NOTE: This is a continuation of a discussion that was rapidly taking another thread off-course, that thread is here:
I've done some research on different loads that have been cooked up for usage from grenade launchers over the years. In doing so, I came accross a couple of rounds that I thought would be interesting to convert into SR4 rules. Details on these munitions follow:
M576 00-Buckshot Shell
These are packed with 27 pellets of 00 Buckshot, that is expelled from the barrel of the launcher at about 900 feet per second. For comparison, most 12-gauge shotguns loaded with this size of shot expel it at 1300-ish feet per second. These stubby flat topped cartridges are easy to differentiate from ist siblings by shape and the black color of the top of the cartridge.
XM1001 Flechette
These are experimental at this time, and as of right now are only intended for use from the MK-19 GMG (Grenade Machine Gun). Thing is, these could easily be adapted or re-designed for use from smaller individual weapons. These fire 115 2-inch darts. It is designed to be lethal to 100m from the mk-19.
An important note about both of these cartridges is that they are being fired from barrels significantly shorter than those of standard shotguns (assuming the 16" minimum barrel length is still around in 2060) combined with the denser shot cloud is going to result in much more rapid spread.
Im curious to see what you guys think the rules for these should be, as I am planning on doing these up for my site.
EDIT: Almost forgot to ask, should these use the Shotgun or Heavy weapons skill?