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Full Version: RL Troll mod bike
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Straight Razor
Kyoto Kid
...just hope it doesn't throw a rod or blow a head gasket, that could be painful.

Still, pretty damn fine piece of machinery. Could be the prototype for the Lawmaster series.
Pretty cool. Street legal, huh?

If I could afford it, though, I'd want a Dodge Tomahawk

HA! Rolling sculpture to display the Viper engine, riiiiight.
Keep us updated on how this thing performs during the show?

Oh, and that Tommahawk is insane. Maybe they'll do a race with it sometime, that would be sweet.

How many bikes like this do you think see the Combat Biking stage? A lot, or are they simply too unreliable for the arena?
QUOTE (Straight Razor)

Or what many custom bikes would end up looking like when the rigger gets them fast enough.
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