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Full Version: New Shadowrun computer/console game
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I hadn't seen anything where anyone asked the general opinion about the upcoming Shadowrun game so I thought I would throw this out there.

Not planning to get it myself, in case you were wondering.
There are a couple of threads on the general Shadowrun board about this. There hasn't been much discussion about it here because it doesn't really have anything to do with SR4...or any edition of Shadowrun.
1) Use the search feature:

2) As has been said before, SR4 doesn't mean "Post Everything Here".
I'll look at it once it is out.
Depending on how it looks, and how much free time I have, I may pick it up.
True, Nezumi. My bad. Thanks for the link though.
I'd be the first to buy a Shadowrun RPG. I'd love to see one come out with a similar open world style as Oblivion. This, however, is a FPS where the only thing in common with the Shadowrun we know, is the name.
i refuse to spend money on this abortion of the shadowrun universe, which by the way doesnt exist in this game. there arent even any shadowrunning in this game. wtf
Demonseed Elite
I don't have an XBox 360 nor am I planning to upgrade to Windows Vista quite yet, so I couldn't even get it if I wanted to. When I do upgrade to Windows Vista, I'll take a look a look at the reviews and see if people ended up thinking it was a good game. But right now, I voted that I'm not planning on getting it.
Moved to general SR forum.
SL James
QUOTE (eidolon)
These are in reverse chronological order (sorry, forgot to reorder and didn't want to do it over). Posting for reference. Politely request that people refrain from raising the dead on a whim.


Good luck.
Thanks. wink.gif
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