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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
emo samurai
There's already an Astral Gateway power, and I'm sure they have a "Control Microorgamism" spell invented. So why don't they just take FAB III with them and put it in the Hive? Is astral space there too different for it to survive or something? I could see a successful placement of a canister just totalling the insects.
Ancient History
FAB doesn't survive on the metaplanes, as I recall.
emo samurai
But what if it was Astral Gatewayed? What if all those metaplanar gating spirits are only shaking them off instead of killing the infection?
I dont think it was ever mentioned...

Besides KE, Ares, and bugs are all the same. It would not surprise me if DK was a bug now in some way or form. After all they invented bug barrier
It's much more complicated than that. Ares and some bugs are now the same team, at least for now. They are still fighting other bug factions very seriously. Ares bug magicians open up gateways for Firewatch teams to invade and devastate certain portions of the Hive that both Ares and the magicians in question don't like. But there's no way that those same magicians would consent to a release of a biological weapon that would destroy the entire Hive.

Even if it worked, which it doesn't. FAB brought to the metaplanes, whether with Astral Gateway or any other means, dies. It actually needs an astral and a physical presence to persist. If you dump it into a gateway it just dies. Like how if you put bacteria into pure sugar they tend to croak rather than grow at super speed.

QUOTE (ChicagosFinest)
Besides KE, Ares, and bugs are all the same. It would not surprise me if DK was a bug now in some way or form. After all they invented bug barrier

What let you suspect this?
It was a little conveniant for K.E. a sub of Ares to have a tactical nuke lying around. Also for them to have control of Insect hives or be working with them is suspicious regardless of if there fighting with good bugs or bad ones, bugs are bugs.

As far as DK being a bug I dont know it just would not surprise me. Bugs are assumed to infiltrate high levels of government with their sneek ways. Just look at UB, DE, ST, SoU and QE. All great bug adventures with either powerful people or organizations. It's a connection that could be applied to anyone messing with the bugs.

Thats my logic so far feel free to correct me but i just got a hunch. Well I take back DK being a bug Dunkies will might have given it away, "This isnt the shootout at the OK Coral". Take a look at Chicago vs. Detroit
QUOTE (ChicagosFinest)
It was a little conveniant for K.E. a sub of Ares to have a tactical nuke lying around.

KE probably got access to Ares heavy weapons to get rid of the bugs in Chicago. After all, KE is fully owned by Ares.

QUOTE (ChicagosFinest)

Also for them to have control of Insect hives or be working with them is suspicious regardless of if there fighting with good bugs or bad ones, bugs are bugs. 

Welcome to the gray side of life. biggrin.gif That's the reason the public should better not know of Ares' cooperation with bugs. You summarized the view of Joe Average perfectly.

QUOTE (ChicagosFinest)

As far as DK being a bug I dont know it just would not surprise me. Bugs are assumed to infiltrate high levels of government with their sneek ways.  Just look at UB, DE, ST, SoU and QE. All great bug adventures with either powerful people or organizations. It's a connection that could be applied to anyone messing with the bugs.

Ares/ KE will overwatch/monitor their high-ranking officials constantly.
I think Ares is playing with fire thats all. Yeah K.E. is owned by ares and corps have dirty nukes now. But for them to be on the forefront of bug hunting and protectors of the earth from bugkind?

Ares/ KE will overwatch/monitor their high-ranking officials constantly. Yeah but who is watching them? Well... besides me? biggrin.gif

Also how do they know who might be infected? There is something they know that we normal runners dont on how to spot or deal with the bugs. Cant wait to see that can of worms opened up.
It all boils down to "who can you trust?" wink.gif
I can just see ChicagosFinest as a conspiracy "nut" in one of the futur releases. eek.gif
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