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Full Version: DiKote in New Scientist 22Jan07
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
New Scientist has DiKote in their invention column online today.

Availiable here.

It's about dang time they figured out a way for my shiny black phone to not get all scuffed up. smile.gif
I want them to do it to my car.
Herald of Verjigorm
I want the home kit. Dikote everything!!!
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm)
I want the home kit. Dikote everything!!!

Dikoted toilet bowl, Dikoted shower, Dikoted silverware...

Dikoted ally spirit, dikoted genitalia, dikoted bananna hammock...

Dikote everything!!!
QUOTE (Demerzel @ Jan 22 2007, 05:33 PM)
I want them to do it to my car.

You can only dikote your car if it is a supped-up black Trans Am equipped with a smart-ass AI.
It's the law.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685)
dikoted genitalia

Finally. I have a player who's been waiting years for this...
Dakhran the Dark
Dammit, someone beat me to this!

I'd just be happy to have them dikote my glasses -- what they call "scratch resistance" nowadays just isn't, and I need something to tide me over until I get new cyber-peepers...
This article certainly kills the argument that your genitalia couldn't stand up to the treatment... Um, that sounded... well... err.. I'll just stop now...
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