Oct 2 2006, 05:34 PM
On page 176 the Counterstrike power lists as 0.5 PP per level, and it describes how the extra levels work. Each level gives an extra die on top of what the adept gets for successfully defending. However the table on page 186 list the cost as fixed, not per level.
Oct 2 2006, 06:46 PM
Another problem with the table on page 186 is that the Linguistics power on page 177 doesn't appear to have any level relavent features, and the cost is given on page 177 as a flat cost. However in the table on page 186 the cost is given as per level.
Stand by for more as I go down through the list?
Oct 2 2006, 08:48 PM
Quick Draw is out of alphabetical order in table on page 186.
Oct 2 2006, 09:38 PM
wow... I never would have noticed that. Now I know where to look for my puickdraw and qenetrating strike powers at least.
Oct 3 2006, 10:14 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
wow... I never would have noticed that. Now I know where to look for my puickdraw and qenetrating strike powers at least. |
Oct 3 2006, 06:42 PM
I haven't even seen this book in Canada yet, no one has it for sale. Maybe we'll get a second printing with the errata in it.
Oct 3 2006, 06:46 PM
Umm, actually, it came out right on schedule in some parts of Canada. I am in Ottawa, and had a copy the day it hit the streets.
Oct 3 2006, 07:27 PM
QUOTE (Althar) |
I haven't even seen this book in Canada yet, no one has it for sale. Maybe we'll get a second printing with the errata in it. |
What part of Canada?
Oct 3 2006, 07:33 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Oct 2 2006, 03:38 PM) |
wow... I never would have noticed that. Now I know where to look for my puickdraw and qenetrating strike powers at least. |
The alphabetical part is mostly just a wierd annoyance, but the other two could trip people up occationally. Me noticing is mainly a result of updating the SR4Chargen.XLS file with the Street Magic stuff.
Which is done incidentally. I'm just awaiting Aaron posting it up on his site so I can let everyone know the new link.
P.S. If anyone else wants it before that just shoot me a PM with your email address and and I'll send it out. It's only about 250Kb so should fit it pretty much anyone's email inbox.
Oct 3 2006, 08:38 PM
Oct 3 2006, 08:59 PM
Because I've seen it on the shelf for a while here in Calgary.
Oct 3 2006, 09:10 PM
It's Althar that is having problems locating a copy.
Sorry if I sounded a little cranky, wasn't my intent
am sick, tired, sore and had to cancel my gaming night
Oct 3 2006, 09:17 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
Which is done incidentally. I'm just awaiting Aaron posting it up on his site so I can let everyone know the new link. |
Hm? What? Do I have that? Lemme look ...
Crap. If you emailed me before, you didn't include the word, "blakkie" in the email. Could you send me another copy?
Sorry about that. Things have been a bit hectic for me lately.
Oct 3 2006, 09:28 PM
I sent it to the 'sanchogames' account I picked off of the web site? I just resent it. Is there a better address to use? Your work one perhaps?
Oct 3 2006, 10:00 PM
QUOTE (Althar) |
I haven't even seen this book in Canada yet, no one has it for sale. |
Just taking a quick look online, Sentry Box in Calgary has it, and I'm pretty sure my FLGS had it last time I dropped in. As best I know there's no shipping/distribution issue with Street Magic in Canada -- did you ask your stores if they had it/could order it?
Oct 4 2006, 03:33 PM
Street Magic can be found in stores throughout the GTA (Greater Toronto Area). There was a bit of a delay on the GM Screen, but it is available now as well.
Another store you could contact for mail order would be the Hairy Tarantula in Toronto.
Oct 4 2006, 06:07 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
I sent it to the 'sanchogames' account I picked off of the web site? I just resent it. Is there a better address to use? Your work one perhaps? |
Send it to my
personal address. The Sancho one is wonky. Either that or use the built-in PM or email options in the dumpshock forums itself.
Oct 4 2006, 06:07 PM
My FLGS' owner recently discovered that his distributor hasn't been notifying him of SR4 products. He got on the phone with them pretty quickly when I told him stevebugge had picked up Runner Havens a week before across town, as he hadn't even been told it was out yet.
QUOTE (Shrike30) |
My FLGS' owner recently discovered that his distributor hasn't been notifying him of SR4 products. He got on the phone with them pretty quickly when I told him stevebugge had picked up Runner Havens a week before across town, as he hadn't even been told it was out yet. |
Tell him about hte wonders of autoship. If you always sell 5 of all new SR4 products, have them ship you 5-6 of every new product. Of course, that means the retailer needs to have credit and cashflow, which these days seems rarer and rarer.
Oct 4 2006, 06:58 PM
QUOTE (Aaron) |
QUOTE (blakkie) | I sent it to the 'sanchogames' account I picked off of the web site? I just resent it. Is there a better address to use? Your work one perhaps? |
Send it to my personal address. The Sancho one is wonky. Either that or use the built-in PM or email options in the dumpshock forums itself. |
P.S. Unfortunately you can't send files via DSF's email or PM.
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