Jan 17 2007, 03:09 PM
After a little searching (with little result), what's the deal with Combat Biking? Can runners participate or is it "pros" only?
My character has a Suzuki Mirage with level[4*] skill. For kicks I also took Combat Biking knowledge [3] (with Intuition 5). So what can I do with this skill & knowledge?
Jan 17 2007, 08:59 PM
QUOTE (DragonWolf) |
After a little searching (with little result), what's the deal with Combat Biking? Can runners participate or is it "pros" only? |
Info about Combat Biker (that's the official name) can be found in the SR1 sourcebook Shadowbeat.
My character has a Suzuki Mirage with level[4*] skill. For kicks I also took Combat Biking knowledge [3] (with Intuition 5). So what can I do with this skill & knowledge? |
CB is indeed a pro sport but there might be amateur teams around.
It is, of course, a rather expensive sport: An arena must be maintained (about the size of a football field, with a concrete maze), motorcycles tend to get damaged or destroyed, players injured (mostly through accidents - CB is violent but played with non-lethal weapons)...
Jan 18 2007, 12:16 AM
baseball is a professional sport. this does not keep anyone from playing it if they so choose.
as far as playing in the actual professional leagues, i would advise against it. you don't want your face to be known.
also, i would assume that there are amateur (and minor pro) leagues. they don't just recruit pro baseball players from off the streets, so i doubt they would do that for combat biker either.
Jan 18 2007, 12:24 AM
Oh, I read combat bikini. Never mind...
Jan 18 2007, 12:51 AM
For an example of a pro combat biker involved in shadowrunning, you should read Dead Air by Jak Koke.
Jan 18 2007, 08:31 AM
QUOTE (Larsine) |
For an example of a pro combat biker involved in shadowrunning, you should read Dead Air by Jak Koke. |
But remember that the novel does not depict "real" life but is written from the perspective of someone slotting a simsense chip called "Dead Air"...
Jan 18 2007, 09:15 AM
QUOTE (Larsine @ Jan 18 2007, 01:51 AM) | For an example of a pro combat biker involved in shadowrunning, you should read Dead Air by Jak Koke. |
But remember that the novel does not depict "real" life but is written from the perspective of someone slotting a simsense chip called "Dead Air"...
Mmm thats a neat twist. Still. Even if it's a simsense chip it would have to have some sort of bearing on the 'real world' of SR would it not? Even if it was an exagerated Hollywoodized version of it.
Afterall I'm pretty sure especialy with Simsense the best stuff is the stuff thats done for real. Granted it's been clearly stated that you can 'fudge' certain parts of it. But there's just some stuff that would defy even that I'm sure. Makes me wonder how a simsense chip like that would get made. Maybe cut a deal with a real combat biker, record him. Then set him up with one of those 'adventure' deals where he pretends he's a runner. That way you've got the recordings all from the same source, and you can just 'spike' the feed to make it feel more intense than it really was?
Jan 18 2007, 12:52 PM
QUOTE (Kesslan) |
Even if it's a simsense chip it would have to have some sort of bearing on the 'real world' of SR would it not? Even if it was an exagerated Hollywoodized version of it.
Well, it's been ages since I read that book but I remember stuff like telepathy-like mind-links between mundane people, some guy driving around downtown in a Ferrari Appaloosa (an armored recce vehicle!) - basically the Hollywood/action movie (in other words: munchkin) variety of SR.
Jan 18 2007, 01:03 PM
Ah well. That isnt however for SR much of a streatch. That 'Telepathy thing'? Guess what. Transducer.
Thats infact pretty much what two people with a transducer can do. You still needed to actually plug into one another. But you could litterally by the fluff of the transducer communicate pertty much mind to mind in a telepathic manner.
So it seems the Simsense just sort of fudges the fact that a transducer is being used at all. And under SR4 everything being wireless.. I think thats actually what you wind up doing with Commlinks and such. Unless the transducer shows up as seperate gear again. And even if it does. I dont see any reason why it isnt a standard feature in comlinks now.
Jan 18 2007, 06:01 PM
QUOTE (Kesslan @ Jan 18 2007, 02:03 PM) |
Ah well. That isnt however for SR much of a streatch. That 'Telepathy thing'? Guess what. Transducer.
Thats infact pretty much what two people with a transducer can do. You still needed to actually plug into one another. But you could litterally by the fluff of the transducer communicate pertty much mind to mind in a telepathic manner. |
Quite true.
But in the novel a transducer is never mentioned and the main character actually wonders himself about the strange connection he has with his friend.
[ Spoiler ]
Even more disturbing to him is the loss of this connection (the "Dead Air" mentioned in the novel's title) after said friend dies...
Jan 18 2007, 06:48 PM
Arrrrgh!! spoiler spoiler spoiler!!!
Jan 18 2007, 08:54 PM
QUOTE (eidolon) |
Arrrrgh!! spoiler spoiler spoiler!!! |
Ok, I've set spoiler tags now.
I didn't think I'd have to for a 10 years old book...
Jan 18 2007, 11:22 PM
Hey, some of us are behind.
I got interested, and then BAM!
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