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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
For most of the Con, the group was pretty much the same cast of characters with a few changes, so by the end, we had gotten into a close knit operation. And this is your warning that there are major spoilers here.

Parliment of Thieves

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Best Served Cold

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The Grab

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Thrash the Body Electric

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Through a Rose Colored Display Link

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The Flip Side

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An Ounce of Prevention

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Chasing the Dragon

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All in all, 8 runs, 7 successes, 1 failure, and 0 team fatalities. I'll call that a win.
Thanks for the detailed reports, Whizbang!

Sounds like you guys took a few interesting twists and turns along the way. cyber.gif

I saw the attendee numbers report for Shadowrun, but hadn't realized that the 8 sold out/oversold games of Missions were all the same people.

For those following along at home, there were 8 scheduled SRM games at DragonCon. We actually ended up running 9 tables. (We had an extra GM and 8 extra players at one session.) 5 tables were run at more than capacity, and only 2 had 1 open seat.
Yeah...I only actually managed to get tickets for 3 events. I was lucky enough to generic into the rest, though. *Thanks the GMs profusely for allowing folks over capacity*

For future missions, it might help to make the Denver map a bit more friendly to black and white printers. I believe it was Parliment of Thieves where, number 1 blended right into the road on the GM's black and white map.

And a bit more on The Grab since it doesn't seem to like me editing my long post....

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I saw the attendee numbers report for Shadowrun, but hadn't realized that the 8 sold out/oversold games of Missions were all the same people. 

For those following along at home, there were 8 scheduled SRM games at DragonCon.  We actually ended up running 9 tables.  (We had an extra GM and 8 extra players at one session.)  5 tables were run at more than capacity, and only 2 had 1 open seat.

I was one of the GMs of the weekend and I had plenty of people asking for pickups games. And I was also one of the GMs that took extra players.

Based on the numbers and the "aggressive manor" of a lot of the standbys, we need to run more sessions. I actually had to stand behind a large man that was built like a wall to protect myself from the players. I just happened to mention I would take extra players and they were on my like a rabid tiger on a little bunny rabbit.

DragonCON was very happy about the turn out and desire for the sessions. Or at least that is what they told me.
QUOTE (dog_xinu)
Based on the numbers and the "aggressive manor" of a lot of the standbys, we need to run more sessions.

This was the first year that FanPro had a presence at the con, so we weren't really sure what to expect. GMs permitting, we'll see if we can have more tables next year. biggrin.gif
I'd also like to chime in my thanks to all the GMs that ran Missions. I realize you folks didn't get a lot of time to prepare for the events, but we appreciate the effort. GMing is usually a thankless task, so volunteering late in the game as I know some of you did is appreciated by all of us.

Robert (aka Spanner)
Just a note while I was unable to go to this con it sounds like SRM's were a real hit which is great and if anyone that was there plays a physical adept you may want to check out the SRM thread about the player created initiatory group we have going.
Thanks to all the folks running games, and putting up with an old Virtual Seattle player trying to figure out the new systems.

Doc Thunder will be making more appearances in Missions, count on it.

Hey, thanks for putting up with those of us a bit underexperienced with Missions procedures! I know some of the players were probably a bit dissappointed and expecting more out of the GMs, I promise it'll be better next year smile.gif

I will say that I had a hell of a lot of fun playing every mission. All the GM's were great, and I look forward to running with them next year.
Yep. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, GMs and players alike, next year.

I for one am already looking forward to next year. The SR availability this year (both quantity and quality) was orders of magnitude better than previous years. Many thanks to the SRM GM team; you guys were great. And a huge thank you to all my fellow runner out there, in particular what worked out to be our "core team": Spanner, Toast, Chen, Swamp Gator, Zelda, and Kali. Any mission, any time, anywhere, guys.

Zelda's account's were very accurate. The only thing I would change is the shapechanging mage is actually a Shaman. And what a way to play with Technomancers! Who would ever suspect a pigeon of hacking your comp?
We worked well as a team and I am looking forward to playing with the gang again next year.

Damn...wish I'd signed up for a Shadowrun game or three at D* was my first time there and to be honest, the game signup system was a blur of nonsense to my brain, I didn't end up playing ANYTHING over the entire weekend, which sucked because I'd gone there mostly to experience SR4 done by someone who actually knows it.

Ah well, always next year.
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