Apr 30 2007, 05:22 PM
Ok, it states that upping an attribute requires Karma equal to 3xNew Rating.
Now, question. Does this mean that nonhumans are shafted?
ie, does this mean that if a Troll were to increase his Body from 6-7 (ie, the equivalent for a human increasing it from 1-2), that he has to pay 21 karma? Or is it more a case of the cost is related to your racial minimum, rather than zero?
Apr 30 2007, 05:25 PM
The basic Karma costs do indeed shaft Trolls who fail their min/maxxing checks at first level.
Both Serbitar's BP = Karma system and my Karma = BP system address that problem in various ways.
Apr 30 2007, 07:11 PM
Min-max like hell my big, horned friend.
Apr 30 2007, 07:35 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
Both Serbitar's BP = Karma system and my Karma = BP system address that problem in various ways.
Are either of these online somewhere? If so could you please post a link?
Apr 30 2007, 08:20 PM
QUOTE (TheRedRightHand) |
QUOTE (FrankTrollman @ Apr 30 2007, 12:25 PM) |
Both Serbitar's BP = Karma system and my Karma = BP system address that problem in various ways.
Are either of these online somewhere? If so could you please post a link?
Serbitar's rules are linked from his signature:
SerbitarMy rules were discussed
Apr 30 2007, 08:30 PM
everyone complains that metahumans are overpowered anyways, this is one way to keep them balanced.
Apr 30 2007, 08:32 PM
Obviously, no one has seen what a human with 8 edge can do.
Apr 30 2007, 09:03 PM
Yea, but that human has to deal with that extra cost associated with the increased stat the same way a meta has to deal with an enhanced stat...
Apr 30 2007, 10:24 PM
Ouch! 8 edge. Ye gods above!
"I use edge to blow the troll away with one shot."
"But you only have a firearms of 1 and an agility of 3"
*on a side note I was rather surprised that dragons didn't have more edge lol. One would wonder whether great elves would be allowed to have more as well.
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