Here are a couple of ideas that I wrote up a while back but have yet to play out (hope none of my future players read this

VengeanceGang provides bouncers at strip club, which also pays protection. Rich corp guy became besotted with one girl and when his advances were rejected he raped and beat her. Club owner asks gang to teach corper a lesson so that people won’t start thinking they can treat his girls like that.
PCs do legwork to find out where corp guy can be found, but he has security. He may also be target of an extraction by Shadowrunners and when they hear that the PCs are asking around about him they confront the PCs.
Witness in HidingGang act as pimps and protection to a group of prostitutes. One of the prostitutes, Meala, came under their wing a month ago, she had been in some accident and her face and body showed several cuts still healing up. She carried herself with an air that she was above the gutter though – something special.
Meala was previously a high-class escort, her clients were a select group of rich corpers in Bellevue. One of her clients was murdered by a colleague in his apartment, unbeknownst to the murderer Meala was in the bedroom. The only witness, she panicked and tried to flee, alerting the murderer to her presence. In sheer terror she broke through a window and escaped out onto the streets.
Meala, fearing for her life, found her apartment ransacked and staked out. She fled into the Barrens and now scrapes by as a new street level joy girl. However, recently one of her clients, who was "slumming it", recognised her and has reported this back to the murderer.
The PCs first must defend Meala from a drive by attack, and then must handle a bomb being planted at the brothel. Finally a direct attack comes on Meala by a group of newbie Shadowrunners led by the murderer himself.
Tendril of the MafiaThe Gang has been approached by a number of Mafia made men to discuss the possibility of the gang distributing BTLs and street drugs for the family. The PCs are instructed to act as security while the gang boss discusses the deal with the Mafia.
A contingent of the Yakuza who wish to stymie this expansion by the Mafia, assault the meet hoping to scare off the gangers.
Assuming the PCs protect their boss and the Mafia men, a deal is struck and the PCs are assigned to collect the first batch of merchandise. They are ambushed by Shadowrunners, including a drone rigger, hired by the Yakuza.
Finally, if the merchandise arrives intact, the PCs are instructed to act as cover to the gangers selected to sell the gear on the street. The PCs must help the dealers evade club security, drugged out addicts, and rival gangers.
Finally the PCs are offered the ultimate test of loyalty. The yakuza offer the PCs gear, cyber (including implantation), or magical items worth up to 100,000 Nuyen each and the promise of future work, effectively boosting them up to being shadowrunners. In return they are to plant a bomb in the warehouse being used to store the merchandise, the bomb will be detonated after the next delivery arrives. If the PCs refuse, the Yakuza attack with all they have got, most likely killing the PCs (make it obvious this will happen). The loyal way out is to initially play along and then try and double cross the yakuza.