Jan 26 2007, 03:34 AM
Hey, on Shadowrun: Denver, we had a question come up tonight. I quote:
QUOTE (Ash @ SR:Denver MUSH) |
Odd question. If a spell drain level goes above D by its modifiers, do you have to roll an extra 2 successes past that point to lower it in resist, or is D the maximum, meaning you never need more than 8 successes on a drain resistance to take no drain? |
Herald of Verjigorm
Jan 26 2007, 03:51 AM
The other option I've seen supported comes from this line in MitS:
QUOTE (p. 54 Drain Code) |
If the modifiers increase the Drain Level to Deadly, any additional Drain Level modifiers increase the the Drain Power by +2. |
So, that 5D fireball would have a drain of 5D (5/2=2; +1; +2 to not go above deadly damage level) if I remember by drain formula correctly.
Along those lines, I once tried creating the ultimate elemental manipulation. Extended area of effect, and every elemental type. Came out to something like (+1)+11, so the drain was 18D when cast at 1L.