Kyoto Kid
Jan 25 2007, 03:50 PM
...just hope it doesn't throw a rod or blow a head gasket, that could be painful.
Still, pretty damn fine piece of machinery. Could be the prototype for the Lawmaster series.
Jan 25 2007, 04:07 PM
Pretty cool. Street legal, huh?
If I could afford it, though, I'd want a
Dodge Tomahawk-karma
Jan 25 2007, 04:24 PM
HA! Rolling sculpture to display the Viper engine, riiiiight.
Jan 26 2007, 08:57 PM
Keep us updated on how this thing performs during the show?
Oh, and that Tommahawk is insane. Maybe they'll do a race with it sometime, that would be sweet.
How many bikes like this do you think see the Combat Biking stage? A lot, or are they simply too unreliable for the arena?
Jan 27 2007, 12:27 AM
Or what many custom bikes would end up looking like when the rigger gets them fast enough.