Mar 2 2007, 11:34 PM
While speaking with my gaming group about Street Magic, a bunch of us got on the topic of voodoo and hougans and also the movie Constantine and we got to thinking: What would Papa Midnite's sheet look like?
So if any of you are up to making his sheet or what would appear on his sheet, we'd certainly be interested in what it looks like as our GM was thinking of tossing him into a campaign as a feature guest character making an appearance.
Ancient History
Mar 2 2007, 11:48 PM
Lessee. Houngan, possession tradition. His watchers can definitely possess dead vessels. His particular curse would probably be best presented as a Spirit Pact. In proper voodoo fashion, he knows enough chemistry and/or enchanting to make Awakened drugs and/or magical compounds.
Hmm. The difficult part would be the bit with prostituting his dead sister's soul in hell for information...possibly a bound free ancestor spirit with her skull enchanted as a focus to aid with the binding.
Mar 3 2007, 12:11 AM
It wouldn't be that difficult to port over the old SR3 Ghost rules. Just treat ghosts as unique Free Spirits and the ghost chain as a hidden life vessel and spirit formula.
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