Jan 23 2007, 11:38 PM
What are some good places that your groups have infilitrated?
My group mostly does warehouses, research facilities, and docks right now. They're next big hit is a bank... they have to plant a small ceramic horse into a safety deposit box. What are you places you guys have "visited"?
Jan 23 2007, 11:43 PM
New Orleans French Quarter
Trickier than it sounds, there's some fandom out there that has a magical barrier erected around it demarcated by a yellow line. Any ammo crossing said border explodes and anyone with lots of cyberware ends up in pain proportionate to their cyberware (so your average street sam ends up on the floor convulsing in pain)
Jan 23 2007, 11:50 PM
Power stations, datacenters, office buildings, and abandoned apartment buildings in the Barrens.
Jan 23 2007, 11:55 PM
the most difficult infiltration i've done was a nanotech/virustech research facility owned by Yamatetsu. they had a solar-powered hazardous waste vaporizer that was our point of entry--entered through a solar panel in the collector greenhouse, then had to crawl through one of the vaporizers, which involved being locked inside it for thirty seconds. that was nerve-wracking.
the most unusual was probably the time my adept had to infiltrate a smuggling boat solo. the smugglers were part of an Awakened revolution, so there were a bunch of mages and adepts. ended up being pretty easy, despite one of the adepts rolling a damn 31 on his perception test.
Jan 24 2007, 12:00 AM
A small city morgue, to delete files on a john doe, and to seize his personal effects. That turned out pretty cool.
There was also a datasteal which involved sneaking into an abandoned factory where the runners who stole the data were waiting for the johnson to pick up, and pull it out from under their noses. It ended up in a huge motorbike/car chase.
Calvin Hobbes
Jan 24 2007, 12:35 AM
Circa 2070 Freakshow Museum & Paranormal Animal Habitat.
We needed to prove that the monkey-boy there was actually an Aztechnology genetic design.
Jan 24 2007, 12:42 AM
A (not entirely, it turned out - not nearly) abandoned Air Force base in the Nevada desert.
A Home Despot store. (stealing generators and other useful supplies, with lots of competition)
A surgical clinic taken over by a gang. (rescuing a doctor so he could try to put our rigger's liver back in)
The Ares Tower in Chicago. (we have yet to exfiltrate, though, so we'll see if this is a cool one, or a TPK)
The last three were inside Bug City. (we normally don't go to such great lengths for the sake of building supplies and medical attention)
Jan 24 2007, 01:17 AM
I do a lot of clinics, or small buildings. Those tend to be easy, where the fun part comes after.
Best one was an ares aerospace hanger.
Renraku arc is fun, so long as its the lower floors.
Jan 24 2007, 02:12 AM
interesting places? how about a race track (indy type car track)? how about a compound for writers and book publisher? How about a city park with a research facility underneath?
Jan 24 2007, 11:23 AM
The riskiest one was the Lonestar HQ. We had to do bad things to the citymaster fleet nearest the Redmond Barrons prior to setting off some fireworks in the barrons. By fireworks, I mean several city blocks got transformed into rubble, hence the need to proactivly stop the reponse from Star.
Jan 24 2007, 01:48 PM
Dear mmu1, I'd love to hear what kind of security the Ares Tower in Chicago had in your game. I have an inquisitive mind and idle players...
Jan 24 2007, 02:22 PM
Well, the security-as-such we've encountered thus far has involved ceiling turrets, one-way-elevators (elevators that only travel down—presumably security, since safety precautions would either ground all elevators or only allow travel towards the ground floor), Rigger closets, and an employee with a minigun in the basement. Oh, plus the fire suppression system.
Most of the risk has been from all the bugs and the other Shadowrunners, though.
Jan 24 2007, 07:19 PM
QUOTE (MaxHunter) |
Dear mmu1, I'd love to hear what kind of security the Ares Tower in Chicago had in your game. I have an inquisitive mind and idle players...
Max |
Like Kagetenshi alluded to, this is during Bug City, so the place has sort of gone to hell and been (largely) evacuated, which is what made our attempt feasible in the first place.
So, yeah - gun turrets, drone security (largely defunct, but still there - we ran into some large-ish spider drones armed with guns chambered for Barret-like rounds), elevator lockdowns, a ubiquitous fire suppression system that can be used to suffocate people if they're not careful, armed employees, very high rated maglocks on anything that needed a decent amount of security, and - last but not least - many reinforced walls and ceilings, making it difficult and time consuming to make your own way in.
Taran would be the guy to ask, but since we're in the middle of the run, I doubt he'll be too forthcoming.
Jan 24 2007, 10:09 PM
ok. Thanks for a quick reply. Please keep me updated as you get through with it.
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