Jan 30 2007, 11:19 PM
I introduce to y'all the AMCA Troupes Aerol Portees Mle. 56... I did a quick search to see if anyone has mentioned this vehicle yet, didn't see anything though I did find the old thread for the Jet Beetle in the original
Fun Rigger Stuff thread.
Anyway, enjoy!
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 7 2007, 02:54 PM
Took me a while to find it, but I have a picture of
the one superior armed transportation to the vespa-gun.
Kyoto Kid
Feb 7 2007, 03:47 PM
...I once considered designing a paintball gun for my mountain bike to tag the cars of idiots who cut me off or don't give enough room as they speed on by. Of course I would use non washable paint.
As to the Vespa, hmmm, a Dodge Scoot with an Ares Alpha (GV4)...nice
Feb 7 2007, 04:21 PM
Hah, nice, Herald, very nice.
Feb 7 2007, 04:43 PM
Suddenly I find myself wondering what the body rating for a Clydesdale is.