ Sep 5 2006, 03:43 PM)
I plan on an official opening on Thursday with a big first post from me. That being said any questions/concerns should be voiced.

Just one thing. Gregor has that nice Banshing Focus, but no Banashing skill. I don't intend to change or modify CS based on this, unless this was intended to prompt a change.

I'll be perfectly happy to dedicate earned Karma to learning skill and bonding as the need arises, no doubt after we discover we need to Banish things...

Okay, second thing, if we got a focus, do we need to spend BP bonding?
Cedric Rolfsson
CS tweaking:

Okay, finished tweaking:

Removed Artisan Skill used 4 bp for resources and changed Rating 2 Spellcasting Focus to Rating 2 Power Focus. I can still use those two extra points to resist drain rather than just cast more powerful spells right?

Shape Metal was changed to Stench.

Addiction Moderate/Uncommon added.

Would you like me to send off the final CS to you via PM?
CS Tweaking II:

I decided the "flavor" Instruction skill was above and beyond what was required. I've got a slightly tweaked skill list. Submitted for your approval...

[ Spoiler ]
Actually @Everyone:

Please post your "final" PC's in a spoiler here. It'll help keep my in box clear and is a quick reference during game play...also shows me when and how you've updated. Thanks.
Cedric Rolfsson
Zu- Chaos Mage

Zu, or Anzu in Persian and Sumerian, is a lesser divinity of Akkadian mythology, and the son of the bird goddess Siris. Both Zu and Siris are seen as massive birds who can breathe fire and water, although Zu is alternately seen as a lion-headed eagle (cf: The Griffin).

Zu was a servant of the chief sky god Enlil, from whom Zu stole the Tablets of Destiny, so hoping to determine the fate of all things. In one version of the legend, the gods sent Lugalbanda to retrieve the tablets, who in turn, killed Zu. In another, Ea and Belet-Ili conceived Ninurta for the purpose of retrieving the tablets. In a third legend, found in The Hymn of Ashurbanipal, Marduk is said to have killed Zu.

Sorry, I can't help myself, I included this reference to my character name for sheer giggles. He reflect the mythological Zu's obsessive need for knowledge even to the point of offending the very gods, knowing that it was likely to come to no good end.

[ Spoiler ]
Recoil: an ex-hacker, now rigger who lost an eye (and the rest of his previous shadowrunning team) to a nasty bunch of mages and spirits. His close call with death has left him with the ability to see into the Awakened World, and now he fights back with a large amount of gun-toting drones.

(I swapped out a Steel Lynx for another Roto-Drone, as I'm not sure if I can even fit one in my van, let alone two).

[ Spoiler ]
Gregor "Sweetness" Tanislaw - Distinguished Gentleman Tusker. The kindly old man to whom you will gladly tell your troubles, and do his best to reassure you that he will solve them.

"You'll feel much better after <<insert reasonable request here>>, think of the <<name unassailable cause here>> you are helping."

Gregor "Sweetness" Online Character Sheet
[ Spoiler ]
Cedric Rolfsson
Before gameplay begins I was wondering if my character could summon and bind elementals? The binding ritual takes hours, so I thought it would make since to bind them and have them available prior to beginning game play. Specifically three Force 3 elementals; Earth Water and Fire.
krayola red
Clay Jackson: Male witch extraordinaire, shameless connoisseur of fine wine, fine art, and fine women.

[ Spoiler ]
Ced: I dont see why not
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