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Cedric Rolfsson
Okay, so I'll polish up a finalized CS and PM it to you along with a more detailed history.
sent in my matrix meeting
My Matrix meeting is in as well.
Matrix meeting and sheet sent in.

Fleshing out contacts now.
I'm finishing up on my sheet and leaning towards a mundane (non-adept) unless adepts is the direction we are heading.
I think the rule of the day is 'make whatever you want.' We're not doing the all-movement adept group. Cool as it might have been.
In case anybody wonders, I've gone for the big troll sammy type, instead of an adept version. He's one tough trog and can more than hold his own in battle.
I'll be making the ganger more 'organic' to start off. That meaning no heavy cyberware, possibly none at all. For the moment.
And Grayson is a disguise adept. Mostly. Sorta. He's a social hacker.
Meeting sent.
Will send mine and the completed character sheet during the next few days (probably tomorrow). smile.gif

Cedric Rolfsson
I should have a polished CS and meeting off today.
Kilroy meeting PMed.
Ok, working through the onslaught as best I can. Almost have the first fully complete, a couple more are in sight of the finish line.. <G>
Here's a status update on the game and the next steps:
---- Complete.
Tigger [Trigger]
-- The following are waiting on me:
Buzz [Draug] is one final pass from complete. Should be completed today.
-- I am awaiting the following:
Rex [Godogen] Final step. Completion after final detail clarification.
Cynic [Cedric] Starting final steps. Awaiting reply to character details.
Whisper [Storm] will enter the final stages once I get an equipment list.
Grayson [ES_Sparky]: Finalize interview. Submit completed character based upon draft.
DJ [Syndicate_Killer]: Submit character.
Aeryn [Thanee]: Submit Interview. Submit completed character based upon draft.
Assuming all players continue in the character creation process and complete their characters, there will be two teams formed. Both teams will share an OOC thread but I will create two separate IC thread. It is also possible that a character may cross IC threads given that both teams will be working for Kilroy. I will work out the details to that as we get there and discontinue that experiment if it proves cumbersome.

I also plan on having a prologue period of posting prior to the first meet with Mr Johnson. This is to give the players and myself a little more time to try on the characters and take them out for a drive. The histories and interviews, as well as the various PMs to clarify character details are giving me a good feel for each character. To that end, I may open up the threads before all characters are complete with any interaction being a the design to give players a feel for the world.

I've sent him my finalized character sheet.
Rex is now complete.
QUOTE (RedJack)
To that end, I may open up the threads before all characters are complete with any interaction being a the design to give players a feel for the world.

I'd suggest that you rather do this as a single thread. That way, we can all read each other's stuff too. Assuming no-one's a bloody metagamer, we can then get a feel of each other's characters in a cool way.

EDIT: Plus, you don't clutter up the forum. wink.gif

EDIT 2: I also suggest posting thoughts in italic and commlink stuff in black.
Will get that CS to you quickly.
QUOTE (Redjack)
Aeryn [Thanee]: Submit Interview. Submit completed character based upon draft.
Assuming all players continue in the character creation process and complete their characters, there will be two teams formed. Both teams will share an OOC thread but I will create two separate IC thread. It is also possible that a character may cross IC threads given that both teams will be working for Kilroy.

Sounds cool (the prologue part is also a good idea smile.gif).

Will see that I complete my stuff on sunday.

Interview finalized.

Gear and polishing up the character sheet will happen this weekend.
---- Complete.
Tigger [Trigger]
Buzz [Draug]
Rex [Gobogen]
---- Complete.
Tigger [Trigger]
Buzz [Draug]
Rex [Godogen]

huh.. gobogen cool.gif
QUOTE (gobogen)
huh.. gobogen cool.gif

I think its a case of mild dyslexia.. twirl.gif
Sorry 'bout that.
---- Complete.
Tigger [Trigger]
Buzz [Draug]
Rex [Gobogen]
Whisper [Storm]

EDIT: OOC is up.
Yes, yes, I'm hurrying already. smile.gif

QUOTE (Thanee)
Yes, yes, I'm hurrying already. smile.gif

Sorry - Not meaning to hurry everyone. The original starting time for the game is still a week away. I imagine the first run will not kick off actually for 2-3. No worries. biggrin.gif
I'm j/k, really. smile.gif But I will get things done later today. smile.gif

Character sheet is in your inbox, sending the job interview with Kilroy later.

If you need any further explanations or if anything looks wrong, let me know. smile.gif

Still squaring away equipment.
Cedric Rolfsson
Meeting sent, CS in process of sending,

Starting nuyen roll: (this is a good test for Invisible castle link)
[ Spoiler ]

Okay, I can't make the link show up, someone walk me through doing that please.
The link is there, click the line under "You can link to this roll at". wink.gif

It's just not visible very well, because the colors are a bit too similar.

Put [ color=black ] and [ /color ] (without the spaces near the brackets) around the link when you use it within spoilered text and you should be fine. smile.gif

Heh... you might say it's ...invisible.
Edit: Oops never mind.
Final equipment and sheet submitted.
I now have four done, 3 waiting on me and one who checked in (dealing with RL issues). Every is good to this point, tonight I should be able to tackle going through the character sheets waiting on me (or at least make a dent in them) and get back to each of you.

Got it done?

I'm just eager to play. smile.gif
IC threads open on Saturday. I have a few characters to complete, didn't get quite as far as I wanted last night and tonight is Valentines.. By Thursday night I will get all the outstanding characters to the next level.

If any issues are still to be resolved, I should be able to do so before saturday.

I will also send the job interview with Kilroy until then. smile.gif

Everything is now in.
I'd just like to check in and say hi to everyone. Some of you know me as 'ja' from other forums. I'm a long time gamer but this is my first Shadowrun game. I will be running drone rigger character. Hopefully it will be fun.
Heya, welcome aboard, kvasac.
Oy. Nice ta meet ya.

Now then, let's rock!
I am still familiarising myself with seting and game system. I have already discussed some concepts with RJ so I think I'll be in full gear soon.
Tigger (Ork Movement Adept) [ Trigger ]
Buzz (Ork Underground Explorer/Soldier) [ Draug ]
Markus (Troll Street Sam/Former Bouncer) [ Gobogen ]
Leah (Human Hermetic Mage) [ Storm ]

Last Step
Cynic (Human Wizkid Ganger) [ Cedric ]
Death Jester (Elven Ganger {Ancients}) [ Syndicate_Killer ]
Grayson (Human Social Adept ) [ ES_Sparky ]

Next to last step
Aeryn (Elven Smuggler/Former Ganger {Silent P's}) [ Thanee ]

In progress
Jake (Drone Rigger) [kvasac]

IC Thread to open in under 36 hours....
36h !

That's pretty exciting.

I can't wait to start playing smile.gif
Grayson (Human Social Adept ) [ ES_Sparky ]
Aeryn (Elven Smuggler/Former Ganger {Silent P's}) [ Thanee ]

kvasac is away this weekend and will be joining late.
24 hour count down...
Tigger (Ork Movement Adept) [ Trigger ]
Buzz (Ork Underground Explorer/Soldier) [ Draug ]
Markus (Troll Street Sam/Former Bouncer) [ Gobogen ]
Leah (Human Hermetic Mage) [ Storm ]
Cynic (Human Wizkid Ganger) [ Cedric ]
Death Jester (Elven Ganger {Ancients}) [ Syndicate_Killer ]
Grayson (Human Social Adept ) [ ES_Sparky ]
Aeryn (Elven Smuggler/Former Ganger {Silent P's}) [ Thanee ]

Rock and roll! IC thread incoming....
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