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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Israel developing anti-militant "bionic hornet"

Lol looks like someone at the Weapons R&D in Israel is a Shadowrun player. biggrin.gif
or they've got an AI that just went wild and is looking for an arcology to take over.

anyone want to guess if there's a secret base under Masada?
I would imagine Israel would remain high on everyones "do not f*** with" list right up until terrorists coordinate about 8 nukes turning the whole country into a glass parking lot.

Seriously cybered out Mossad, Rabbinic mages using every object of power in Jerusalem, pretty wiz cybernetics experts, who arent above stealing everything they dont create. Hell they already act like a megacorp as far as disregard for the international community (and before you guys start the flamewar I am Jewish and have been there)

Seems to me like they would have a nice run at it.
SL James
QUOTE (dabigz732)
(and before you guys start the flamewar I am Jewish and have been there)

Like that's ever stopped anyone.
Unfortunately, we can't make Bumblebee drones anymore because Volkswagen doesn't want to be associated with war. (A goal that would be far better served if they just stopped being German rather than ruining our classic Transformers).

Different bumblebee, you see? My mistake. biggrin.gif

I'm going to agree, you really shouldn't mess with Israel. It is a fast way to get dead.

PS. Am I the only one who can't see the article due to a server error?
Possibly. Canīt say the opposite.
you know this does add a whole new meaning to "the land of milk and honey"
If that's what the bees are like, what the flok do the cows do?
Their farts decontaminate areas hit with chemical weapons.
I'm totally prepared to welcome our new Israeli masters.

This, combined with Krav Maga, has convinced me they'll soon be taking over the world.
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