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Moto42 Again
From the UB, too Bug City, to the Ark, to Horrors, too Shedim, too The Year of the Comet, too Deuce's great escape, too The Crash 2.0!
And then.... blank, as far as I can tell.
The once dynamic Sixth World just ties up it's loose ends at the end of the Crash and settles into an almost routine mode of shadowbussiness as ussual. Sure it's exciting at times, but there's not anything Really Major going on.
Am I just missing it, or is there more cool stuff in the pipe or what?
Herald of Verjigorm
SR4 needs a few years to finish the rules, then they can start with the plot again.
Ancient History
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm)
SR4 needs a few years to finish the rules, then they can start with the plot again.

Yeah, we know there are setting material supplements in the world, let's just give them time. Hasn't there been a couple releases out so far? Runner Havens is all I can think of at the moment. But everything we've been hearing about Emergence (which isn't much) sounds cool.
QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm)
SR4 needs a few years to finish the rules, then they can start with the plot again.

Actually, the first SR4 plot book Emergence plus a second as-yet-unnamed book are scheduled for a 2007 release.

So far we've gotten mainly rules but also one adventure (On The Run) and one setting book (two if you count the German-only München Noir).
And those already contain seeds for future plots like the upcoming elections in Seattle and the possible independence issue...
Plus, y'know, you can always try to muddle through like your primitive ancestors and run the game without canned adventure modules.

I mean, your the player/GM, you tell me "what's going on now?"
In the absence of Emergence, I would roll back to System Failure. With the information in SF and the history section at the beginning of SR4, I've had ample material to work with.

Generally, the metaplot acts as a backdrop where events are going on in the background changing the world around the runners, with occasional focuses on specific activities like sabotaging a comet probe. My team generally tries to not get involved in the affairs of dragons and CEOs because expendable asset takes a new meaning when it's their lives. Of course, they don't always have a choice...
Demonseed Elite
There are also elements in existing SR4 books that may or may not ramp up to significant metaplots. Either way, they are still plot hooks you can use for your own devious plans.

Examples from Runner Havens Hong Kong:

- 9x9 anti-corporate terrorists (who is backing them? how do they operate? what might they accomplish?)

- Bureau of Heaven and Earth (A bunch of monks led by a possible cyberzombie working with technomancers and AIs?)

- Triad Bleeding ritual magic (who taught the Triads blood magic and why? What might they do with that knowledge?)

- The Hong Kong Executive Council "elections" (Renraku has been at the top of the heap for years, but now that's about to change. Who will take charge and how will that shape Hong Kong?)
And on the Seattle side, things you can use:

-The Governor's racec has come up again and again for our group

- Had a great game wit the Halloweeners and they're new leader Nightmare. "he" was Slash and Burn brought back by a powerful shadow spirit who he made a pact with , ,and made magically active. Figured, if the PC's can occassionally go for the over the top character...

- mafia on the rise, yakuza possible problems. Shotozumi's daughter has returnred to the fold. Meanwhile they took a hit from the whole vying to replace Akira Watada, and that spy in their midst just keeps climbing the ranks.
Jeremiah Legacy
QUOTE (Moto42 Again @ Jan 24 2007, 05:00 PM)
The once dynamic Sixth World just ties up it's loose ends at the end of the Crash and settles into an almost routine mode of shadowbussiness as ussual. Sure it's exciting at times, but there's not anything Really Major going on.
Am I just missing it, or is there more cool stuff in the pipe or what?

As a parent of a toddler, I can assure you that there is nothing more terrifying than quiet.

"It's been three minutes since she went in there and I don't hear her breaking anything or laughing. She's up to something she knows is wrong."
Have a 2 yr old. Lnow exactly how ya feel.

Quiet before the storm. Besides that, there is a major plot book in the works, as well as RH of course, which has lots of little hooks seeded in it. They're jsut pumping out all the rules books at the moment.
Lady Door
That reminds me... where is our two year old?

and... what do you mean there is a new plot book in the works? What's up? Stupid rules, I want my metaplots!!
Emergence is the next one coming out. THat's the one w/ all the technomancecrs and such that I know you hate so. I know you'd be happy if they wrote up Harlequins Back Again, but wacha gonna do? biggrin.gif
Lady Door
I could try writing it myself... but you know how much I hate clowns.
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