Just wanted to let everyone know that I spent some time this weekend on my website that I haven't touched in over a year, excited by an awesome game. Anyhows, I know not alot of people use SkillSofts, however, my old SkillSoft calculator is officially back up, as is the old Dice rolling stuff.
Anyhoots, Link's in the signature. If you've a bit of web-coding savvy, you're welcome to make suggestions on changes to the page, but the background color is staying black. I'll write up a Matrix Calculator, hopefully before the end of the month, so you can automate matrix runs a bit. As the players finish writing their complete-intro stories, I'll try to get those added too, assuming they send it to me in an electronic format and not hand-written....
Still a work-in-progress, not sure what 'layout' I really want yet, not finished putting all the character sheets in either. So any advice is cool.