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A couple of oddball questions, here.

From the late 80's, when "Japan was going to buy America" and the setting was first laid down, it made sense to convert from the US Dollar to the Nuyen as the international currency of choice. Five of teh Big Eight were Japancorps, and all was right with the world.

Skip ahead twenty in-game years to 2070 and, wow, what a difference. Germany's Saeder-Krupp has taken Fuchi's spot as the top corp, only three of the Big Ten are in Japan and the UCAS has two (Three if you count CalFree's Horizon), with a push towards unification and "Sea to Shining Sea" concepts ... even the current UCAS president wants to return to the dollar standard, rather than Nuyen.

So, might it be time?

Would the world economy favor the Nuyen or would the Big Ten switch to a new format (The UCAS Dollar or, more likely, the Euro) if only to kick the Japancorps while they're down?

Behind that, when the Matrix collapsed and did serious damage to the world economy, cash had to get a HUGE boost ... people couldn't trust their money to machines, you see, so wanted it in-hand. What denominations of UCAS dollars are out there and, hey, who's on which bill?

Told you it was an odd question/thought train.
Ancient History
The UCAS never gave up the dollar. It's a digital currency now, though.
You can run campaigns based on other than Nuyen currencies. Older SR material had charts of exchange rates from Nuyen to dollars and many other currencies. It would require adjusting all the prices to the new currency though. The corps probably wouldn't like that too much though because it would add another layer of expense, having to do all that currency conversion.

Printed money isn't that much different from electronic money even today. By that I mean you might have a piece of paper in your hand, but there is nothing backing it up other than faith in the system. There is nothing tangible like gold and silver or megawatts of power or anything backing it up. Still, it is easier to feel secure with hard currency than with an all electronic account somewhere, and keep those printed bank statements some place safe just in case something does crash the system. Personally I do think cash should always be kept around. having been through several hurricanes where the machines didn't work, cash was a real lifesaver.

I think the main reason for the Nuyen in the game was a to give a fixed standard of exchange. In North America along you suddenly had UCAS, CAS, Calfree state (and its subsets), the NANs, Aztlan, etc. all with their own currencies. That is not counting the megacorps and their corporate scrip. It was simply easier to use Nuyen which were universally accepted by all at the same rate for game purposes. Business tends to do this too using the dollar. Most nations accept the dollar at the same rate which makes international business much easier to compute.

Still, it was possible to use the exchange rates and cost of living tables to trade across international borders and make a nice profit. Granted, you had to sneak across those borders to make the most of it and avoid taxes and fees and so forth.
Ok... But since Seattle is part of UCAS, why is nuyen all over the place instead of the UCAS Dollar?
Because all the corps are international. It's a statement about the setting that the popular form of currency is influenced more by corporations than local government.
Ok... But since Seattle is part of UCAS, why is nuyen all over the place instead of the UCAS Dollar?

It's easier for the corps to work with only one currency.
Ok, makes sense on both counts.
I vote for Deutschmarks!

For me, the term nuyen is replaceable by UCAS Dollars, deutschmarks, etc. There was even a table on currency conversions in one of the SR3 books.

Chromed Accountant hasn't made any appearances that I can recall in SR4, but look to SOE for some information about currency exchanges and how the world works when we cross borders.
QUOTE (BishopMcQ)
I vote for Deutschmarks!

Yeah, me too! Back to the good old Mark! biggrin.gif
I'd be inclined to use the Romanian leu, and I fully expect all vampires to back me up on this one.
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (BishopMcQ)
Chromed Accountant hasn't made any appearances that I can recall in SR4, [...]

That's because he isn't in the official Shadowtalker list.

Which is... a very unfortunate decision.
QUOTE (Demerzel)
I'd be inclined to use the Romanian leu, and I fully expect all vampires to back me up on this one.

what's the difference between 1 leu and 1 euro?

1 euro.
Curious if a move from the Nuyen to something else, to gutpunch teh Japancorps, would be in the Corp Court's best interest, tho. The Azzies would back it, because, well, they're jerks like that, and Wuxing probably would, having huge banking power and only gains in the Southeast if Japan's iron grip weakened. The Lof is the Lof. The AmeriCorps might or might not back it, depening on what currency was suggested.

Could certainly make for some interesting times!
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)
That's because he isn't in the official Shadowtalker list.

Which is... a very unfortunate decision.

True, but it may be possible for him to make an appearance in one of the fiction pieces or short articles.
what's the difference between 1 leu and 1 euro?

1 euro.

Actually, the current difference is 0,7047 euro biggrin.gif.

Romania has just joined the EU, and will switch their currency to the Euro in the next 5-7 years.
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (Wakshaani)
Curious if a move from the Nuyen to something else, to gutpunch teh Japancorps, would be in the Corp Court's best interest, tho. The Azzies would back it, because, well, they're jerks like that, and Wuxing probably would, having huge banking power and only gains in the Southeast if Japan's iron grip weakened. The Lof is the Lof. The AmeriCorps might or might not back it, depening on what currency was suggested.

Something to keep in mind here. Since the nuyen is the official currency of the Corporate Court, and as a result the defacto world currency, each of the megacorps and many nations keep large reserves of it on-hand. Just like nearly every nation on earth today keeps large reserves of U.S. dollars on hand, because it is the only currency you can use to buy and sell oil through OPEC (aka petrodollars).

Though there have been politically-motivated attempts to derail the dollar from its connection to oil (both Iran and Iraq tried have made attempts to sell oil with euros), most corporations would not want to deal with the financial difficulties of switching the reserve currency away from the nuyen.
It's not really a mark of Shadowrun that corporations get to set the type of currency. People can use whatever currency they want, anywhere, so long as other merchants (corps) are willing to take that currency. It makes perfect sense, for example, for large Big Ten corps to issue corpscript. So long as that currency is widely accepted by (corp) sellers, it doesn't matter what the government says, people will use that currency. It doesn't matter if the currency is hard or electronic, so long as its creation/distribution is regulated in a consistent way that prevents large changes in the supply of money.

Thane's discussion about business using the dollar for example isn't just because it's an "accepted standard" to make international trade easier. It's because the United States has such a large export market, that the dollar is used. United States merchants (corps) are offering goods in exchange for dollars. To buy export, one needs dollars. If you had a currency other than dollars, like franks, you would need to find someone willing to sell dollars for franks before you go buy from a United States merchant (corp). This can be handled instantly and electronically with markets in place already today, and I don't see why the Matrix wouldn't make that even easier.

Let's use corpscrip as an example. If Ares is producing and selling more goods than NeoNet, then the value of Ares' corpscrip will be higher. More people are buying Ares corpscrip than NeoNet corpscrip, so the price raises for those selling Ares corpscrip.

Now let's look at Joe Shadowrunner. He lives in a UCAS area and wants to buy a holster from a merchant or corporation from Ares Extraterritorial areas that is selling a fancy new holster for 100 Ares corpscrip. The merchant wants to be be paid in Ares corpscrip. As he conducts the transaction, the Matrix finds someone selling 100 Ares corpscrip for 120 Fuchi corpscrip. Then it finds someone selling 120 Fuchi corpscrip for 65 Seuder-Krupp corpscrip. Luckily, there's someone selling 65 Seuder-Krupp corpscrip for 125 UCAS dollars.

So from Joe Shadowrunner's perspective, the item is being sold for 125 UCAS dollars and from the Ares mechant's perspective it's being sold for 100 Ares corpscrip. The conversion ratio between dollars and Ares corpscrip for this example is 1.25:1. This generally indicates that Ares will be selling less goods to UCAS, but UCAS will be selling more goods to Ares, which will eventually reverse the situation.

One could adopt the nuyen as a standard medium of exchange for comparison purposes... i.e., 1 Ares corpscrip : 2 nuyen; 1 UCAS dollar : 2.5 nuyen. But then people aren't actually using the nuyen and setting local prices with it, just using it as an international benchmark.

For the nuyen to be useful, there has to be one controlling bank issuing the currency that all others abide by, making it the "official" standard currency of the world, or companies in Japan has to have an incredibly strong export market as people and companies all over the world are trying to acquire japanese nuyen to buy from japanese-based companies and others who deal with the currency with the assumption that they could always use their nuyen to buy from Japan.

Let's assume this latter example happens and nuyen is accepted all over the world. What happens when UCAS steps up production and expands its export market? The conversion ratios change and suddenly less people are buying nuyen and more people are buying dollars, weakining the overall value of the nuyen by some small degree that gradually increases over time. Suddenly your 100 nuyen can only buy 80 nuyen worth of stuff on the international market because the cost of foreign currency has gone higher. Trying to cut your losses, you sell off all of your nuyen and buy dollars.

Today, the United States is used as a standard for international trade because of its strong export market, but its position is declining and a lot of people are worried that if the "trade deficit" doesn't get corrected, a sharp decline in the international value of the dollar will cause people to try to get rid of them in favor of currencies with increasing value, prompting a sharp decline in the buying power of Americans.

I could see a very similiar state happening in the world of Shadowrun today, and this might be a very good reason to explain the existance of corpscrip. As people wonder what's going to happen with the value of their nuyen, they buy corpscrip knowing its at least backed by their companies' local production capability. In many areas, especially extraterritorialities, the corpscrip might be desired more than nuyen. I imagine each corp is trying to promote its corpscrip on international markets.
IMO, given the setting, the world should have made a move toward a unified currency supported by the Gemeinshaft bank on ZO. Such an outcome would allow the Big 10 to essentially dictate the intrest rates over the whole planet.

Considering that monetary policy is one of the few way a government can directly and effectively influence economy, it is very cyberpunkish for them to lose this control.
QUOTE (Charon)
IMO, given the setting, the world should have made a move toward a unified currency supported by the Gemeinshaft bank on ZO. Such an outcome would allow the Big 10 to essentially dictate the intrest rates over the whole planet.

Considering that monetary policy is one of the few way a government can directly and effectively influence economy, it is very cyberpunkish for them to lose this control.

A unified currency isn't necessary for that, just a de-regulation of laws requiring banks to only invest in certain investments. Right now monetary policy is controlled through open-market operations, the buying and selling of bonds, with the central bank being the sole supplier of govermnet bonds.

What happens when banks are allowed to, say, buy and sell Ares stock? If each corp limits the power of its banks toward buying its stock, that's really not much of a difference, except that the corp has the power to control monetary policy of its corp scrip. If it can tax the extraterritorial areas, too, it also has fiscal policy controls (and can probably use them much more harshly/effectively than popular-voted politicians).

How does Zeurich Orbital work? Is it controlled by a government? If not, then it could likely trade all kinds of stock and government bonds becoming a secondary central bank, in kind of a weird way. Sure, Japan is tightening its monetary policy and is selling bonds, reducing prices, raising interest rates, but if the local banks could just sell to Zeurich Orbital instead of their local central bank then Japan's tightening and ZO's easy policy might cancel out.

Who knows what sort of wackiness could ensue with world economies?

I rather like the idea.

But like I said, standardizing the money supply won't accomplish this since monetary policy works through open market operations and so does currency exchange. You could have everything under one money supply, but that won't necessarily give anyone monetary policy who doesn't already have it or take away from someone that does.
QUOTE (Butterblume)
what's the difference between 1 leu and 1 euro?

1 euro.

Actually, the current difference is 0,7047 euro biggrin.gif.

As a physics teacher I'd give the argument to Ben on that one since he only gave one significant figure, he's not technically wrong.

Perhaps a better option would be to have a central Corporate Court backed script, we could call them C-Bills, it could be the first steps in unifying two of FanPro's lines.



That's *brilliant*!
I see Power Armor! grinbig.gif
C-bills! smile.gif

Is there some kind of prize with which we can honor Demerzel?

Hell, he's getting a wicked Black Op project named after him in my next session. The Demerzel Initiative must be stopped.
that's a sibylline prophecy…
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (cetiah)
Let's use corpscrip as an example. If Ares is producing and selling more goods than NeoNet, then the value of Ares' corpscrip will be higher. More people are buying Ares corpscrip than NeoNet corpscrip, so the price raises for those selling Ares corpscrip.

There's a problem with this example. Page 52 of Corporate Shadowfiles says that since at least the 2050s, to use corpscrip you need to prove that you are an employee of the issuing corporation. This includes trading of the scrip. Even possession of the scrip by a non-employee is illegal. Of course this doesn't stop creative shadowrunners from using and trading corpscrip on the black market, but it will limit the widescale trading of corporate currencies and will keep Joe Wageslave from trading his corpscrip for any other corpscrip.

For the nuyen to be useful, there has to be one controlling bank issuing the currency that all others abide by, making it the "official" standard currency of the world

There is. That bank would be the aforementioned Zurich-Orbital Gemeinshaft Bank. The ZOG is controlled by the Big Ten megacorps; they each own an equal share and put directors on the board. There are very, very strict controls prohibiting ZOG directors from making decisions to benefit their particular corp, extending even to an Omega Order against the offending corporation (and a death penalty for the director).

or companies in Japan has to have an incredibly strong export market as people and companies all over the world are trying to acquire japanese nuyen to buy from japanese-based companies and others who deal with the currency with the assumption that they could always use their nuyen to buy from Japan.

This is also true. Even in 2071, the Japanese Imperial State probably has the largest export market in the world.
QUOTE (cetiah)
Today, the United States is used as a standard for international trade because of its strong export market, but its position is declining and a lot of people are worried that if the "trade deficit" doesn't get corrected, a sharp decline in the international value of the dollar will cause people to try to get rid of them in favor of currencies with increasing value, prompting a sharp decline in the buying power of Americans.

I wouldn't call a trade deficit of several hundred billion dollars an indicator of a strong export market.

As far as I have read (I'm no expert in financial matters), the US currency stands on two feet:
a) petrodollars
If you have to pay for oil in dollars, you need to have dollars. That one is pretty obvious.
There are people who say the US invaded Iraq because they started selling oil exclusively in euros instead of dollars.

b) the asian countries get the greatest slice of the trade deficit. It is said they artificially support the dollar so the US keep on importing their goods. This can't go on forever, of course.

QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
QUOTE (cetiah)
Let's use corpscrip as an example. If Ares is producing and selling more goods than NeoNet, then the value of Ares' corpscrip will be higher. More people are buying Ares corpscrip than NeoNet corpscrip, so the price raises for those selling Ares corpscrip.

There's a problem with this example. Page 52 of Corporate Shadowfiles says that since at least the 2050s, to use corpscrip you need to prove that you are an employee of the issuing corporation. This includes trading of the scrip. Even possession of the scrip by a non-employee is illegal. Of course this doesn't stop creative shadowrunners from using and trading corpscrip on the black market, but it will limit the widescale trading of corporate currencies and will keep Joe Wageslave from trading his corpscrip for any other corpscrip.

Which was my point when I was talking about the Company Store Policy. If that is what you pay the wageslaves with and they can only spend it within the corp, then the corp strongly controls them.
C-Bills. Heh. Hehehe... BWAHAAAHAAAAAH!

Hmmm... Nah. It's a good idea, to be sure, but the 6th World isen't due to becom the 7th for something like 10,000 years, whereas Battletech is due to start in what, the 2400s? Even though I like the idea of Dragons getting shot from the sky by Atlases, I just don't see it. Mores the pity.
Heh, even worse than that. BT Timline has Kearny and Fuchida doing their work in 2020, and the first launch of a interstellar ship (The Columbia, a subluminal vessel) in 2027.

Nothing a good world reset/massive retcon can't fix. nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Demerzel @ Jan 24 2007, 08:47 PM)
Heh, even worse than that.  BT Timline has Kearny and Fuchida doing their work in 2020, and the first launch of a interstellar ship (The Columbia, a subluminal vessel) in 2027.

Nothing a good world reset/massive retcon can't fix. nyahnyah.gif

There's no reason to assume this hasn't happened? smile.gif
Think about it... awakened mechwarriors...
SL James
QUOTE (Wakshaani)
Skip ahead twenty in-game years to 2070 and, wow, what a difference. Germany's Saeder-Krupp has taken Fuchi's spot as the top corp

Saeder-Krupp was always the top corp.
QUOTE (SL James)
QUOTE (Wakshaani @ Jan 24 2007, 12:32 PM)
Skip ahead twenty in-game years to 2070 and, wow, what a difference. Germany's Saeder-Krupp has taken Fuchi's spot as the top corp

Saeder-Krupp was always the top corp.

You would think the other corps would have had their Board of Director's meeting to answer the question, "When are we going to get our own dragon CEO?"
SL James
QUOTE (Charon)
IMO, given the setting, the world should have made a move toward a unified currency supported by the Gemeinshaft bank on ZO.  Such an outcome would allow the Big 10 to essentially dictate the intrest rates over the whole planet. 

Considering that monetary policy is one of the few way a government can directly and effectively influence economy, it is very cyberpunkish for them to lose this control.

That's because the Court and Z-OG aren't run by idiots.

There are several reason why there are multiple Federal Reserve Banks in the United States. This is one--interest rates can fluctuate significantly enough within an economy that to maintain one set of interest rates to would cripple a global economy in which there are always going to be fluctuations in inflation and output.

QUOTE (cetiah)
QUOTE (SL James @ Jan 24 2007, 11:07 PM)
QUOTE (Wakshaani @ Jan 24 2007, 12:32 PM)
Skip ahead twenty in-game years to 2070 and, wow, what a difference. Germany's Saeder-Krupp has taken Fuchi's spot as the top corp

Saeder-Krupp was always the top corp.

You would think the other corps would have had their Board of Director's meeting to answer the question, "When are we going to get our own dragon CEO?"

And then they come to their fucking senses and realize, "Hey! Lofwyr is S-K's Board of Directors! Damn that!"
QUOTE (SL James @ Jan 24 2007, 11:16 PM)
QUOTE (Charon)
IMO, given the setting, the world should have made a move toward a unified currency supported by the Gemeinshaft bank on ZO.  Such an outcome would allow the Big 10 to essentially dictate the intrest rates over the whole planet. 

Considering that monetary policy is one of the few way a government can directly and effectively influence economy, it is very cyberpunkish for them to lose this control.

That's because the Court and Z-OG aren't run by idiots.

There are several reason why there are multiple Federal Reserve Banks in the United States. This is one--interest rates can fluctuate significantly enough within an economy that to maintain one set of interest rates to would cripple a global economy in which there are always going to be fluctuations in inflation and output.

What are you talking about? There's still only one Federal Open Marketing Committee controlling the policy of the Federal Reserve Banks, just as there would be only one Corporate Court.

Also, I believe the Bank of Canada, Bank of Japan, and Bank of England are all examples of sole central banks.
QUOTE (BishopMcQ)
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig @ Jan 24 2007, 11:57 AM)
That's because he isn't in the official Shadowtalker list.

Which is... a very unfortunate decision.

True, but it may be possible for him to make an appearance in one of the fiction pieces or short articles.

I think just on this note. It's becuase he's retired or something. If you follow the fluff from SF he made a killing on the Novatech IPO. Add to that, that he was a stock broker before and likely kept playing the game for a good long while, he probably made so much money there's little reason for him to keep playing the shadow game.

Though it would be nice to see him pop in again once in a while.
FWIW, it's generally understood among economists that the world is not an optimum currency area, almost by definition.
QUOTE (Kesslan)
Though it would be nice to see him pop in again once in a while.

Retiring doesn't mean you'd stop being active in the online shadow community, just that you stopped doing runs. I'm sure he still has investments and keeping his ear to the ground in the shadow community would probably be an asset to someone investing in the corporations that are being talked about.



"Hi Pete! It's me, FJ. How's Maupiti?"

"Oh, Jack! Thanks for calling. Maupiti's good, good. Far better than when it had tourists."

"So you finally kicked them all out?"

"I kept the maids, though. Always loved Gauguin."

"I'd bet... Say, I have some people asking for an update of the ol' Corp Download, and I thought that perhaps you could chip in. Interested?"

"Oh man, I've already told you that retired means retired. It's nice that you remembered me, though."

"Well, I had to try, y'know? Especially after the rumours."

"Rumours? What rumours?"

"Oh, just a little story from one of my friends, about Cara Villiers and Aurelius Jr. It's probably screamsheet stuff, nothing you should worry about. It's not like my friend found a transcript on a secure node, or anything like that."


"Pete? Still there?"

"Damn you, Jack. Send me what you have, I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks, I knew I could count on you. See ya!"


One comment. While countries making moves to have their currencies gain more use and power would make for a couple interesting adventures. I would generally advise against simply running a campaign in Seatle with dollars. Part of the genre is that things are different. A little bit of futureshock and a little bit of flavor when speaking IC (which is why I would advise using the slang even though you can say fuck or whatever at the gaming table). So I'd always have a different form of currency in my game.
The question is how do I get the D&D adict in my game to stop calling them geepee?
Say "nuyen" under your breath every time he does it? wink.gif
Subtract a karma each time he does. He'll clean up in a hurry.
Convert his money to GP, that's Gaetronics Print, their particular brand of corp script (note: I'm making stuff up) which is worth about 80% of a nuyen. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk)
Convert his money to GP, that's Gaetronics Print, their particular brand of corp script (note: I'm making stuff up) which is worth about 80% of a nuyen. biggrin.gif

That's actually a pretty good deal. smile.gif Assuming prices remained constant (which is a stupid assumption, but oh well), he'd have 20% more cash to work with but could only buy stuff from Gaetronics.
QUOTE (eidolon)
Say "nuyen" under your breath every time he does it? wink.gif

I had this problem. That was what I did. Except after a few times I stopped whispering and just yelled it. Four or five times of that, he came around, and I felt much better as well. smile.gif




good ol telephones, kinda takes ya back.
Yea, I still pantomime holding up a phone receiver to signal to my players that I'm in the persona of the person they are trying to call... Feels a little wierd given the setting.
QUOTE (Demerzel)
Yea, I still pantomime holding up a phone receiver to signal to my players that I'm in the persona of the person they are trying to call... Feels a little wierd given the setting.

Maybe hold up your hands in the "I'm on TV" gesture if you have any idea what I'm talking about. That would get the idea across that they can see who they're talking to.
QUOTE (sunnyside)
Maybe hold up your hands in the "I'm on TV" gesture if you have any idea what I'm talking about. That would get the idea across that they can see who they're talking to.

I always make a point to slip in how the person is taking the call.

"The call goes through, but he has the video feed blacked out. 'Yeah?'"

"He answers, and he looks like hell. Maybe you woke him up?"

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