Okay. A player of mine chose to take the spell from TSS#9 called Cake Ammunition:
Cake Ammunition (Elemental Manipulation)
Type: P · Range: LOS · Target: Obj Res Table · Duration: I · Drain: +1(S)
This spell uses the elemental effect of blast to ignite all ammunition in the area of effect. This is a very dangerous spell, as it can cause very big explosions if the spell is successful. To determine if the spell is successful, the Object Resistance Table value of the strongest ammunition in the area of effect is used as a target number to ground the spell. (Restricted Target: Ammo)
(emphasis mine)
It's somewhat a moot point for the moment because that same character is also behind bars awaiting trial for around a dozen counts of assault with an illegal spell after having used Cake Ammunition and gotten caught.
In the interests of time, I allowed him to use the spell last night, I think with a TN of 6, just picking a number that wouldn't be too hard, but also not too easy. However, in case he or others pick the spell again, where can I find Object Resistence values for ammunition? I looked around in SR3 today but couldn't find any information about it.
-- Dash --