Oct 20 2006, 03:42 PM
Shedim and Mr. Darke: Are they Agents of the Horrors or 2 differant and evil factions who could care less about one another.
If a Master Shedim ran across Mr. Darke who would win in a fight?
Oct 20 2006, 03:46 PM
The shedim are precursors to the horrors. Like the insect spirits/invae. Regardless, just because they are both associated with horrors doesn't mean that they will work together. The horrors don't always work together, in fact one even feeds on other horrors. I doubt that Darke would cooperate with the shedim unless he needed them for some specific purpose...
As far as a fight goes it probably depends on the circumstances. They probably would fight by proxy not mano a mano. However, I think Darke would win.
Oct 20 2006, 04:22 PM
Different planes of existence. The Insects are only considered "precursors to the horrors" because in the last mana cycle they showed up and then the horrrs showed up. The insects are just a closer metaplane than the horrors are and require less of a rising mana tide.
That being said, Insects and Horrors don't work together. In House of the Sun, Insect Spirits help to put a stop to a horror influx.
"You can't kill humanity! Those are our hosts!"
Oct 20 2006, 04:49 PM
I would think that any cooperation between the two would depend on the situation...and how evil your GM feels like being.
Oct 20 2006, 08:52 PM
Darke probably won't be putting up too much of a fight nowadays if some shedim did choose to pick a fight. Luckily for him, that is highly unlikely to happen anytime in the near future where he is hanging out.
emo samurai
Oct 20 2006, 08:56 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
In House of the Sun, Insect Spirits help to put a stop to a horror influx.
"You can't kill humanity! Those are our hosts!"
-Frank |
Dude, I'm reading that book!
Oct 20 2006, 09:17 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Dude, I'm reading that book! |
No need to now.
Oct 20 2006, 09:28 PM
I've never read any of the SR books, and since I've joined this forum they have all been spoiled at one point or another.
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