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Full Version: Defiance EX Shocker Melee skill
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When using the contacts option on the Defiance EX Shocker, what combat skill do you use?

Shooting with the taser is Pistols skill.

p. 306
"Defi ance EX Shocker: Th e EX Shocker fi res up to 4 darts
that trail wires of up to 20 meters long. It also features contacts
that allow it to be used as stun
weapon in melee."

I can envision both Unarmed Combat, and Clubs(similar to a sap).
I would go with club rather than unarmed.

Same if a sammy, out of ammo or fighting spirits, uses his Pred IV as a melee weapon, a club.
Clubs is how I would rule it too.
Agreed. Pistol whips and rifles butts are clubs, so I'd say that is too.
of course, the other question is: how many charges does it have, anyways? biggrin.gif does it burn out ranged shots, or does it use a separate battery?

really, there's some stuff you gotta wonder about for the shocker... like, for example, if you have shot someone the previous round, you still have a dart stuck in him (unless he removed it, of course). do you still need to roll to hit? does this draw from the other dart's charges, or the theoretical battery that the shooter has?
Tasers with dart-wires have a battery/cap in the gun itself. If they fail to pull out the wires, just pull the trigger again or whatever.

If you are using it as a stun club, it should have the same ammount of charges as the Stun baton, 10 IIRC. I would rule that if you shot with the darts already, each time you trigger them uses 1 charge.
I think I would disagree with the shocker used as a club, doing as much damage as the stun baton. I would use the same damage, 8e, as when it fired. The charge does not increase just because you've hit him, the batteries are still the same size.
who said anything about lowering the damage?
QUOTE (Jaid)
who said anything about lowering the damage?

No doubt the topic and actual question asking which -skill- to use was too confusing.
Hooked on Phonics failed again.
'Club' for use as melee skill.

Darts wires automatically cut/pulled out/ not re-usable (for simplicity sake).

So no 're-pulling trigger'

4 shots (ranged) per reload.

Near unlimited 'melee'

(50+ probably) (enough to be normally irelevant, probably 'low battery on a 'Glitch' unless seriously abused).
Why would you make it unlimited when the Stun baton has a max charge of 10?

Ok hadnt looked at the stun batton smile.gif since the Defiace seems to be better in all ways smile.gif

Hmm if that is the case, then I think I will start to impose 4 charges (darts OR melee).

Gives a reason to use a stun batton.

Thanks for pointing it out. Hadnt really read the stun batton since quick glance defiace seemed better all round.
Except, if it is the capaciter in the dart style of Taser, then there would by design be no trailing wires. The wires are only to feed the thing from the battery in the handle.
The current modern style of taser uses wired darts and most have a stun gun capacity as well.
I recall reading a spec sheet that had a 2-dart version (smaller, more easily concealed in the hand) that would continue to deliver jolts every few seconds for 10 minutes. that's 20 or so incapacitating charges. Given that they generally pop-off every 30 seconds or so.

A device that was wired like that could probably keep the first target down and still deliver stuns through the prongs, 1 shock taking off 30 seconds of down time for the poor sot that caught the darts.

They really should clear these things up in the books.

I'd go with picking up a modern catalogue of such weapons and go for 50% better battery capacity.
QUOTE (laughingowl)
Ok hadnt looked at the stun batton smile.gif since the Defiace seems to be better in all ways

Except for Reach. wink.gif
QUOTE (Jaid)
who said anything about lowering the damage?

I was refering to Konsaki's comment above mine, where he stated that he would use the damage from the stun baton, 10 if he remembered correctly.

For ease of play, I would keep it at the same, whether the hit was from darts or "clubbing".
QUOTE (Mistwalker)
I was refering to Konsaki's comment above mine, where he stated that he would use the damage from the stun baton, 10 if he remembered correctly.

I think you will find that in the post you mention, Konsaki was referring to the number of charges the DSS should have.
Me bad.
Miss read his post
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