QUOTE (BBB @ p.110) |
Defaulting Defaulting allows a character to still make the test using only the linked attribute in their dice pool, but with a dice pool modifier of –1. |
QUOTE (BBB @ p.230) |
Matrix Attacks To attack another icon, make an Opposed Test. Hackers attack using Cybercombat skill + attack program rating. |
QUOTE (Gorath) |
Now assume a character with Logic 10. He can default to any Logic related skill with 9 dice. |
QUOTE (OneTrikPony) |
hacker adept? Am I just behind the times and now awakend characters can be super hackers as adepts... apparently by RAW they can (I feel like someone just slaped me with a rotten cod). I hate the idea that an Adept can use magic to improve technical skills but since they can don't you need to count 20 bp in the cost for magic 2 so he can spend them on 3 points of Improved ability (hacking)? (god I feel so dirty just talking about the idea) If a real hacker has Logic 10 he deserves to be badassed enough to do the matrix equivelant shoving a boot so far up the hacker adept's butt that he can stomp on his brain from the inside. Is there any way to make a real, jacked in, hacker that can beat an adept at roughly the same cost as a trode net wizboy poser? |
QUOTE (OneTrikPony) |
Is there any way to make a real, jacked in, hacker that can beat an adept at roughly the same cost as a trode net wizboy poser? |
QUOTE (OneTrikPony) |
The point is that it's cheeper to build a Hacker who defaults for matrix tests because all of the skills in the Cracking group and Electronics group are based on the Logic attribute. how is the Playability of this proposed Defaulting character? Has anyone assessed the faults of the Defaulter outside the realm of the matrix? |
QUOTE (Ryu @ Oct 26 2006, 02:26 PM) |
The defaulter just needs some bioware instead of extreme logic to get even with the standard hacker. And less karma to improve. Buying three skills instead of two groups up to level four leaves enough money-bp for that. |