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Full Version: So.... what do we know about the CAS?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
This is a thread to try and produce CAS information. We have a good idea about Texas, New Orleans, and Atlanta, but what else do we know?

For example, the Neo-Anarchist's Guide to North America (Going deep to the well, here) notes that in the CAS, the Matrix was more than omnipresent. Each morning, every citizen woke up, had their breakfast, and checked their telecomm to get the sports report, the morning news, and, oh yes, to vote on every single bill proposed locally, countywide, state-wide, or nationally. There was no going to the polls, since the polls were in your daily paper.

Anybody else have info on the most overlooked section of North America?
Gulf Coast Metroplex:
This area stretches from the Eastern side of Panama City Florida to the western side of Mobile Alabama, with the Exception of Falcon AFB (NAN-Current Eglin and Hurlburt AFB), and from the coast to the Alabama, Florida border. This area has really risen in the face of multiple hurricane strikes over the last century however the pleasure plex on the eastern end combined with the travel points of the central and western points of the plex make this a rather central and necessary transit point for anyone passing through the region or intending to sail the gulf in this region. Diving is still an enjoyed past time and fishing is still allowed though it is recommended you get at least 100km off shore to do so to keep from ingesting water born toxins. Increased pirate activity however is also a noted hazard of the area and it is suggested that anyone traveling the area by boat be well armed or have sufficient insurance to pay ransom demands.
Jack Kain
Wiki dumbshock has some info
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