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Full Version: Fantasy Grounds
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Hello all just a quick question.

Has anyone here used Fantasy grounds to run an Sr game via internet if so how did it
go and do you know were i can get a sr ruleset version 3 or 4 or a char sheet for
Fantasy grounds. With thanks smile.gif.
I haven't used FG, but IIRC it's pretty heavily geared toward d20. There are several other virtual tabletops that you could check out too.




Screen Monkey

RP Tools

Game Table

Some of those might be pretty heavy d20 as well, but I thought I'd toss em in anyway.

fantasy grounds' advantage is that it has a very professional, cool looking GUI. The developers support the d20 system, but the only thing you'd miss out on by using it for SR4 are the handy reference sheets and shortcuts that are set up for d20. All the stock art is fantasy based, too.
I have a partially done SR4 mod for fantasy grounds. Since there's been interest in it recently I'll talk with the guy I was developing it with, maybe we can finish it for purely personal use.
Aye i agree on how pro FG feels smile.gif.

and id love to get my hands on a ruleset for sr to play with in it.
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