Apr 27 2007, 05:29 PM
I've gotten tired of the constant iggnoring Canada seems to get in the BBB and else where, soo I'm going to be writing up a series of city guides. Anyone know where to find canon material on Canuckistan? Any of my fellow Canucks want to help with this?
Apr 27 2007, 05:37 PM
Shadows of North America has info on Canada. Also, parts of Canada are NAN territory, so I imagine the NAN books would have stuff on Canada as well.
Apr 27 2007, 05:47 PM
There would be nothing in Canada. When the NAN took over the majority of all non-Natives got kicked out. Look at stats can, less than a million Natives. Can't see that number growing. I picture the majority of towns and cities as over run with trees and crumbling roads and buildings. The only places I can really see still being big are up north with oil sands or any town next to a mine, assuming that the NAN in question alowed that sort of thing.
Apr 27 2007, 06:11 PM
and the rest is part of UCAS so...
Apr 27 2007, 06:11 PM
I believe there was some info on Quebec in Corp Download, through the Cross Technologies section.
Apr 27 2007, 06:18 PM
A lot of the native tribes picked up non-native members just to bolster numbers, especially Metas.
As for info it is scattered everywhere. Shadows of North America is the most recent. There is an entire chapter on Quebec in that book. The two NAN books will help. Canada is ignored because there is even less of Canada left than the US.
Apr 27 2007, 06:32 PM
i hear Canadian magicians have to choose priority "eh" for magic.
Apr 27 2007, 06:56 PM
The thing about kicking all the non-natives out is that there also weren't really ny records at the time of who was and was not a "native". If you wanted to stay in the Algonkian-Manitou lands, you had to say that you were Manitou or Inuit or some other tribal affiliation that was recognized by the STC. But that's it - you just had to say that.
In short, kicking out all the non-tribals was more equivalent to the Ottoman Empire kicking out all the non-Muslims from Albania than it was to the Third Reich removing all the Slavs from the western USSR. Any Albanian could simply agree to "be a Muslim" and do things the Islamic way and keep their house, and any Canadian who agreed to embrace Inuit culture was welcome to stay in Nunavut when things got divided up.
And frankly, with Daniel Howling Coyote being able to change the weather and cause volcanic eruptions, there were a lot of converts. By the time other people caught up, the ability of Christian Theurges to heal the sick and walk on water was no longer impressive to the common man and European religions claimed few conversos back from the "natives".
Apr 27 2007, 07:01 PM
QUOTE (Meriss) |
I've gotten tired of the constant iggnoring Canada seems to get in the BBB and else where, soo I'm going to be writing up a series of city guides. Anyone know where to find canon material on Canuckistan? Any of my fellow Canucks want to help with this? |
That's not true, Shadows or North America has plenty of information on what used to be Canada. You should look that book up.
Apr 27 2007, 08:16 PM
Your Pardon, Backgammon. No fourth Edition stuffs.
Apr 27 2007, 08:20 PM
as long as its fluff, its still valid. as in, the SR storyline is continual from SR1 onwards. sure, there are a time gap between 206x that SoNA is set in, and the 2070's that SR4 covers, but not to much.
Apr 27 2007, 08:20 PM
Hmmm... Looks like I'll have to find a copy of SoNA then.
Apr 27 2007, 08:36 PM
It's a really good book, I recommend it.
Apr 27 2007, 08:44 PM
QUOTE (Backgammon) |
It's a really good book, I recommend it. |
Take population figures with a grain of salt, they do not add up.
Shadows of Europe and Shadows of Asia were put together in a much more integrated fashion, and the numeric values are a lot more coherent because of it. Still, the storyline in SoNA is quite engaging and large sections remain quite useful even nine years after the events described in it.
Apr 27 2007, 08:51 PM
I'm still doing my city guides though. I'll bet they didn't include the GTA to GOA corridor cities.
Apr 27 2007, 09:06 PM
QUOTE (odinson) |
There would be nothing in Canada. When the NAN took over the majority of all non-Natives got kicked out. Look at stats can, less than a million Natives. Can't see that number growing. I picture the majority of towns and cities as over run with trees and crumbling roads and buildings. The only places I can really see still being big are up north with oil sands or any town next to a mine, assuming that the NAN in question alowed that sort of thing. |
Toronto now is bigger than Seattle in 2070 in SR4. Without crossing the provincial border there are over ten million people within two hours drive of the city. The Toronto to Buffalo crescent is the third largest industrial/population node in Canada / USA. With the exodus from NAN territories, Toronto would be a prime magnet for immigration from the rest of former Canada. With the loss of Los Angeles, it would be the number one movie/trideo centre in the UCAS. Anybody care to escort some starlets? Add in huge industry and shipping, and there are great possibilities for work in the shadows.
Back in the days of Virtual Seattle, I wrote some modules for the final series. One that didn't get published in time was a kidnapping of Claudia by agents of The Blind Man. She was taken to Toronto and being psycho-drained in the back lot of a movie studio. The powers-that-were wanted to call it "Great White North", but I liked my draft title better -- "Beaver Hunt".
And I got to flesh out vorpal beavers, too.
Apr 27 2007, 09:51 PM
Toronto now is bigger than Seattle in 2070 in SR4. Without crossing the provincial border there are over ten million people within two hours drive of the city. The Toronto to Buffalo crescent is the third largest industrial/population node in Canada / USA. |
I'm going to have to call you on those figures. According to, the population of the entire golden horshoe is only 8.6 million in 2006, making it smaller than Mexico City, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, and San Jose.
Apr 28 2007, 02:01 AM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
QUOTE | Toronto now is bigger than Seattle in 2070 in SR4. Without crossing the provincial border there are over ten million people within two hours drive of the city. The Toronto to Buffalo crescent is the third largest industrial/population node in Canada / USA. |
I'm going to have to call you on those figures. According to, the population of the entire golden horshoe is only 8.6 million in 2006, making it smaller than Mexico City, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, and San Jose. -Frank |
Wikipedia as a source? Well, OK. The population figure is for the Golden Horshoe only, all of which is one hour or less from Toronto. Another hour out adds a few million more.
The Toronto-to-Buffalo thing about being the third largest urbanized/industrial conglomerate (I can't remember the wording they used) comes from an initiative a few years ago by North-west New York State concerns that wanted to tap into the booming economy of Southern Ontario. Their calculation includes part of New York State.
Ontario builds more cars than Michigan does. Toronto by itself has about one-third of all the industry in Canada. Read further down in the Wikipedia article to see some examples for the region.
Jack Kain
Apr 28 2007, 02:39 AM
Asking for info on Canada in Shadowrun is like asking for info on the Soviet Union in real life. Its history. Canada went the way to the dodo and the United States.
What was Canada is now part of the UCAS and what 2-3 different countries in total.
Few cities get exacting details for SR material but most stuff focus on the UCAS. Which contains cities like Toronto and Thunder Bay.
Apr 28 2007, 03:23 AM
QUOTE (Jack Kain) |
Asking for info on Canada in Shadowrun is like asking for info on the Soviet Union in real life. Its history. Canada went the way to the dodo and the United States. What was Canada is now part of the UCAS and what 2-3 different countries in total.
Few cities get exacting details for SR material but most stuff focus on the UCAS. Which contains cities like Toronto and Thunder Bay. |
I kinda figured that. Dang, I liked Canada
Well I'm going to do some stuff to expand the uh state of Ontario. Huh that sounds weird. Well we can always use more SR stuff.
Apr 28 2007, 06:18 AM
I also remembered the few pages on Quebec. My favorite part is about the mayor of Quebec, Andrée Boucher III, being an orc. (for those interested, the actual mayor of quebec IS actually named andrée boucher and look like this:
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