After looking through my stuff for a couple days, I finally found a set of alternative rules for playing vampires that I wrote about 4 years ago. They are STRONGLY influenced by the World of Darkness' vampires. If you just want to bash the thing, please move to another topic, there's nothing for you here. But if you want to give an honest opinion, you're more than welcome...
First, vampires have a blood pool of 50 blood points to use their abilities:
- Regeneration: It costs 1 blood point to heal one box of standard damage. It costs 2 blood points to heal one box of special damage (explosive ammo, acid, wood, etc.). It costs 3 blood points to heal one box of fire damage. It costs 1+weapon focus rating to heal one box a damage from such a weapon. In combat, you can only heal at the beginning of a round, before initiative is rolled, and it's considered a free action. You HAVE to heal to the nearest damage level. For example, if you have a serious wound (6 boxes), you HAVE to heal to moderate wound and pay for 3 boxes. You can heal stun damage normally, except fatigue and drain from spells.
Benefits (constant, no need to pay to activate them):
- Immortality: Vampires have Immunity to aging
- Immunity: Vampire have an immunity to poisons and pathogens.
- Natural attack: Vampires can bite for Str+1 L with a reach of -1
- Night vision: Vampires have low-light vision
- Vampires have a magic attribute of 6 at character creation
- Allergy: Vampire have a moderate allergy to sunlight (+2 to TN)
- Cyberware and bioware rejection: as soon as a vampire regenerates, the wares are ejected from the vampire's body, not without causing extreme pain in the process.
- Limited healing: A vampire can be magically healed (with a +2 to TN) but can't heal normally.
- Feeding: A vampire automatically uses 3 blood points per day, usually when he wakes up (a vampire doesn't have to normally eat and drink).
- A vampire gets +2 TN to all swimming checks
- A vampire has a vulnerability to wood and fire (+1 damage level)
Abilities that need to be activated (with a cost):
- Improved physical attributes: it costs 1 blood point per physical attribute point increased. It lasts for a number of rounds equal to the vampire's magic attribute. The maximum amount of blood points you can put into your attributes is equal to the magic attribute, divided as you wish. For example, a beginning character you pay 6 blood points to increase his strength by 4 and his quick by 2, for a total of six rounds.
- Improved senses (duration is magic attribute in minutes):
- Sight: Thermo for 2 blood points. vision mag 3 for 1 point.
- Hearing: Hearing amplification rating (magic attribute) for 1 point (damper included). High or low-frequency for 1 blood point.
- Smell: Improved scent (like the adept power) for 1 blood point.
- Taste: Improved taste (like the adept power) for 1 blood point.
- Improved reflexes (duration is magic attribute in rounds): for 4 blood points, you get +1D6 to initiative. for 8 blood points you get +2D6 and for 12 you get +3D6.
- Natural attack claws: For 3 blood points, a vampire can grow claws that do Str+2 L (like improved hand razors). The claws also reduce the TN on climbing tests by 2. It lats a number of min equals to magic attribute
The hunt: A vampire has to hunt to replenish his blood pool. After a grapple attack and a bite attack (doing only a light wound), a vampire can suck 2 blood points per turn. A human only has 10 blood points (I don't have a good reason yet why vampires have 50... maybe it's magical ). A kid would have 6 points, a cow 15, a dog 4, a cat 2, a rat 1, a bird 1/2 and a piasma 150! Probably even more for great dragons lol. If a vampire PC takes too much blood on 1 victim, he might suffer a karma loss, according to the following table:
Blood Points Taken---------Effects---------------Karma loss
-----2------------------------Light stun----------------None
-----3-------------------------Mod stun----------------None
-----4-----------------------Serious stun--------------None
-----5-----------------------Deadly stun---------------None
-----6-------------------+ Light phys wound---------Will (4) or lose 1 karma point
-----7-------------------+ Mod phys wound----------Will (5) or lose 1 karma point
-----8-------------------+ Serious wound------------Will (6) or lose 1 karma point
-----9-------------------+ Deadly wound------------Lose 1 karma point
----10---------------------Death---------------------Lose 2 karma points
I don't have real hunting rules yet but it could be interesting to resolve something using stealth tests or various social tests. Rules to attract vampire hunters would also be interesting, or totally at the GM's discretion. If you're a really evil GM, you can also have Martin DeVries go against your PC. I did that and it was hilarious
I'll soon post initiation rules for increasing you "vampiric grade".
I also don't have a cost for it as I don't really use normal character creation rules.
Those rules haven't been playtested a lot as only one player of mine has ever wanted to play one. I found it not too overpowered, strong in many fields but also very limited. I would usually use it as a way to bring terror into PCs (like having a sniper on them and shooting the vampire in the head doing a shitload of damage but not really killing him... fun times...).
Your comments are more than welcome!