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Full Version: Are all Capacities Equal
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I like the idea of capacity ratings instead of the free essence holes that cyberware used to give you to fill. It make better sense. I think there is a problem however. There are ears and eyes that have a capacity of 16 but an arm only has a capacity of 15. Now I am not about to say you can stick a SMG in your ear, (ok you could, but not in the way I mean), but, what about a commlink. It has a capacity cost of 2. 2 of what kind of capacity who knows its not in the limb eye or ear section.

I think They made an error when they set up the eye and ear capacity in this way. I don't know if they meant to set up 3 systems of capacity, or the just wanted to keep the math easy, but I think they really should have made the capacity on the eye and ear less, and the capacity cost of the small gear less as well. This way capacity would always mean the same thing.

Here is a house rule that I think will make thing clearer. All gear not in the cyber limb section will have its capacity divided by 4. example:

cyberears rating 3 capacity 3
Audio Enhancement rating 3: capacity cost .75
Dampener: capacity cost .25
Select Sound Filter rating 3: capacity cost .75
DataJack: capacity cost .25
CommLink: capacity cost .5
Eye capacity is only for vision mods.

Ear capacity is only for audio mods.

Cyber capacity is for cyber mods.

Eye <> Ear <> Cyber Limb.

Old Thread
Slithery D
What he said. These are not cross comparable. All the various ear/eye capacities mean is that one mod is three times as expensive in an eye or ear as some other option. It doesn't mean similar sized 'ware in an arm would take the same capacity.
I know all capacitys are not the same. That is the point. There are how ever pieces of cyberware listed that are under sections other then, eye, ear limb, that in the past have been options for cybereyes and cyberears. Namely the datajack and ultrasound.

I feel capacity should be just that. A measure of how much a piece of cyperwear can hold . As in 3cm^3 a volume of space. There no need for 3 different system. My Kink bomb capacity 1 doesn't care if its pack in my left ear, my right eye, or in my cybered butt cheek.
There is also capacity for sensor packages on 325, how would you fit those into your calculations?

BTW the unification of capacities would be an interesting rule, especially if you could have alpha/beta/delta grades that take less capacity.
QUOTE (Lagomorph)
There is also capacity for sensor packages on 325, how would you fit those into your calculations?

BTW the unification of capacities would be an interesting rule, especially if you could have alpha/beta/delta grades that take less capacity.

honestly I have know idea I hadn't really studied that area and now the I have I wished I hadn't. It is a diaster. By those rules I can stick a rating 6 cyberware detector in an RFID tag, something I thought as being the size of a credit card, and then scan a whole bar by taping it above the exit. I would think a powerful millimeter range radar array and computer hardware to run would be just a little bigger.

For some reason the only thing you cant stuff in a credit card is a laser mike. Who would have guessed.

here is hoping that Arsenal and Aggmentation and clear up a few things.

Slithery D
QUOTE (Egon)
By those rules I can stick a rating 6 cyberware detector in an RFID tag, something I thought as being the size of a credit card...

Current first generation RFIDs that I read about a couple of years ago are no bigger than a penny, and I think considerably smaller. The issue right now is that they cost too much to mass produce and use on everything.
Wait a minute...are you people trying to tell me that I can't get Hand Razors implanted in my eyes? No ocular drone in my ear? Are you saying that I can't have protective covers and flare compensation on my hands?

Well "boo" on you.
Rotbart van Dainig
RFID tags today already reach the size of 1mm².
After my shock at seeing their table I looked at it a little more and came up with this. I still think that some of the sensors should cost a bit more capacity, but I didn't want to make those types of judgements so I just used the way they did cyberears and cybereyes as a model and changed their table to be more in line with that. I assumed that all sensors are at the 1/4 scale and that the higher ratings effect the capacity they take up. Also I put the RFID tag and the Micro class on the 1/4 scale.


Sensor                  Packages Capacity    Signal
RFID                                1           0
Micro                               1           2
Handheld/Minidrone                  1           3
Mounted/Small Drone                 5           4
Large Drone                         8           4
Vehicle                             12          5

Sensor Functions                    Capacity   Availability  Cost
Atmosphere Sensor(Rating1–3)        [1]             2         Ratingx25₯
Camera                              [1]             —         100₯
Cyberware Scanner (Rating 1–6)      [1]             4R        Ratingx75₯
Directional Microphone              [1]             4         50₯
Geiger Counter                      [1]             4         50₯
Laser Microphone (Rating 1–6)       [2]             8R        Ratingx50₯
Laser Range Finder                  [1]             8         100₯
MAD Scanner(Rating 1–3)             [1]             6R        Ratingx75₯
Microphone                          [1]             —         50₯
Motion Sensor                       [1]             4         50₯
Olfactory Sensor(Rating 1–6)        [1]             4         Ratingx500₯
Radio Signal Scanner(Rating 1–6)    [1]             4R        Ratingx25₯


Sensor                  Packages Capacity    Signal
RFID                               .25          0
Micro                              .25          2
Handheld/Minidrone                  1           3
Mounted/Small Drone                 5           4
Large Drone                         8           4
Vehicle                             12          5

Sensor Functions                    Capacity   Availability  Cost
Atmosphere Sensor(Rating1–3)        [Rating/4]      2         Ratingx25₯
Camera                              [.25]           —         100₯
Cyberware Scanner (Rating 1–6)      [Rating/4]      4R        Ratingx75₯
Directional Microphone              [.25]           4         50₯
Geiger Counter                      [.25]           4         50₯
Laser Microphone (Rating 1–6)       [Rating/4]      8R        Ratingx50₯
Laser Range Finder                  [.25]           8         100₯
MAD Scanner(Rating 1–3)             [Rating/4]      6R        Ratingx75₯
Microphone                          [.25]           —         50₯
Motion Sensor                       [.25]           4         50₯
Olfactory Sensor(Rating 1–6)        [Rating/4]      4         Ratingx500₯
Radio Signal Scanner(Rating 1–6)    [Rating/4]      4R        Ratingx25₯
QUOTE (JonathanC @ Sep 12 2006, 06:49 PM)
Wait a minute...are you people trying to tell me that I can't get Hand Razors implanted in my eyes? No ocular drone in my ear? Are you saying that I can't have protective covers and flare compensation on my hands?

Well "boo" on you.

I am not telling you you can't. Just like I am not telling you "you can't get breast implants, and change your name to Sue." If you have the nuyen.gif then I am sure you can find a street doc to stick anything any where you want.

edit: quoted the wrong post
I think this is being over complicated now.

Cyber eyes and ears can only take the vision and hearing enhancements, as stated. Sensors can only be fitted to sensor packages. Any other cyberware that has capacity listed can only go in cyberlimbs, since it implies that when it states why some cyber has capacity.

Cyber mods are seperately listed because for the main part they can *only* be placed in cyberlimbs.
Of course there are mods you would never put in a cyberwear or eye. I don't really think that you should put hand blades in your eye. On the other hand if you go back to Man and Machine there were laser mics, laser designators, tool lasers, ultra sound detectors, transducers, datajacks, and I think their may even have been a dart gun, but I may be thinking of cyberpunk.

The point is I think the system works better with a unified capacity system. I saw the best way to do that as looking at all the micro cyberware as 1/4 scale. If it is just the fractions you don't like then multiple all the macro cyberware by 4. I have looked at the rules in SR4 and I haven't seen any where that talks about what capacity is what. The way it stands now you could install a SMG in your cybereye. There is nothing in the rules to stop you. Just common sense.
QUOTE (Egon)
I have looked at the rules in SR4 and I haven't seen any where that talks about what capacity is what. The way it stands now you could install a SMG in your cybereye. There is nothing in the rules to stop you. Just common sense.

Each section has it's related table and the following text.

Headware P. 330
"These small complex devices are inserted into the head
(typically constructed via less-invasive nanosurgery). Items
that have a Capacity rating may be installed in cyberlimbs
instead, costing capacity rather than Essence."

If it doesn't have capacity rating, that implies it cannot be installed in a cyberlimb.

Example, a Control Rig.

Earware p 333
"Like eyeware, earware can be installed within a complete
cyberear replacement (costing Capacity) or as an inner
ear modification (costing Essence). Upgrades usually involve
both ears, so the user’s hearing is not unbalanced."

Bodyware P 333
"Bodyware that does not have a Capacity rating must be
installed directly into the user’s body; it cannot be installed
into cyberlimbs. Bodyware with a Capacity rating may be installed
in cyberlimbs, costing capacity rather than Essence."

The tables are conveniently labeled, Eyeware, Earware, Bodyware.

Yes. The capacity system is not unified. But it is quite clear you cannot install a SMG in your eye. Unless you choose to use a table from an unrelated section

If you want to do the old SR3 gimmick such as eye datajacks etc, you'll have to guess, or make your own rules, at least until there are more options given in Arsenal or Unwired.

At least I hope it's clear enough a table labeled Bodyware is realrelatedthe BodyBodywaretion of text.
personaly, i like to say some items (datajack, ultrasound) can be cybereye mods, like they were in previous editions. it makes sense to me. i would be quite willing to let someone put a datajack in an ear (already a hole there, and you get into 'what? i cant hear you i have a datajack in my ear!').

i also think that cyberlimb enhancements cost too much capacity as-is.

capaity is a good idea, but it needs more fine-tuning balance. the addition of capacity to cyber eyes/ears is a step in the right direction. hopefully we will see a refinement in the augmentation book.
I personally think ultrasound in cyber eyes is a bad idea, since it would invalidate the piece of ware specifically designed for ultrasound. Add to this that ultrasound is one of the more powerful "vision" systems and I believe this is balanced.

And personally I don't see anything wrong with the cyberlimb stats, but that's just me. Only the cost in cash and essence seem a bit much, though the essence can be reduced with alpha/beta/delta grades... Still expensive in nuyen though.
real question?

is capacity modified by other grades of cyberware?
As far as I recall no, but all cyberware placed within a cyberlimb has to match the grade of the limb. For example if you wanted a data jack in a delta grade cyber arm the jack would have to be delta grade as well.
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